Closed Bug 1247704 Opened 8 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Top bar at Black Duck Software page moves oddly when scrolling


(Web Compatibility :: Desktop, enhancement, P5)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: RyanVM, Unassigned)




(Keywords: correctness, Whiteboard: gfx-noted [needscontact])


(3 files)

Laggy and randomly disappears when scrolling. Kats says it's a known class of issues w/ APZ.
They're using a scroll listener to change position:relative to position:fixed, when they should be able to get by using position:sticky instead.
Blocks: apz-desktop
Whiteboard: [apz-evangelism]
Contact page:

Kats: I don't understand this bug completely yet. I'm pasting the whole JS emulation of position:sticky below just for reference, it doesn't really explain the effect I see.

First the logo is top left, then when you start scrolling down and I expect the logo to start disappearing upwards it will instead show up in the center, next to the word "Rookies" in the header or so, for a split second before the sticky effect kicks in. I'll attach a screenshot.

I guess they "should" use position:sticky instead of JS, but .. seriously, why does Firefox all of a sudden decide to paint a logo you're scrolling upwards *below* its original location? If that oddity wasn't happening, the page would work pretty smoothly with APZ, just as it did before.

(function ($) {
  $(document).ready(function () {
    var $sticky = $('.superhero-sticky');
    var css = $('<style>').attr({
      type: 'text/css'
    css.append('.superhero-sticky.fixed{top:0; width:100%; z-index:1000; background-color:#fff}');
    $(window).bind('scroll', sp_sticky);
    function sp_sticky() {
      var offsetTop = $(window).scrollTop();
      if ($(window).width() <= 980) {
      if (offsetTop > $sticky.offset().top && $(window).width() > 980) {
        $sticky.attr('data-offset-top', $sticky.offset().top);
          position: 'fixed'
        setTimeout(function () {
          var h = $sticky.height() + parseInt($sticky.css('marginTop')) + parseInt($sticky.css('marginBottom'));
          var nm = parseInt($'marginTop'));
        }, 1);
          marginTop: $sticky.height() + 'px'
        $(window).unbind('scroll', sp_sticky);
        $(window).bind('scroll', sp_unsticky);
    function sp_unsticky() {
      var offsetTop = $(window).scrollTop();
      if ($(window).width() <= 980) {
        var h = $sticky.height() + parseInt($sticky.css('marginTop')) + parseInt($sticky.css('marginBottom'));
        var nm = parseInt($'marginTop'));
          marginTop: (nm - h) + 'px'
      if (offsetTop <= $'offset-top') && $(window).width() > 980) {
          position: 'relative'
        setTimeout(function () {
          var h = $sticky.height() + parseInt($sticky.css('marginTop')) + parseInt($sticky.css('marginBottom'));
          var nm = parseInt($'marginTop'));
        }, 1);
          marginTop: 0
        $(window).unbind('scroll', sp_unsticky);
        $(window).bind('scroll', sp_sticky);
}) (jQuery);
Flags: needinfo?(bugmail.mozilla)
Attached image IMG_20160212_152837807.jpg (deleted) —
Here's a screenshot of the effect I'm wondering if we can avoid..
Oh interesting, I didn't see that when I first tried the page, but I can definitely see it now. That does seem like a Gecko bug, I'll look into it.
Component: Desktop → Panning and Zooming
Flags: needinfo?(bugmail.mozilla)
Product: Tech Evangelism → Core
Whiteboard: [apz-evangelism]
Attached video Video of glitch (deleted) —
Here's a video of the glitch. In QuickTime you can drag the slider frame by frame and you can see there's one frame where the header is out of place.

Next steps would be to get the layer dumps and see why the header is wrong for that one frame.
Keywords: correctness
Whiteboard: gfx-noted
I'm not convinced this is an APZ issue, as I see the same glitch using the down keyboard arrow to scroll. And I think I see it intermittently on Release (44) as well, although it's not as reproducible there.
I can also reproduce the glich on Google Chrome50.0.2638.0 as well as ESR38 on Windows7.

1. Open
2. After loading is finished, mouse hover the orange rectangle (this step is not necessary, but in order to easily reproduce)
3. Turn mouse wheel by one tick 

the orange rectangle jumps moment
I confirm it also reproduces in Chrome. This code is first setting to "fixed", then they set a 1ms timeout (!?) to add the class name "fixed". The class name says where they actually want the element rendered (note the top:0):

.superhero-sticky.fixed {
    top: 0;
    width: 100%;
    z-index: 1000;
    background-color: #fff;

They should probably just add position:fixed to that CSS and simply add the classname immediately.
Severity: normal → enhancement
Priority: -- → P5
Summary: Top bar at Black Duck Software page doesn't play nicely with APZ → Top bar at Black Duck Software page moves oddly when scrolling
Whiteboard: gfx-noted → gfx-noted [needscontact]
No longer blocks: apz-desktop
Component: Panning and Zooming → Desktop
Product: Core → Tech Evangelism
They've redesigned their header, so let's close this.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Product: Tech Evangelism → Web Compatibility
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