Closed Bug 124574 (CTL-request) Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

please add CTL in BugZilla's Browser-Component list


( :: Administration, task)

Not set





(Reporter: arthit.suriyawongkul, Assigned: asa)


(Keywords: intl)

CTL (Complex Text Layout) Component is for handle languages
like Hebrew, Arabic, Thai.

this Component is already in the Mozilla browser code,
but not have a name in the BugZilla's Browser-Component list yet.
add it to the list will help developers/users
find/report the bugt more easy, more specific.

BiDi Component is one of the example,
BiDi has been add to the Browser-Component list already.

keyword: i18n, CTL
Keywords: intl
fixing component/owner
Assignee: endico → asa
Component: Bugzilla: Other Issues → Bugzilla: Keyword & Component Changes
QA Contact: myk → timeless
If this is a component then please provide a description, qa and assignee.
most of the code inside this block

#ifdef SUNCTL

(e.g. in /cvsroot/mozilla/gfx/src/gtk/nsFontMetricsGTK.cpp)
component_name="CTL" or "Complex Text Layout"
description=Complex Text Layout, layout component for complex text like thai,
tamil, hindi etc. (or are there other
volunteers ?) ?
This is something other than BiDi? There are as many bugs in this area as there
are in BiDi? Enough to warrant adding one more component to the hundreds we
already have? In which components are these bugs currently filed?  How many do
we have?
CTL may work together with BiDi in many places,
but there're still many CTL languages that don't use any BiDi functionality.
for example, Thai lanuage, ligatures.

CTL --> Complex Text Layout
character/text appearance depends on context,
same character may has more than one appearance/position.

BiDi --> Bi-Directional
the direction of text depends on the context (e.g. number) 

CTL and BiDi may often come together, but they are _not_ the same.
Do we have a specific person that will be responsible for handling bugs in this
component? Do we have a QA contact?
Asa Dotzler wrote:
> Do we have a specific person that will be responsible for handling bugs in 
> this component? Do we have a QA contact?

See comment #4 ...
Roland, your nomination for assignees is just that. unless owners step forward
and take responsibility I'm not going to thrust a component on them.
please reopen if we have a developer willing to own this and a qa contact
willing to triage and verify these bugs. 
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
possible languages in CTL group:
Thai, Hebrew, Hindi, Arabic
Alias: CTL-request

This is to let you know that i am the developer of the existing ctl component
and also that i will take ownership of the bugs, rfe (whatever else) for Thai
and Indian languages in *nix (support for which will be added to ctl component
in near future).

I will need help from someone like Roland and Masaki(katakai) since i do not
have cvs access. I do not have Windows and MAC expertise though the ctl
extension code is XP and may need someone from Netscape I18n team for bugs
related to that.


Pl look at the comment #12. In addition, pl consider the following:
A> Thai component has now moved from being in extensions (extensions/ctl) to
part of main codebase (intl/ctl).
B> Over the last year, thai ctl feature has been regularly used and numerous
bugs have been reported on this component.
Resolution: WONTFIX → ---
The BugZilla Admin needs the following questions answered:
1. Who is the default owner ?
2. Who is the QA contact for these bugs ?
3. What is the name of the new component ?

My answers:
[1] Default owner should be "Prabhat Hegde <>"
[2] Default QA should be "Arthit Suriyawongkul <>"
[3] Name of component should be "CTL" (long form: "Complex Text Layout")

Remaining issues:
- Default owner (e.g. you) has to agree _here_ that he wants to take the
ownership (and really want all the BugZilla spam in your InBox)
- Default QA (e.g. Arthit Suriyawongkul) has to agree _here_ that he wants to
take the default QA (alternatively I can take the default QA (yes, I agree :))
- You have state that the information in [3] is correct
Yes to default owner and ownership of bugs - prabhat.  
yes, for default QA of CTL bug.
(you can join me also na, roland :))
Do you need any further info/details or is that enougth ?
asa ok'd this.
Closed: 23 years ago22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: Bugzilla: Keywords & Components → Administration
Product: →
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