Closed Bug 133558 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

keyboard blocked


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)

CLOSED DUPLICATE of bug 130480


(Reporter: gebhard.matt, Assigned: asa)



with some windowmanager - tested with windowmaker, blackbox/fluxbox
keyboard input in mozilla is blocked. restarting the windowmager or 
switching between workspaces helps
with blackbox, there seems to be a bug that (when focused on another window)
right-clicking on Mozilla does not properly give it focus.  Is that what you're
seeing (at least with blackbox)?

if not, what build are you using and could you be a bit more specific as to how
to reproduce what you're seeing?
Blocks: keydead
I get the same sort of behavior, but I use enlightenment.  I couldn't tell you
what causes it though, but the back button and ctl+n seems to be related.
bug 82534 is probably what you're seeing if it's happening with enlightenment.

gebhard: we need specific information about what you're seeing that
differentiates this from bug 82534 and the blackbox bug I mentioned.

downgrading severity to major -- this does not block Mozilla development.
Severity: blocker → major
with the most windowmanager it is quite difficult to reproduce that bug. 
it looks like an 'timing problem'. at home on my slow internet connection
it happens more often. (regular !) 
under fluxbox version 0.1.7-2 on my woody box you
always get an blocked keyboard when you type in an noexisting url and after
clicking OK on the window "xxxx could not be found. please..." the keyboard
is blocked ! but you are still able to work with mozilla e.g switching to another
tab or open menus ...
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.0
If you switch to another window and then back again, does the keyboard work again?

I think I've seen another bug about keyboard not working after DNS failure, but
I don't see it now.
yes. switching to another window an back helps. may a bug in fluxbox but mozilla
is the only app i'v see such an behavior
indeed, and running under (black/flux)box (for some reason) seems to have
problems more often.  what you mention in comment 4 is similar to problems
mentioned in bug 82534 (and its dupes), and switching windows is also the
workaround there, so this is probably a dupe.  But I can't reproduce it, so I
can't say for sure.
marking dupe against bug 130480.  this is a bug that was in blackbox 0.61 (which
was used as the code base for fluxbox) that seems to have been fixed in blackbox

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 130480 ***
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
by changing the focusbehavior vom sloppy to semi-sloppy focus more problems
under RC2
tested with fluxbox and enlightenment
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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