Closed Bug 1403130 Opened 7 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Support DOM objects and cyclic objects value as results of the devtools.panels.elements sidebar.setExpression API method


(WebExtensions :: Developer Tools, enhancement, P2)



(firefox60 verified)

Tracking Status
firefox60 --- verified


(Reporter: rpl, Assigned: rpl)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(5 files, 1 obsolete file)

The sidebar setExpression API method should behave differently from inspectedWindow.eval API method when the value returned by the expression is a DOM object or a cyclic object value:

while inspectedWindow.eval should raise a protocol error when the result of the evaluation is not a JSON serializable object, the seidebar setExpression should support the inspection of this results in the registered inspector sidebar.

To support this behavior the following changes are needed:

- the inspectedWindow actor should optionally return a Grip of the evaluated results instead of a JSON representation of the entire object, by using a Grip we will be able to return a Remote Debugging "object actor" which can be used to inspect DOM nodes and cyclic objects

- the sidebar setExpression method should request the result to be returned as a Grip on its call to the RDP inspectedWindow actor's eval method

- the ExtensionSidebar defined inside 'devtools/client/inspector/extensions/' should support an additional "remote-object-treeview" mode which integrated an ObjectInspector (, which is the same component internally used by the debugger and the new console panel for the same purpose)
Priority: -- → P2
Comment on attachment 8917895 [details]
Bug 1403130 - Support ObjectInspector-based object value grip view in ExtensionSidebar

::: devtools/client/inspector/extensions/components/ObjectValueGripView.js:80
(Diff revision 2)
> +    // TODO: Once the ObjectInspector is mounted for the first time, two warnings are logged
> +    // in the console:
> +    // - Warning: getInitialState was defined on Tree, a plain JavaScript class.
> +    //   This is only supported for classes created using React.createClass.
> +    //   Did you mean to define a state property instead?
> +    //
> +    //   logged from react-dev.js:22807:9 for the Tree component defined in the reps module)
> +    //
> +    // - Error: addComponentAsRefTo(...): Only a ReactOwner can have refs.
> +    //   You might be adding a ref to a component that was not created inside a component's `render`
> +    //   method, or you have multiple copies of React loaded
> +    //   (details:
> +    //
> +    //   logged from react-dev.js:22473:15 for the same Tree component defined in the reps module)
> +    //
> +    // Once the ObjectInspector instance is mounted, the updates to the store doesn't seem
> +    // to be able to force the extension sidebar to be re-rendered as expected.
> +    //
> +    // To verify that this issues are only happening when we mount an ObjectInspector,
> +    // uncomment the following line:
> +    //
> +    // return dom.pre(null, JSON.stringify(objectValueGrip, null, 2));
> +    return ObjectInspector(objectInspectorProps);

Hi Nicolas,
like I anticipated over IRC, these are an initial version of the patches where I'd like to integrate the ObjectInspector (these are not yet finalized, but I pushed the current version of them here on mozreview so that you can be able to reproduce the issue locally).

In this comment (temporarily added to the patch itself) there are more details about the logged React warnings and the issue with the re-rendering on the updates applied to the store.

In like 101 there is a commented line that, once uncommented, renders a pre tab instead of the ObjectInspector, you can try it to verify that the issues are only happening when the ObjectInspector is mounted in the tree of react elements.

(I'm also going to attach a small test extension which creates a sidebar panel that can be used to easily reproduce the issue).
Attached file devtools-elements-sidebar-setExpression-test.xpi (obsolete) (deleted) —
Hi Nicolas,

This is a small extension which creates an inspector sidebar named "TestPanel", and updates the sidebar using the sidebar.setExpression API method on every inspector "onSelectChanged" event.

Using this extension, and the patches attached in mozreview, you will be able to reproduce locally the issues that we briefly discussed over IRC today.

In Comment 6 there are some additional notes and the code fragment that integrates the ObjectInspector.
Attachment #8917907 - Flags: feedback?(nchevobbe)
Attachment #8917907 - Flags: feedback?(nchevobbe)
This is looking good, ping me for review again when the new reps bundle land :)
One thing to keep in mind, as said on irc : between each "evaluation", we should release the actor so we don't fill up the server memory (where actors are kept).
Depends on: 1419479
No longer depends on: 1408401
Depends on: 1408401
No longer depends on: 1419479
Patches rebased on a recent mozilla-central tip (currently waiting for to be included in an updated devtools-reps bundle).
Assignee: nobody → lgreco
Attachment #8917894 - Flags: review?(poirot.alex)
Attachment #8917895 - Flags: review?(nchevobbe)
Attachment #8917895 - Flags: review?(gl)
Attachment #8917896 - Flags: review?(aswan)
Comment on attachment 8917895 [details]
Bug 1403130 - Support ObjectInspector-based object value grip view in ExtensionSidebar

::: devtools/client/inspector/extensions/components/ObjectValueGripView.js:14
(Diff revision 5)
> +  createFactory,
> +  PropTypes,
> +  Component,
> +} = require("devtools/client/shared/vendor/react");
> +
> +const Accordion = createFactory(require("devtools/client/inspector/layout/components/Accordion"));

Hi :gl,
I'd like to give you some additional context about the Accordion React component imported here: 

The extension sidebar API supports an optional title for the rendered content, using the Accordion component (the one used by the layout sidebar) is the nicer approach that I've currently found (and it also provide a UI element with a look and feel consistent with the other inspector sidebars).

Reusing the Accordion component already works correctly, but I'm not really happy about importing it from the layout sidebar dir, I'd like to move it into a dir that would make it clear that it is a shared component, how about moving it into "devtools/client/inspector/shared/components" dir?
Hi :nchevobbe,

I've added you are an additional reviewer on the second patch from the mozreview patch queue attached to this issue, 
for the pieces related to the usage of the ObjectInspector react component (which I confirm that in the last reps bundle works like a charm, thanks!).
Comment on attachment 8917895 [details]
Bug 1403130 - Support ObjectInspector-based object value grip view in ExtensionSidebar

Things are looking good for the ObjectInspector side.
I find the test a bit lengthy and doing a lot of things, so maybe splitting it would be nice.

::: devtools/client/inspector/extensions/components/ObjectValueGripView.js:63
(Diff revision 6)
> +          value: objectValueGrip,
> +        }
> +      }],
> +      createObjectClient: serviceContainer.createObjectClient,
> +      releaseActor: serviceContainer.releaseActor,
> +      // TODO: evaluate if there should also be a serviceContainer.openLink.

Not a requirement for now but that would be nice (and not much work I think).

We could also have an `onViewSourceInDebigger` props (, which when provided, shows an icon to jump to the definition of a logged function (and can be handy).

::: devtools/client/inspector/extensions/reducers/sidebar.js:33
(Diff revision 6)
> +    sidebar, {sidebarId, objectValueGrip, rootTitle}
> +  ) {
> +    // Update the sidebar to a "object-treeview" which shows
> +    // the passed object.
> +    return Object.assign({}, sidebar, {

not really in the scope of this review, but you might want to use the object spread operator which gives us more terse code than Object.assign : 

return {
  [sidebarId]: {
    viewMode: "object-value-grip-view",

::: devtools/client/inspector/extensions/test/browser_inspector_extension_sidebar.js:250
(Diff revision 6)
> +  EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(nodeOpenInspector, {type: "mousedown"}, view);
> +  EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(nodeOpenInspector, {type: "mouseup"}, view);

does works ?
Attachment #8917895 - Flags: review?(nchevobbe) → review+
Comment on attachment 8917896 [details]
Bug 1403130 - Allow DOMNodes and cyclic objects to be rendered with the sidebar.setExpression API method.

The actual API bits look fine to me.  And the test looks fine to the extent that I understand it, but it has a ton of detail about the structure of devtools.  Can you get a devtools peer to sign off on that part?  ie, is embedding all those selectors in tests okay or do they want to abstract some of that away through some sort of devtools test utils module?
Attachment #8917896 - Flags: review?(aswan) → review+
Comment on attachment 8917895 [details]
Bug 1403130 - Support ObjectInspector-based object value grip view in ExtensionSidebar

::: devtools/client/inspector/extensions/extension-sidebar.js:100
(Diff revision 6)
> +              front, "inspector-extension-sidebar"
> +            );
> +
> +            return Promise.all([onNodeFrontSet, onInspectorUpdated]);
> +          }
> +        },

This look very generic and nothing seem specific to WebExtension here. Could this be shared with devtools/console/toolbox codebase?
Comment on attachment 8917894 [details]
Bug 1403130 - Support result as value grip on WebExtension InspectorWindow actor eval method.

Looks good to me, thanks Luca.

::: devtools/server/actors/webextension-inspected-window.js:514
(Diff revision 4)
> +                exceptionInfo: {
> +                  isError: true,
> +                  code: "E_PROTOCOLERROR",
> +                  description: "Inspector protocol error: %s",
> +                  details: [
> +                    "Unexpected invalid sidebar panel expression request"

Don't you want to return a more explicit error message or is there any security concern?
From this message it is hard to understand there is something wrong with toolbox / console actor.
Attachment #8917894 - Flags: review?(poirot.alex) → review+
Comment on attachment 8917895 [details]
Bug 1403130 - Support ObjectInspector-based object value grip view in ExtensionSidebar

::: devtools/client/inspector/extensions/components/ObjectValueGripView.js:22
(Diff revision 6)
> +const { REPS, MODE } = reps;
> +const { Grip } = REPS;
> +
> +const ObjectInspector = createFactory(reps.ObjectInspector);
> +
> +class ObjectValueGripView extends Component {

Can we use a PureComponent?

::: devtools/client/inspector/extensions/components/ObjectValueGripView.js:32
(Diff revision 6)
> +        PropTypes.string,
> +        PropTypes.number,
> +        PropTypes.object,
> +      ]).isRequired,
> +      // Helpers injected as props by extension-sidebar.js.
> +      serviceContainer: PropTypes.shape({

I would define a types.js file and export this serviceContainer shape.
Attachment #8917895 - Flags: review?(gl)
Comment on attachment 8917895 [details]
Bug 1403130 - Support ObjectInspector-based object value grip view in ExtensionSidebar

Static analysis found 1 defect in this patch.
 - 1 defect found by mozlint

You can run this analysis locally with:
 - `./mach lint check path/to/file` (Python/Javascript/wpt)

If you see a problem in this automated review, please report it here:

::: devtools/client/inspector/extensions/test/head.js:16
(Diff revision 7)
>  // Import the inspector's head.js first (which itself imports shared-head.js).
>  Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(
>    "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/devtools/client/inspector/test/head.js",
>    this);
> +
> +Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(new URL("head_devtools_inspector_sidebar.js", gTestPath).href,

Error: Line 16 exceeds the maximum line length of 90. [eslint: max-len]
Comment on attachment 8917896 [details]
Bug 1403130 - Allow DOMNodes and cyclic objects to be rendered with the sidebar.setExpression API method.

Static analysis found 1 defect in this patch.
 - 1 defect found by mozlint

You can run this analysis locally with:
 - `./mach lint check path/to/file` (Python/Javascript/wpt)

If you see a problem in this automated review, please report it here:

::: browser/components/extensions/test/browser/browser_ext_devtools_panels_elements_sidebar.js:149
(Diff revision 7)
> -  is(sidebarPanel1.querySelectorAll("table.treeTable").length, 1,
> +  info("Waiting for the first panel to be rendered");
> -     "The first sidebar panel contains a rendered TreeView component");
> -  is(sidebarPanel1.querySelectorAll("table.treeTable .stringCell").length, 1,
> -     "The TreeView component contains the expected number of string cells.");
> -
> +  // Verify that the panel contains an ObjectInspector, with the expected number of nodes
> +  // and with the expected property names.
> +  await testSetExpressionSidebarPanel(sidebarPanel1, {

Error: 'testSetExpressionSidebarPanel' is not defined. [eslint: no-undef]
Comment on attachment 8917895 [details]
Bug 1403130 - Support ObjectInspector-based object value grip view in ExtensionSidebar

Static analysis found 1 defect in this patch.
 - 1 defect found by mozlint

You can run this analysis locally with:
 - `./mach lint check path/to/file` (Python/Javascript/wpt)

If you see a problem in this automated review, please report it here:

::: devtools/client/inspector/extensions/test/head.js:16
(Diff revision 8)
>  // Import the inspector's head.js first (which itself imports shared-head.js).
>  Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(
>    "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/devtools/client/inspector/test/head.js",
>    this);
> +
> +Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(new URL("head_devtools_inspector_sidebar.js", gTestPath).href,

Error: Line 16 exceeds the maximum line length of 90. [eslint: max-len]
Comment on attachment 8917896 [details]
Bug 1403130 - Allow DOMNodes and cyclic objects to be rendered with the sidebar.setExpression API method.

Static analysis found 1 defect in this patch.
 - 1 defect found by mozlint

You can run this analysis locally with:
 - `./mach lint check path/to/file` (Python/Javascript/wpt)

If you see a problem in this automated review, please report it here:

::: browser/components/extensions/test/browser/browser_ext_devtools_panels_elements_sidebar.js:149
(Diff revision 8)
> -  is(sidebarPanel1.querySelectorAll("table.treeTable").length, 1,
> +  info("Waiting for the first panel to be rendered");
> -     "The first sidebar panel contains a rendered TreeView component");
> -  is(sidebarPanel1.querySelectorAll("table.treeTable .stringCell").length, 1,
> -     "The TreeView component contains the expected number of string cells.");
> -
> +  // Verify that the panel contains an ObjectInspector, with the expected number of nodes
> +  // and with the expected property names.
> +  await testSetExpressionSidebarPanel(sidebarPanel1, {

Error: 'testSetExpressionSidebarPanel' is not defined. [eslint: no-undef]
Comment on attachment 8917895 [details]
Bug 1403130 - Support ObjectInspector-based object value grip view in ExtensionSidebar

::: devtools/client/inspector/extensions/components/ExtensionSidebar.js:32
(Diff revision 8)
>    static get propTypes() {
>      return {
>        id: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
>        extensionsSidebar: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
> +      // Helpers injected as props by extension-sidebar.js.
> +      serviceContainer: PropTypes.shape({

This can just use the servicesContainer type.
Attachment #8917895 - Flags: review?(gl) → review+
Comment on attachment 8917894 [details]
Bug 1403130 - Support result as value grip on WebExtension InspectorWindow actor eval method.

> Don't you want to return a more explicit error message or is there any security concern?
> From this message it is hard to understand there is something wrong with toolbox / console actor.

Good point, it could be helpful to report an issue related to this scenario, I've added an additional "missing consoleToolboxActorID" string to provide for information about the actual issue.
Comment on attachment 8917895 [details]
Bug 1403130 - Support ObjectInspector-based object value grip view in ExtensionSidebar

I've splitted the test a bit and refactored some of the steps into test helpers (so that we can also reuse them for the webextensions tests).

> Not a requirement for now but that would be nice (and not much work I think).
> We could also have an `onViewSourceInDebigger` props (, which when provided, shows an icon to jump to the definition of a logged function (and can be handy).

Yeah, that would be pretty nice, I've filed as a follow up (Bug 1434329)
Comment on attachment 8917895 [details]
Bug 1403130 - Support ObjectInspector-based object value grip view in ExtensionSidebar

> This look very generic and nothing seem specific to WebExtension here. Could this be shared with devtools/console/toolbox codebase?

I've briefly discussed about this with nchevobbe, and we agreed that it would be better to defer it to a follow up so that we can evaluate how much is reasonable to share and where the shared code should live (in the meantime I filed it as Bug 1434335)
Comment on attachment 8917896 [details]
Bug 1403130 - Allow DOMNodes and cyclic objects to be rendered with the sidebar.setExpression API method.

Once I have finalized the tests that included in the devtools side of this changes, I've moved some shared test helpers into a shared file which is now used in both the devtools and webextensions tests.

I've also applied some additional change to the ext-devtools-panels.js module (and an additional assertion to the test cases) to ensure that the sidebar releases the actors created on the remote debugging server by the sidebar.setExpression API calls (I'm also going to ask nchevobbe to take a very brief look at the code that release the actors for a feedback on it from the devtools point of view).
(In reply to Nicolas Chevobbe [:nchevobbe] from comment #8)
> This is looking good, ping me for review again when the new reps bundle land
> :)
> One thing to keep in mind, as said on irc : between each "evaluation", we
> should release the actor so we don't fill up the server memory (where actors
> are kept).

Hi Nicolas,
In the last version of the attached patches I've added some additional changes which are taking care of releasing the when it changes (because of a new sidebar.setExpression / sidebar.setObject API call) and when the sidebar is being destroyed).

The code that releases the actor lives in the ext-devtools-panels.js module (as one of the responsibilities of the ParentDevToolsInspectorSidebar class).

Do you mind to take a brief look at it for a feedback from a DevTools / ObjectInspector point of view?

Follows the link to the interdiff which include (mostly) just these changes:

Flags: needinfo?(nchevobbe)
Hello Luca, This looks good to me :)
Flags: needinfo?(nchevobbe)
Comment on attachment 8917896 [details]
Bug 1403130 - Allow DOMNodes and cyclic objects to be rendered with the sidebar.setExpression API method.

Hi Andrew, 
as anticipated I'm adding a needinfo assigned to you on this patch
only to double-check that the final version of this patch is ok,
the following is a link to the interdiff:


(from the last time you looked it I have: moved most of the code that
uses selectors specific to the devtools internals into a file shared between
the test added at "WebExtensions" level and the ones at "devtools" level, applied some further tweaks to release the selected Remote Debugging actor when the sidebar is updated or destroyed, and asked to :nchevobbe to take a look at it from a "devtools internals" point of view)
Flags: needinfo?(aswan)
Looks good to me, thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(aswan)
Pushed by
Support result as value grip on WebExtension InspectorWindow actor eval method. r=ochameau
Support ObjectInspector-based object value grip view in ExtensionSidebar r=gl,nchevobbe
Allow DOMNodes and cyclic objects to be rendered with the sidebar.setExpression API method. r=aswan
Is manual testing required on this bug? If Yes, please provide some STR and the proper webextension(if required), if No set the “qe-verify-“ flag.
Flags: needinfo?(lgreco)
Attached file devtools-elements-sidebar.xpi (deleted) —
Follows the STR:

- install the attached extension temporarily from "about:debugging#addons"
- open a tab and load a regular webpage (e.g.
- open the devtools toolbox on the tab where the webpage has been loaded
- select the "Inspector" panel in the devtools toolbox
- select the body element in the "Inspector" markup view
- select the "TestPanel" sidebar in the "Inspector" panel

- Expected behavior:
  - an object preview should be rendered in the sidebar
  - the object preview should include:
    - $0 (which point to body#home, and the icon near to it should highlight the body when the mouse is over the icon)
    - body (which point to body#home like the above)
    - currentTagName: "BODY"
    - cyclicReference (which if expanded shows a self property, which should contain all the above properties, because this property is a reference to the entire object itself)

- select a different DOM element in the "Inspector" markup view (e.g. the html tag)
- Expected behavior:
  - the object preview is updated in the sidebar ($0 points to the html tag and currentTagName becomes "HTML")
Attachment #8917907 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Flags: needinfo?(lgreco)
Attached image devl el sidebar.PNG (deleted) —
I was able to reproduce the issue on Windows 10 64Bit Firefox 58.0a1(20171101220120).
Tested and verified on Windows 10 64Bit and Mac OS X 10.13.2 in Firefox  	60.0a1 (20180222101929).
Product: Toolkit → WebExtensions
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