Closed Bug 1328041 Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Flash plugin notification briefly appears and disappears, causing content on the page to twitch


(Firefox :: Untriaged, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: arni2033, Unassigned)



(Keywords: regression)

>>>   My Info:   Win7_64, Nightly 49, 32bit, ID 20160526082509
STR_1 (A):
0. Set Flash to "Ask to activate" or intall an obsolete version of Flash
1. Open  in a new selected tab, wait until the page loads
2. Open new tab, then reload the tab from Step 1 via context menu. Wait until the tab loads
3. Switch to tab from Step 1

STR_1 (B) [good]:
0. Set Flash to "Ask to activate" or intall an obsolete version of Flash
1. Open  in a new selected tab, wait until the page loads

AR:  Plugin notification appears and disappears, so content on the page twitches (STR_1 (A))
ER:  Either X or Y  (i.e. please leave content along)
 X) No Flash plugin notification at all
 Y) Flash plugin notificaion shouldn't disappear

 1) Marked as regression, because at some point (bug932854) content started to twitch w/o clear reason
 2) As you can see from STR_1 (B), normally opens plugin notification and doesn't close it

This is regression from bug 932854 (see Note 2). Regression range:
> Benjamin Smedberg [:bsmedberg]:
It seems that this is a regresion caused by your change. Please have a look.
No longer blocks: 1277113
Hi Arni,

Tried to reproduce your issue on the latest Nightly build v53.0a1 (20170105030229) but without success. 
However, since you marked it as a regression, I managed to reproduce your issue on a Nightly 30.0 build after the notification bar was introduced. 
Tried to find when this was fixed but since the build was from 2014, I could no longer bisect the pushlog. Nothing jumps out from it after a quick look. Here is the pushlog obtained 

However, while trying to reproduce your issue, I have found a theme that causes the same problem even on latest release. But I will log a separate issue for that since it's not related to the original issue.  

Considering that the issue cannot be reproduced on latest Nightly, I am marking it as resolved - WORKSFORME. Please reopen it if this still occurs for you by providing additional info.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Paul, were you testing e10s or non-e10s?
Flags: needinfo?(paul.oiegas)
Both with and without e10s on Latest Nightly 53.0a1 and latest release 50.1.0 and it didn't reproduced. 

If you're referring to the theme issue that I mentioned, it was without e10s because it's a complete theme that is incompatible with e10s and it's only available on latest release.
Flags: needinfo?(paul.oiegas)
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