Open Bug 1256677 (apz-checkerboard) Opened 8 years ago Updated 2 years ago

[meta] Minimize checkerboarding


(Core :: Panning and Zooming, defect, P3)





(Reporter: kats, Unassigned)


(Depends on 3 open bugs)


(Keywords: meta, Whiteboard: [gfx-noted])

We have a number of bugs filed for "regular" checkerboarding, which is something that is unavoidable with APZ. However, we can definitely work to reduce the amount of checkerboarding that users see, with the unattainable goal of zero checkerboarding. Or perhaps a more realistic goal based on telemetry data.

However, it's not useful to have a bunch of bugs opened for individual websites because often "fixing" checkerboarding for one website will make it worse for a lot of others. In general any attempt we make to reduce checkerboarding should be done in a general way and the results measured using the telemetry probes we have installed.

So what I propose is that we dupe all the "regular checkerboarding on X site" to this bug, and if we have specific ideas on how to reduce overall checkerboarding, we file those as individual bugs that block this one. The bugs duped to this one may provide useful information in terms of about:checkerboard logs.

Note that in some cases checkerboarding encountered on a particular site is exceptionally bad, usually due to some case that we're not handling properly (e.g. bug 1251638). I'm not counting those bugs as "regular" checkerboarding, and they can be handled separately.
Alias: apz-checkerboard
According to telemetry [1] there was a small improvement in checkerboarding on Sep 9, for which the pushlog is [2]. From a quick glance bug 1295019 might have been the cause.

Depends on: 1295019
I talk with Kats on IRC about a bug with scroll bar, Here, you can see a screen recorder with the issue. Kats please see the video and tell me your opinion, thanks.
(In reply to ovidiu boca[:Ovidiu] from comment #16)
> I talk with Kats on IRC about a bug with scroll bar, Here,
> you can see a screen recorder with the issue.
> Kats please see the video and tell me your opinion, thanks.

That looks like bug 1251617. It's checkerboarding but during scrollbar drag.
Severity: normal → S3
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