Closed Bug 1333399 Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

please increase font size of the URL in awesome bar suggestions


(Firefox :: Address Bar, defect)

50 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: billdillensrevenge, Unassigned)



(1 file)

Attached image urldropfonts.png (deleted) —
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0
Build ID: 20161208153507

Steps to reproduce:

if you start typing in the URL bar (or if you tap the "Show history" arrow beside the Reload button), the URL portion font (blue text) is a bit too small. Please increase it a bit! I've included a screenshot where I put a red box around the part I'm talking about

Actual results:

see above

Expected results:

see above
Component: Untriaged → Location Bar
The current specs are on purpose based on latest mock-ups from Stephen, I will forward the request to UX.
Regardless, you should be able to increase the DPI in Windows itself if the text is not much readable, maybe your screen resolution requires bigger text in general.
Flags: needinfo?(philipp)
Thank you for forwarding to UX. I'm not requesting the URL be the same size as the page title, but 2 pts bigger would be perfect. By the way, I checked this out on several different computers before I filed this. It really should be a bit bigger. Not a lot, just a bit bigger.

(In reply to Marco Bonardo [::mak] from comment #1)
> The current specs are on purpose based on latest mock-ups from Stephen, I
> will forward the request to UX.
> Regardless, you should be able to increase the DPI in Windows itself if the
> text is not much readable, maybe your screen resolution requires bigger text
> in general.
Eric, what do you think about this?
FWIW, the size of the URLs is within the generally recommended range as far as legibility goes.
Flags: needinfo?(philipp)
The current implementation is to spec as mentioned above by Marco and should stay as is.

Here's some info on the reasons behind why the font size is smaller.

- Hierarchy - The title is of higher importance so it should visually stand out more then the url
- More of the url is displayed
- Reduces visual clutter
Flags: needinfo?(epang)
Oh I agree that the URL should be smaller, I just think it should be a tad bigger than it currently is. The URL font size was increased significantly for Firefox on Windows 10 and the team had lots of good reasons for doing so, so that should apply somewhat here too. It really is quite small compared to other browsers... 

(In reply to Eric Pang [:epang] UX from comment #4)
> The current implementation is to spec as mentioned above by Marco and should
> stay as is.
> Here's some info on the reasons behind why the font size is smaller.
> - Hierarchy - The title is of higher importance so it should visually stand
> out more then the url
> - More of the url is displayed
> - Reduces visual clutter
(In reply to Will from comment #5)
> The URL font size was increased significantly
> for Firefox on Windows 10 and the team had lots of good reasons for doing
> so, so that should apply somewhat here too. It really is quite small
> compared to other browsers... 

I'm confused, on which system do you think the size should be increased? Your opening post points to Windows 10, but then here you say the font has already been increased significantly on Win 10.
If it's for a different system than Windows 10, this may just be a dupe of Bug 1186562 (or bug 1299777).
Flags: needinfo?(billdillensrevenge)
Oh sorry, I should have been clearer. When Windows 10 came out, they put out a new Window 10 specific theme and one of the changes they made was increasing the size of the font in the URL bar. My thinking is, the same reasons should apply to URL suggestions, that is, not using a font size that's too small. The difference between the URL bar font size and the suggestion URL font size (blue text) is very large and that doesn't really make sense. Chrome uses the same font size for the URL bar and the suggestions below it and I believe Edge does the same. If Safari on macOS also uses the same font size for the URL bar and the suggestions, I think that means Firefox should increase its suggestion URL (blue text) font size a bit

(In reply to Marco Bonardo [::mak] from comment #6)
> (In reply to Will from comment #5)
> > The URL font size was increased significantly
> > for Firefox on Windows 10 and the team had lots of good reasons for doing
> > so, so that should apply somewhat here too. It really is quite small
> > compared to other browsers... 
> I'm confused, on which system do you think the size should be increased?
> Your opening post points to Windows 10, but then here you say the font has
> already been increased significantly on Win 10.
> If it's for a different system than Windows 10, this may just be a dupe of
> Bug 1186562 (or bug 1299777).
yes, this is a dupe of 1299777
Closed: 8 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(billdillensrevenge)
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
you won't even consider making it slightly bigger? Again, I'm not saying to make the blue URL the same size as the black title, just please make it slightly bigger. This isn't just my view, both Chrome and Edge have the URL significantly larger in this area than Firefox does, and for good reason. The blue URL is just tiny in Firefox, it's a constant annoyance, please reconsider
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