Open Bug 1328055 Opened 8 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Small blue areas stay after text selection


(Core :: Layout: Text and Fonts, defect, P3)





(Reporter: arni2033, Unassigned)



(Keywords: regression)


(2 files)

>>>   My Info:   Win7_64, Nightly 49, 32bit, ID 20160526082509
1. Open
2. Move mouse between strings "����������� ���" and "�������� �" on the page, hold left mouse button,
   move mouse between strings "��������������, � ���" and "�� ������" , release left mouse button
3. Move mouse between strings "��������������, � ����" and "� ������" hold Shift key, then
   hold left mouse button, then slowly (5s) move mouse to the start of text selection   

AR:  There're thin blue rectangles left on the page after strings "�. �� ������" and "���, ����� ���"
ER:  No extra blue rectangles as I finished selecting text. Those are glitches.

1. Download and extract "testcase 1" to a folder with a short file name. Open .htm file in Firefox
 (the same steps as in STR_1)
2. Move mouse between strings "����������� ���" and "�������� �" on the page, hold left mouse button,
   move mouse between strings "��������������, � ���" and "�� ������" , release left mouse button
3. Move mouse between strings "��������������, � ����" and "� ������" hold Shift key, then
   hold left mouse button, then slowly (5s) move mouse to the start of text selection

You can't find regression range using STR_1 because the site gives woff2 files only to Firefox 44+

This is regression from bug 1146754 (presumably). Regrssion range:
(but also I have saved build 829195e67537 long time ago, and it is "good")@ Jonathan Kew (:jfkthame):
It seems that this is a regresion caused by your change. Please have a look.
No longer blocks: 1277113
Component: Untriaged → Layout: Text
Product: Firefox → Core
It seems the text strings above were garbled by Bugzilla somehow so I'm
not sure what text to select on the page.  Also, STR_2 requires "testcase 1",
can you upload that to Bugzilla please?

Anyway, I tried to follow the STR_1 by selecting some random text,
but it works fine for me (Linux Nightly).
>>>   My Info:   Win7_64, Nightly 49, 32bit, ID 20160526082509
>>>   My Info:   Win7_64, Nightly 53, 32bit, ID 20170107030205 (2017-01-07)
1. Open
2. Move mouse between strings "финансовыми стр" and "уктурами у" on the page, hold left mouse button,
   move mouse between strings "производителей, а так" and "же прямое" , release left mouse button
3. Move mouse between strings "производителей, а такж" and "е прямое" hold Shift key, then
   hold left mouse button, then slowly (5s) move mouse to the start of text selection   

AR:  There're thin blue rectangles left on the page after strings "т. По мнению" and "год, тогда как"
ER:  No extra blue rectangles as I finished selecting text. Those are glitches.

1. Download and extract "testcase 1" to a folder with a short file name. Open .htm file in Firefox
 (the same steps as in STR_1)
2. Move mouse between strings "финансовыми стр" and "уктурами у" on the page, hold left mouse button,
   move mouse between strings "производителей, а так" and "же прямое" , release left mouse button
3. Move mouse between strings "производителей, а такж" and "е прямое" hold Shift key, then
   hold left mouse button, then slowly (5s) move mouse to the start of text selection

You can't find regression range using STR_1 because the site gives woff2 files only to Firefox 44+

(I'll add from myself, since I tested Nightly 2017-01-07)
> Anyway, I tried to follow the STR_1 by selecting some random text,
This won't work, but on the site from STR_1, it may work. After selection is finished, in some lines you may see that text selection (blue area) became ~2px longer than while performing selection. It would men that you almost reproduce the bug (around Step 3)
This looks like an issue of computing overflow area for collapsed whitespace.
Priority: -- → P3
Severity: normal → S3
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