Closed Bug 1308940 Opened 8 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Unify all option/preference icons across the firebug theme


(DevTools :: General, defect, P3)



(firefox50 affected, firefox51 affected, firefox52 affected, firefox53 affected, firefox54 affected)

Tracking Status
firefox50 --- affected
firefox51 --- affected
firefox52 --- affected
firefox53 --- affected
firefox54 --- affected


(Reporter: ccomorasu, Unassigned)




(1 file)

Attached image Comparison.png (deleted) —
[Affected versions]:

 Fx 50.0b5
 Fx 51.0a1
 Fx 52.0a2

[Affected platforms]:

 Windows 10 x64
 Ubuntu 14.04 
 Mac OS X 10.11

[Steps to reproduce]:

 1. Open Firefox.
 2. Open the console (F12).
 3. Hover over the "Toolbox Options" button.
 3. Go to the Performance tab and hover over the "Configure Performance preferences" button.

[Expected result]:

 The icons from "Toolbox Options" button and "Configure Performance preferences" button should have the same color and hover effect. All option/preference icons should be the same.

[Actual result]:

 The icons have different colors.

[Regression range]:

 This issue doesn't have a regression. 

[Additional notes]:

 a. The differences are in Light theme, Dark theme and Firebug theme.
 b. It is reproducible on Mac OS X 10.11, Ubuntu 14.04 and Windows 10 x 64.
 c. The "Configure Performance preferences" button and the "Style Editor options" button have the same color, only the "Toolbox Options" button is different.
 d. The picture from the attachment is a comparison between the buttons and the hover effect over the themes.
(In reply to Cristian Comorasu from comment #0)
> Created attachment 8799420 [details]
>  The icons from "Toolbox Options" button and "Configure Performance
> preferences" button should have the same color and hover effect.

Note that the hover effect of the "Toolbox Options" button in the Firebug theme is intended to have a border around it, because it is a panel tab. The "Configure Performance preferences" button, on the other hand, is a menu button and therefore has no border on hover.
So, this effect should *not* be changed or removed and the "Configure Performance preferences" button should *not* be adjusted to have a border around it on hover.

But I totally agree that the icons should be adjusted to look the same in normal state and when hovered.

:ntim, I think these issues are fixed with your recent work?
Component: Developer Tools: User Stories → Developer Tools
Flags: needinfo?(ntim.bugs)
Priority: -- → P3
I've fixed the light and dark themes, but not the firebug theme.
Flags: needinfo?(ntim.bugs)
Summary: Unify all option/preference icons across the UI → Unify all option/preference icons across the firebug theme
The Firebug theme was removed in Bug 1378108, so I am marking this report as WONTFIX.

Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Firefox → DevTools
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