Open Bug 1327207 Opened 8 years ago Updated 2 years ago

(a11y) accessibility of video controls is super bad


(Toolkit :: Video/Audio Controls, defect)





(Reporter: arni2033, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [bad-timeouts])

>>>   My Info:   Win7_64, Nightly 53, 32bit, ID 20161119030204 (2016-11-19)
{1} Controls disappear for keyboard users - STR_1, STR_2, STR_3
{2} Workaround for {1} doesn't work       - STR_4
{3} Visual styling of focusring is bad    - STR_5, STR_6, STR_7
{4} If you weren't even trying to make it accessible, elements in video controls shouldn't be
    focusable in order to prevent other bugs that are caused by said focusable elements.

1. Open
2. Focus the video via Tab key, press Spacebar to play the video
3. Press Shift+F10, select "Mute"

AR:  Controls disappear
ER:  Controls should stay visible

1. Open url  data:text/html,<video src="" autoplay>
2. Focus the video via Tab key
3. Press Shift+F10, select "Show controls"

AR:  Controls are invisible
ER:  Either X or Y
 X) Controls should be visible
 Y) There should be an easy way to make them visible

STR_3:  (unconfirmed)
1. Open
2. Focus the video via Tab key, press Spacebar to play the video
3. Hover mouse over the video, then wait 3 seconds (or move mouse away)  [mouse can move occasionally]
4. Press Tab key

AR:  The next focusable element after <video> is focused
ER:  Either X or Y
 X) The first focusable element inside video controls should be focused
 Y) There should be a reliable way for user relying on keyboard to display controls (unlike STR_4)

1. Perform any of STR_1, STR_2, STR_3 to "accidentally" hide controls
2. Press Up/Down key to change volume   [video controls appear!]
3. Press Tab key several times to focus closed captions button

AR:  Video controls hide during Step 3, so Tab key cycles through focusable elements after <video>
ER:  Video controls shouldn't hide if I just focused element inside video controls

1. Open , play the video
2. Focus closed captions button via Tab key

AR:  Focusring is black-on-black
ER:  Focusring should be more noticeable

1. Open , play the video
2. Focus timeline via Tab key

AR:  No focusring displayed
ER:  Either X or Y
 X) It should be obvious for user that timeline is focused
 Y) Timeline shouldn't be a focusable element

1. Open , play the video
2. Focus closed captions button via Tab key, press Enter
3. Press Tab key 3 times to focus option "English" in menu opened in Step 2

AR:  No focusring
ER:  Focusring should be displayed
No longer blocks: 1277113
Component: Untriaged → Video/Audio Controls
Product: Firefox → Toolkit
Severity: normal → S3
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