Open Bug 1327703 Opened 8 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Ctrl+Shift+D leaves blank chrome areas if I close devtools after switching docking mode


(DevTools :: General, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: arni2033, Unassigned)


>>>   My Info:   Win7_64, Nightly 48, 32bit, ID 20160403030243
1. Open data:text/html,<style>body{background:lightgray}
2. Open devtools (Ctrl+Shift+I), dock it to the right side of window.
3. Switch docking mode then immediately close devtools:
  (Hold Ctrl+Shift, then press "D", then immediately "I")

AR:  Devtools close but leave unusable blank area which only goes away after closing tab
ER:  No additional blank areas

STR_1_detailed (for those who couldn't reproduce):
1. Open
2. Open devtools (Ctrl+Shift+I), dock it to the right side of window.
3. Hold Ctrl+Shift
4. Hold "D" for 4 seconds
5. Press "I"
6. Release "D". Release Ctrl key and Shift key

 If I hold Ctrl+Shift+D or press it several times, the situation is much worse. Actually,
 if browser is very busy, then I can afford pressing Ctrl+Shift+D relatively slow
 (~1 pressing per 0.5s), and blank areas just keep appearing. I really hope that this bug
 (STR+AR+ER) will be fixed in a way that will also fix the case when I hold Ctrl+Shift+D
No longer blocks: 1277113
Component: Untriaged → Developer Tools
Product: Firefox → DevTools
Severity: normal → S3
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