Open Bug 1327724 Opened 8 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Element picker in browser toolbox breaks when I inspect not maximized window in background


(DevTools :: Inspector, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: arni2033, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


>>>   My Info:   Win7_64, Nightly 49, 32bit, ID 20160526082509
Before reading the whole thing: I often dock firefox window to the left side of the screen,
and dock browser toolbox to the right side of the screen, so I encounter this bug easily.

1. Launch new profile. Switch firefox window to normal (not maximized) mode, open findbar
2. Open devtools, enable remote and chrome debugging, close devtools
3. Open browser toolbox. Focus additional prompt window, click "OK". Focus browser toolbox window
4. Click on "element picker" button at the top left
5. Move mouse (1) outside of browser toolbox (you must not move mouse over firefox window until (3) ->
  (2) move mouse to the right from australis menu button in firefox window at a distance of ~30px, but
   still outside of the window -> (3) slowly move mouse in a straight line to the left side of screen.
6. If Step 5 failed, try the same with close button of findbar or close toolbox and go to Step 3
7. Hover mouse over any node in markup-view in browser toolbox

AR:  Element picker breaks: no highlight (Steps 5 and 7); click on element doesn't select it in markup
ER:  Browser toolbox should continue highlighting/picking elements in a normal way

Errors in console
====Step 5:
TypeError: node.ownerDocument is null

43  show: function (node) {
44    if (!this.currentNode || node !== this.currentNode) {
45      this.hide();
46      this.currentNode = node;
47      installHelperSheet(node.ownerDocument.defaultView, SIMPLE_OUTLINE_SHEET);
48      addPseudoClassLock(node, HIGHLIGHTED_PSEUDO_CLASS);
49    }
50    return true;
51  },

NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS: Could not convert JavaScript argument arg 0 [inIDOMUtils.removePseudoClassLock]   (x14)

30 exports.removePseudoClassLock = (...args) =>
31   lazyContainer.DOMUtils.removePseudoClassLock(...args);

DebuggeeWouldRun: debuggee `resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js:598' would run

152      let value = destructure
153        ? require(module)[property]
154        : require(module || property);

NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS: Could not convert JavaScript argument arg 0 [inIDOMUtils.removePseudoClassLock]   (x7)

30 exports.removePseudoClassLock = (...args) =>
31   lazyContainer.DOMUtils.removePseudoClassLock(...args);

DebuggeeWouldRun: debuggee `self-hosted:868' would run

283 defineLazyGetter(globals, "URL", () => {
284   let sandbox
285     = Cu.Sandbox(CC(";1", "nsIPrincipal")(),
286                  {wantGlobalProperties: ["URL"]});
287   return sandbox.URL;
288 });

NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS: Could not convert JavaScript argument arg 0 [inIDOMUtils.removePseudoClassLock]   (x107)

30 exports.removePseudoClassLock = (...args) =>
31   lazyContainer.DOMUtils.removePseudoClassLock(...args);

====Step 7:
Exception {  }

906  writeError: function (error) {
907    console.error(error);
908    if (error.stack) {
909      dump(error.stack);
910    }
No longer blocks: 1277113
Component: Untriaged → Developer Tools: Animation Inspector
Component: Developer Tools: Animation Inspector → Developer Tools: Inspector
Inspector bug triage (filter on CLIMBING SHOES).
Priority: -- → P3
Product: Firefox → DevTools
Severity: normal → S3
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