Open Bug 1419402 Opened 7 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Value in "Transferred" column doesn't conform with expected value


(DevTools :: Netmonitor, defect, P3)

57 Branch


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bruinsmaarten, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.94 Safari/537.36 Steps to reproduce: OR the definition of "Transferred" is wrong OR it's not working properly. ("Firefox Developer Tools" > Network) See: Summery see bold part in that post / question: "2. Or the definition of "Transferred" is wrong or it's not working properly." See "Firefox Developer Tools" > Network." in that post. Actual results: The definition of "Transferred" does not match the results of "Transferred" in "Firefox Developer Tools" > "Network". Expected results: The results must match the definition.
Component: Untriaged → Developer Tools: Netmonitor
I tried to clarify the summary. It might be that the description on MDN[1] is just incomplete/incorrect. It currently says: "Transferred: the number of bytes that were actually transferred to load the resource. This will be less than Size if the resource was compressed. From Firefox 47, if the resource was fetched from a service worker cache, then this cell displays "service worker"." Sebastian [1]
Summary: OR the definition of "Transferred" is wrong OR it's not working properly. ("Firefox Developer Tools" > Network) → Value in "Transferred" column doesn't conform with expected value
You can search for: "2. Or the definition of "Transferred" is wrong or it's not working properly. See "Firefox Developer Tools" > Network." The following things can be wrong in the definition: - "Anyway i don't see "service worker", but i see "cached"? - About: "This will be less than Size if the resource was compressed." > this is not true as explained, because "Transferred" also contains the size of the "response headers" and "Size" does not contain the size of the "response headers" But i think this is anyway wrong: - In case of "304 Not Modified" there are bytes transferred (response headers). In case of "200 OK", the valkue of "Transferred" also includes the size of the "response headers". But in case of "304 Not Modified", the value of "Transferred" is "cached", while i would expect: the transferred bytes of the response headers. It's weird to name a field "Transferred" and not show the bytes of the transferred reponse headers in case of a 304 statuc code, because there are bytes transferred and not everything is coming from cache (only entity-body).
They banned me on Stack Overflow ;). I posted a link to Stack Overflow to report the bug (which was not that clear anyway), so maybe they will remove that link, so i'll post the bug one more time (a bit more clear) here. See: They are giving me this definition: > TRANSFERRED: the number of bytes that were actually transferred to load the resource. This will be less than Size if the resource was compressed. From Firefox 47, if the resource was fetched from a service worker cache, then this cell displays "service worker". My version of Firefox is: 57.0 (64-bit) - Firefox is up to date. I don't understand the logic behind a specific part in this definition. If you call a field "Transferred", then I would exepect a definition like this: > Transferred: the number of bytes that were actually transferred to load the resource. But they are also saying: > From Firefox 47, if the resource was fetched from a service worker cache, then this cell displays "service worker". I did some tests and in case of "304 Not Modified", the value of "Transferred" is "cached". But actually there are bytes transferred. Not the entity-body, because the body is coming from cache, but the bytes of the "response headers" are transferred. Anyway the Network Monitor has already other fields to make clear that something is coming from cache, so they could use the field "Transferred", pure for the amount of bytes transferred. Is this a bug or is Firefox? And if not, then anyway I think it makes much more sense to do it a different way (as pointed out above). If you name a field "Transferred", it would be logical that it's about the bytes transferred.
Product: Firefox → DevTools
Severity: normal → S3
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