Closed Bug 1391617 Opened 7 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Download toolbar icon a lot less useful


(Firefox :: Toolbars and Customization, defect)

57 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: u474838, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:57.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/57.0
Build ID: 20170817100132

Steps to reproduce:

Download files.

Actual results:

The new toolbar icon for download activity is less useful because the progress indicator regressed from a full-icon vertical visualization to a very subtle, shallow horizontal progress bar at the bottom of the already small icon.

Expected results:

Keep the old vertical, full-icon spanning progress indicator, which was much easier to follow and keep track of. Firefox 54 and 55 are still fine.
Component: Untriaged → Toolbars and Customization
Whiteboard: [photon-animation][triage]
I disagree, vertical visualization has many problems, the biggest one was showing in inconsistent way how much "%" file was downloaded already.
What's more, now, it shouldn't matter, as bottom line is 12 px long and arrow is 13 px high on, so it's only 1 px difference.
(In reply to Virtual_ManPL [:Virtual] - (please needinfo? me - so I will see your comment/reply/question/etc.) from comment #1)
> I disagree, vertical visualization has many problems, the biggest one was
> showing in inconsistent way how much "%" file was downloaded already.

This is exactly what was easy with the old visualization and is hard to see now.

The new animation has a shallow line in an already small icon where anything
between 2% and 100% is hard or impossible to see without zooming in.

What platform are you on?
What's your display resolution and icon size?

> What's more, now, it shouldn't matter, as bottom line is 12 px long and
> arrow is 13 px high on, so it's only 1 px difference.

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean.
Virtual_ManPL, there's an even better explanation as well.

The old icon had a bigger (fatter) arrow and combined with the whole-icon animation
progress was very visible. It was like filling up a glass with blue juice.

The new icon icon's (vertical) arrow is lighter and less visible, meaning that
even if it were animating progress vertically bottom-to-top, it would still
be less distinctly perceivable. I mean the new icon is as if you drilled a hole
in a glass, put a cap a centimeter above the bottom and filled it from the side.
The progress will be distinctly less visible.
Flags: qe-verify?
Priority: -- → P4
Whiteboard: [photon-animation][triage] → [reserve-photon-animation]
The total area of the progressbar will be increased by bug 1387557. That bug has a mock-up of what we are shooting for. The *very* thin download progress bar is a temporary state which should be improved before 57. It might be better to file feedback there, so that we gather reactions to what we intend to ship in 57 rather than the temporary state we have now in nightly.
Depends on: 1387557
Closing as a duplicate of bug 1387557 since that bug is our solution to fixing this issue and we don't need to keep this bug open for follow-up solutions since we don't have any in the works. If the solution in bug 1387557 is still insufficient then we can file a new bug.
Closed: 7 years ago
No longer depends on: 1387557
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Flags: qe-verify?
Priority: P4 → --
Whiteboard: [reserve-photon-animation]
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