Closed Bug 1332136 (HEVC) Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

H.265/HEVC Streaming not working


(Core :: Audio/Video, enhancement, P5)




Tracking Status
firefox50 --- affected
firefox51 --- affected
firefox52 --- affected
firefox53 --- affected


(Reporter: lgbrowser5, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug, )


(Keywords: parity-chrome)


(1 file)

Attached image device-2017-01-19-102855.png (deleted) —
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; InfoPath.3; CNS_UA; GWX:MANAGED; AD_LOGON=4C47452E4E4554; rv:11.0) like Gecko Steps to reproduce: 1. Platform Version (M): NOS(7.0) 2. Firefox version (M): Firefox 50.1, Firefox Beta 51.0 3. Reproducible on LG Ref. device (M) : Yes / G5 device 4. Reproduce rate (M) : 10/10 5. Issue Reported (M) : Carrier 6. Issue Description (Wrong behavior) (M) : H.265/HEVC Streaming not working Firefox displays the message 'No video with supported format and MIME type found' 7. Expected behavior (M) : HEVC can be played via browser 8. Steps to reproduce (M) : > play Embedded h265/HEVC Video 9. Screen Capture (M) : Yes 10. MORE INFORMATION (O): AT&T did quick test on some of your devices that support HEVC codec. AT&T are working on some test cases for HEVC streaming. It's not working on Chrome browser Please let us know Mozilla's release plan fof H.265. When it fixed, please share Engineering Report or Release info. for patches. Actual results: H.265/HEVC Streaming not working Firefox displays the message 'No video with supported format and MIME type Expected results: HEVC can be played via browser
Severity: normal → critical
OS: Unspecified → Android
Priority: -- → P1
Hardware: Unspecified → Other
Component: General → Audio/Video
Mozilla currently has no plans to support H.265. Our focus will be on AV1.
Severity: critical → normal
Priority: P1 → P5
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
(In reply to Johnny Stenback (:jst, from comment #1) > Mozilla currently has no plans to support H.265. Our focus will be on AV1. For some impressive VP9 results refer to
I understand you want to support the next generation codec AV1 but this is not an answer to your users who want support for current best codec available and widely used H.265. x265 is an open-source implementation of H.265 / HEVC and is licensed under GPL v2 compatible with MPL 2.0 license so you can use this project to handle the hard work. I see no reasons to ignore this feature.
The reason we won't support H265 has nothing to do with the difficulty in finding a decoder, or that a decoder source code is released under GPL. Those are trivial matters. We will not support h265 video while its patent encumbered. BTW, even today vp9 provides better results than H265. > I see no reasons to ignore this feature I suggest you research about the h265 patent pools and the licensing model in use.
From what I can see, hevc is royalty-free specifically for browsers.
HEVC Advance is ONE patent pool, there's plenty more. MPEG LA pool is another, Technicolors etc... All with their licensing policy.
Type: defect → enhancement
OS: Android → All
Product: Firefox for Android → Core
Hardware: Other → All

Since there is a project use OS api to support HEVC on Win/macOS, can firefox use the same method?

The request is not for Mozilla to provide HEVC video decoding in Firefox, which would require Mozilla to license HEVC. The request is to support (pass through) HEVC when the device supports it, as Safari and Chrome do. The device handles the video decoding, and as such, the device OEM is responsible for licensing all required HEVC patents. Device OEMs have been licensing and supporting HEVC for many years. As of 2018 the majority of mobile devices supported HEVC decoding...

(In reply to Tom Vaughan from comment #11)

The request is not for Mozilla to provide HEVC video decoding in Firefox, which would require Mozilla to license HEVC. The request is to support (pass through) HEVC when the device supports it [...]

I agree with this.

My question is if we should create a new ticket? This ticket is closed and therefore probably hardly noticed.

(In reply to Bjoern Voigt from comment #12)

therefore probably hardly noticed.

Everyone who "watch[es] this component" gets an email for every single comment.

(In reply to Darkspirit from comment #13)

Everyone who "watch[es] this component" gets an email for every single comment.

This is true. On the other hand developers often use filtered lists to get an overview of "TODO" tickets. Closed projects are usually filtered out.

Duplicate of this bug: 1810292
Duplicate of this bug: 1809882
Blocks: 1842838
Duplicate of this bug: 1801483
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