Open Bug 1327861 Opened 8 years ago Updated 2 years ago

It's possible to accidentally navigate to a random bookmark after pressing Escape to cancel drag and drop in bookmark panel


(Core :: XUL, defect)





(Reporter: arni2033, Unassigned)



>>>   My Info:   Win7_64, Nightly 49, 32bit, ID 20160526082509
0. Enable bookmarks toolbar, make sure there's at least 1 folder containing a bookmark
1. Open url   data:text/html,<a href="http://a.b">Link</a>
2. Drag the link from the page to bookmarks folder mentioned in Step 0, hover mouse over the bookmark.
3. Press Escape key to cancel dragging the link
4. Release left mouse button to finish canceling the drag gesture

AR:  Step 4 - Browser opens bookmark mentioned in Step 0 in current tab
ER:  Step 4 - No visible action

1) Originally it was mistakenly reported in bug 1237047, but it has nothing to do with 'click'
2) You're reading STR_1 incorrectly. Step 2 explicitly indicates the target, but usually Step 2 means
   that user's intent was to drag-n-drop the link to bookmarks folder, but then user changed his mind.
   Therefore the status of bookmark from Step 0 is "a random item placed in popup". There's no way
   anybody expects navigation to a random bookmark. Thus, expected result is "No visible action"
Component: Untriaged → XP Toolkit/Widgets: Menus
Product: Firefox → Core
No longer blocks: 1277113
Component: XP Toolkit/Widgets: Menus → XUL
Severity: normal → S3
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