Closed Bug 12759 Opened 25 years ago Closed 22 years ago

[RFE] Expand personal toolbar when contents don't fit


(SeaMonkey :: General, enhancement, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: akjames, Assigned: mpt)


How about adding the ability to change the vertical size of the personal toolbar
area so's a person could add more URL's than can be displayed in the current
(4.6.1) version? I use netscape on several different screen sizes, on some the
personal toolbar is just too narrow to accomodate all the URL's I want to have
easy access to.

James Back
Component: Browser-General → XPApps
Summary: expand 'personal toolbar' area of browser window → [RFE] Expand 'personal toolbar' area of browser window
Target Milestone: M14
It's probably better if it vertically sized to content.
Updating QA Contact.
QA Contact: paulmac → claudius
Move to M20.
Target Milestone: M20 → Future
Move to "Future" milestone.
i actually just removed the .gif for bookmark items, which cleared up tons of 

space.  technically, i replaced it with a null .gif, but the idea's the same.

Since Don has left, Vishy is taking his bugs in bulk, pending reassignment.
Assignee: don → vishy
nav triage team:

This would be good to have, but not sure we can get to this for beta1, marking 
nsbeta1-, reassigning to ben
Assignee: vishy → ben
Keywords: nsbeta1-
pardon the spam: personal toolbar bugs should go into the Bookmarks component.
so, i'm moving the existing ones from xp apps/xp apps: gui to there...
Component: XP Apps → Bookmarks
See bug 66919 for doing what IE does (creating a menu at the end of the 
personal toolbar when there are many items on the toolbar).  I actually like 
this idea better.
-> UID
Assignee: ben → mpt
Component: Bookmarks → User Interface Design
QA Contact: claudius → zach
Summary: [RFE] Expand 'personal toolbar' area of browser window → [RFE] Expand personal toolbar when contents don't fit
Another possible solution: bug 103543, let the user scroll the toolbar using 
a '<' button at the left and a '>' button at the right.
IMO, IE's left-overs option is the better solution. Increasing vertical spacing
would look unsightly, especially if it expands to three or more rows. Also, in
regards to the suggestion of using "<" and ">" scroll arrows, this idea is
better than increasing vertical spacing. However, it would be slow/cumbersome to
access specific bookmarks when there is a large amount of bookmarks (or tabs) if
this method is implemented. 

makes sense about adding < and > would cause slowdowns.

see 66919 for more enhancement ideas. :)
I'm beginning to think that IE has the correct solution (bug 66919, turn 
overflowed personal toolbar items into a dropdown menu).  I fill up my persoanl 
toolbar, so at smaller window sizes, this bug would make the personal toolbar 
expand to two rows.
Definitely. I hate to say it, but the way that IE does this with an >> that you
can click on to see additional bookmarks is a good idea. Some sort of "one
click" way to access any items on the Personal Toolbar that are not visible
would be very much appreciated.

Like many people out there (especially weblog users), I am a bigtime user of
bookmarklets, which I keep in my Personal Toolbar for quick access. I have ones
that automate searching, site translation, posting to various weblog services,
dictionary lookups, website design tasks, etc... probably about 15 in all. My
actual bookmarks folder is *HUGE*, and not as rapidly accessable. This is
probably the biggest usability issue that I have with Mozilla, which either
means that it's a great browser, or that you've overlooked something obvious.   
Yup, bug 66919 is the right way to fix this. Wontfix.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Component: User Interface Design → Browser-General
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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