Open Bug 1326724 Opened 8 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Titlebar doesn't show real title of current tab if I switch to pending (unloaded) tab with about: page


(Firefox :: Tabbed Browser, defect, P3)





(Reporter: arni2033, Unassigned)


>>>   My Info:   Win7_64, Nightly 48, 32bit, ID 20160403030243
0. Enable Titlebar
1. Open about:preferences, about:home, about:newtab in new window
2. Close and reopen that window. Visit each tab once to load all tabs
3. Visit each tab the second time

 In Step 2 Titlebar shows title "Nightly" for each tab
 In Step 3 it shows "Options - Nightly", "Nightly Start Page - Nightly", "New Tab - Nightly"

 In Step 2 Titlebar should show real titles, like in Step 3 of actual result.

0. Enable Titlebar
1. Open new window
2. Open about:preferences, about:home, about:newtab in new tabs, close other tabs
3. Press Ctrl+1, close the window (Ctrl+Shift+W)
4. Restore window (Ctrl+Shift+N). Press Ctrl+2, then Ctrl+3
5. Open new tab
6. Press Ctrl+1, then Ctrl+2, then Ctrl+3
No longer blocks: 1277113
Component: Untriaged → Activity Streams: General
Component: Activity Streams: General → General
I tested this on Windows 7 x32 with FF 50 and FF 53.0a1(2017-01-02) and I can reproduce but after I click again (after step 3) on that tab the titlebar changes into the expected result, the name of the tab is properly displayed. In your case the behaviour is the same?

Tested on Mac OS X 10.10 and I have the same results, after I restore the previous window closed in step 2 after I visit second time the tab the titlebar shows: Options - Nightly", "Nightly Start Page - Nightly", "New Tab - Nightly"
Component: General → Toolbars and Customization
Flags: needinfo?(arni2033)
Yes, if I visit tab the second time, titlebar changes into the expected result.
Flags: needinfo?(arni2033)
Component: Toolbars and Customization → Tabbed Browser
Priority: -- → P3
Summary: Titlebar doesn't show real title of current tab if I switch to pending built-in tab → Titlebar doesn't show real title of current tab if I switch to pending (unloaded) tab with about: page
Severity: normal → S3
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