Open Bug 1327516 Opened 8 years ago Updated 2 years ago

"All tabs" drop-down is emptied, but still displayed when overflow in tabs toolbar disappears


(Firefox :: Menus, defect)





(Reporter: arni2033, Unassigned)


>>>   My Info:   Win7_64, Nightly 49, 32bit, ID 20160526082509
1. Open new firefox window, dock it to the left side of screen (to make it narrow enough)
2. Open as many tabs as possible without causing overflow in tabs toolbar. Open 1 more tab
3. Click "all tabs" dropmarker
4. Press Win+Up

STR_2 (using another bug):
1. Open new firefox window, switch to fullscreen mode
2. Open as many tabs as possible without causing overflow in tabs toolbar. Open 1 more tab
3. Hover mouse over the 1st visible tab, middle-click it 2 times
4. Move mouse in a straight line to the "all tabs" dropmarker, then click it
5. Hover mouse over "all tabs" drop-down

1. Open as many tabs as possible without causing overflow in tabs toolbar. Open 1 more tab
2. Hover mouse over the 1st visible tab, middle-click it 2 times
3. Move mouse over location bar, then move mouse (horizontally) below "all tabs" dropmarker
4. Move mouse in a straight line to the "all tabs" dropmarker, then click it
5. Hover mouse over "all tabs" drop-down

1. Open as many tabs as possible without causing overflow in tabs toolbar. CLOSE 1 tab.
2. Load the following URL in any tab and click on the page
>   data:text/html,<script>N=2;W=[];onclick=function(){for(i=0;i<N;i++){W[i];setTimeout("W[i].close()",5000)}</script>
3. In less than 5 seconds, click "all tabs" drop-down in the end of tabs toolbar
4. Wait 5 seconds   (emulation of the situation when tabs don't close immediately)

AR:  When overflow disappears, "all tabs" drop-down is emptied, but still displayed
ER:  Either X or Y
 X) Don't hide the "all tabs" dropmarker and drop-down itself until it's closed via click/Escape key
    (It may cause twitching of buttons if user has some buttons between tabs and the dropmarker)
 Y) Not only empty the drop-down, but also hide it when overflow disappears
No longer blocks: 1277113
Component: Untriaged → Menus
Severity: normal → S3
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