Open Bug 1348530 Opened 7 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Rewrite tests in devtools/server/tests/unit to use async/await


(DevTools :: General, task, P3)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: brennan.brisad, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(The description below is only valid after Bug 1325989 has been resolved)

Several files in devtools/server/tests/unit have the ESLint rules no-shadow and/or max-nested-callbacks disabled.  They have been disabled with one of the following comments at the top of the file:

/* eslint-disable no-shadow, max-nested-callbacks */
/* eslint-disable no-shadow */
/* eslint-disable max-nested-callbacks */

For every such file, remove its comment to enable the rule again, and rewrite the test to use Task.js.

Check that there are no issues reported when running

./mach eslint devtools/server/tests/unit/
It seems to me that now we might as well go all the way and convert to async+await.
Summary: Rewrite tests in devtools/server/tests/unit to use Task.js → Rewrite tests in devtools/server/tests/unit to use async/await
Product: Firefox → DevTools
Depends on: 1714537
Depends on: 1714544
Type: defect → task
Severity: normal → S3
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