Closed Bug 1276598 Opened 8 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Provide ability to apply custom filter for search results of the location bar


(WebExtensions :: Untriaged, defect)

Not set


(firefox49 affected)

Tracking Status
firefox49 --- affected


(Reporter: yuki, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [design-decision-denied]triaged[omnibox])

My addon "XUL/Migemo" provided ability to search history/bookmark/tabs from the location bar, with custom search conditions based on regular expressions. In other words, it applies custom filter for search results of unifiedcomplete. After XUL is ended, we need something to do it.

The addon replaces the component to provide searc hresults for "unifiedcomplete" autocomplete, with monky-patched version.
The difference of the original version is: if lists all history entries (or tabs) from the Places DB, but filter them with custom condition based on a given regular expression generated from the user input. As the result, the addon provides ability to find webpages from bookmarks or histories ignoring difference of phonetic modifiers (like accents).

This is similar to bugs about omnibox API (tracked at the bug 1166831), but I think they have different purposes for each. The omnibox API allows people to provide extra custom suggestion items but doesn't allow to replace default results. On the other hand, this planned API provides ability to custom default search results.
Oops, there is a fatal typo...

> if lists all history entries

*it* lists all history entries
Whiteboard: [design-decision-needed]triaged[omnibox]
If 1) the omnibox API provides ability to replace all results completely, and 2) if we can get search results from all histories and bookmarks like regular search results sorted by their "frequency" via other already-planned APIs, then, I think this proposal can be unnecessary and closed as duplicated.
Hi Piro, this has been added to the agenda for the May 23 WebExtension APIs triage. Would you be able to join us? 


I'll join to the meeting at IRC. Thanks.


Today I think this proposal is possibly obsolete. Originally I filed this bug to propose new API which is required to migrate my XUL/Migemo addon from XUL to WE, but other bugs for its other features were reconstructed based on the viewpoint: synonyms in Asian (and more) languages.

1276600 - improve asian language support in bookmarks/history query and search results
1353790 - Add ability to inject synonyms information for the find bar (in-page search)

After something new API described at these bugs (especially bug 1276600) is introduced, the API I described here seems not required for my migration, except ability of regular expression search.
Summary: Provide ability to apply custom filter for search results of the location bar → Add ability to inject synonyms information for the location bar (awesomebar/omnibar search)
Sorry I mistakenly changed the subject...
Summary: Add ability to inject synonyms information for the location bar (awesomebar/omnibar search) → Provide ability to apply custom filter for search results of the location bar
Flags: needinfo?(amckay)
Based on comment 4, it seems like we can close this bug.
Closed: 7 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(amckay)
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Whiteboard: [design-decision-needed]triaged[omnibox] → [design-decision-denied]triaged[omnibox]
Product: Toolkit → WebExtensions
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