Closed Bug 1327505 Opened 8 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Typed text in urlbar doesn't always stay if I bookmark page


(Firefox :: Bookmarks & History, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: arni2033, Unassigned)



>>>   My Info:   Win7_64, Nightly 49, 32bit, ID 20160526082509
STR_1 (bad):
1. Type "asdf" in urlbar in this tab
2. Click bookmarks star, then Enter to bookmark the page

STR_2 (bad):
1. Type "asdf" in urlbar in this tab, press Escape to hide suggestions
2. Press Ctrl+D, then Enter to bookmark the page

STR_3 (good):
1. Type "asdf" in urlbar in this tab
2. Hover mouse over bookmarks star, hold left mouse button, press Down key to show suggestions
3. Release left mouse button, press Enter to bookmark the page

STR_4 (good):
1. Type "asdf" in urlbar in this tab
2. Press Ctrl+D, then Enter to bookmark the page

 Bookmarks panel resets location bar in STR_1, STR_2. Typed text stays untouched in STR_3, STR_4.
 It's clear that current logic is "don't modify urlbar value if urlbar suggestions are shown"

ER:  Either X or Y or Z
 X) Typed text should stay untouched if urlbar was focused when I bookmarked page
 Y) Typed text should always stay untouched when I bookmark page
 Z) If you decided to break it, break it consistently. What you have now is illogical. Urlbar should
    always lose typed text to explain to user that developers _really_ want him to lose that text.
 Before bug 943888, only STR_2 and STR_4 were possible, and STR_2(good) was the most possible scenario
 After 943888 STR_1 and STR_3 became possible as well. But STR_3(good) is barely a possible scenario.
 I found out that sometimes I click on bookmars star, and my carefully typed text disappears (STR_1).
 Before 943888 there was a protection from that: the star was disabled.
 So, I regard this change as regression, therefore it's blocking bug 943888.
 I could file STR_1 separately, but it's obviously general issue with bookmarks panel: it's illogical
No longer blocks: 1277113
Component: Untriaged → Bookmarks & History
This is pointless since the star moved back to the urlbar.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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