Closed Bug 1300093 Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Closing microphone from Control Center will close the camera as well although they are opened from different iframes


(Firefox :: Site Permissions, defect)

51 Branch
Not set



Tracking Status
firefox51 --- affected


(Reporter: roxana.leitan, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [fxprivacy])


(1 file)

Attached file iframe.html (deleted) —
Affected versions]:
FF Nightly 51.0a1

[Affected platforms]:
Windows 10 x64, Mac OS X 10.10, Ubuntu 16.04 x64

[Steps to reproduce]:
1.Open the attached file in Firefox Nightly 51
2.In frame 1 click on Video and select Share Selected Device
3.In frame 2 click on Audio and select Share Selected Device
4.Click on "i" from the address bar and go to Permission section
5.Click on "X" button for Allow temporarily Use the Microphone

[Expected result]:
The microphone should stop and the camera should continue to be active

[Actual result]:
Microphone and camera are closed

[Additional notes]:
We consider that is confusing for users to get permission request for camera and microphone and then closing one of them will close the other as well. There will be cases in which the camera and microphone will be streamed separately(e.g.iframe case) and hence we see the necesity to handle each separately.
Let me know if a separate bug should be logged on this.
Depends on: 1300089
No longer depends on: 1300089
Whiteboard: [fxprivacy][triage]
(In reply to from comment #0)

> We consider that is confusing for users to get permission request for camera
> and microphone and then closing one of them will close the other as well.

I agree this is potentially confusing, but it's working as designed. I'm cc'ing jib and jesup who can decide if it's time to revisit this decision. One thing to keep in mind though is that the normal way to stop a stream is from the UI offered by the webpage. The UI we offer in the control center is more something users can use in an emergency if for some reason they no longer trust the website, or if the website seems broken. In such a case, it's better to stop sharing more aggressively than to keep sharing something the user may have wanted to stop sharing.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Whiteboard: [fxprivacy][triage] → [fxprivacy]
Thanks for the cc. I agree with Florian's description that the control center is perhaps aimed at broad-strokes swatting of permissions rather than fine tuned control (though see 1284102 comment 11 for an exception made for screensharing apparently). I think this is largely a UX decision.
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