Closed Bug 142476 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

This page raises CPU use to 92-100%


(Core :: DOM: HTML Parser, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set





(Reporter: momoi, Assigned: harishd)




(Keywords: perf, Whiteboard: [adt1])

** Observed with 2002-05-03 Win32 1.0 branch build **

If you load the above site in China, the page does not finish loading
and the memory consumption goes up to 92-100%. This is one of the top sites
in China and we need to find out if the problem is on the Mozilla side.
IE6 has no problem finishing the loading with this page.
wfm using build 2002050504 on Win2k (trunk). Page finishes loading. During
loading:: CPU around 10 to 50%. When finished loading, Mozilla eats 10 to 20%
CPU. (this is a PIII-900)
Thanks, Olivier. It turns out the real problem is on the
home page:

I loaded this first and then opened
Under this condition, the did not finish loading.

The home page consumes anywhere between 92-100% of CPU. (Corrected
the URL and summary.) That is where the real problem is. The problem
occurs on both trunk and branch builds.
IE6 does not have this problem.

I don't know if parser is right place to begin this investigation but
that is where I am sending this for now.
Summary: Page does not finish loading -- CPU use up to 92-100% → This page raises CPU use to 92-100%
Eats 95% of CPU after load for me WinXP bild 2002050106 ! PIII 800/512M WinXP Eng
after page finish loading, the cpu was at ~%40-%60.
this is amd xp 1600+ (1400mhz)
For me it is 92-99% on P III 1.12 GHz with 512 MB RAM on Win 2000.
It dips to 66% one moment but it comes back up to 92-99% very fast.
CC'ing a couple of people in performance area.
Severity: critical → major
Keywords: perf
May sound funny, but this ( WFM with RC1 on Win2k.
Never more than 20% on an Athlon 600, mostly about 10%.
The same with - entered directly because I don't know
where to click to get to it.
Tried again, all on Win2k, Athlon 600 MHz:

RC1: 2002041711, trunk build 2002050508, branch build 2002050306 - all: WFM
Also klicking from the home page to the sports page (finally figured out where
it is) works fine, CPU usage never more than 20%. And yes, both pages finish
loading (www and sports). 'Sports' needs a bit longer, after the page is quite
totally visible. This might be an image from a slow server (according to page
info there are three image servers involved, all different from
No such luck with Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.0rc1)
Gecko/20020417 on Windows 2000 in my case. 1.12 GHz with 520 MG RAM. This is
RC1 candidate build.
I mean after the loading is done, I am still seeing CPU consumption
of 92-100% on the RC1 build on Windows.
Keywords: nsbeta1+
Whiteboard: [adt1]
I tested with build 2002050604 on Win2k (trunk), loads
completely, however, CPU is between 70 and 99%.
If I remove Flash plug-in (was using Flash 6.0r29), restart and load page, CPU
-> ~5%.
Disabling JavaScript gives the same results (w/Flash: 95%, w/o Flash: 5%).
Well, I have flash installed and it is running (but still CPU <20%). 
But my version of Flash is the rather old version 4. Maybe that makes a
Blocks: 143047
WFM on WinXP 2002050608 - RC1 candidate build... Both pages loaded correctly 
and so did a third,! I have Flash player installed too, I am not 
sure if it is version 6 (checked and it is). 

I have a clue on the high CPU usage... I don't have the Chinese language pack 
installed and maybe thats why all the pages are loading okay. Others for whom 
these pages loaded okay, did you have the language pack installed?
No language pack installed (WFM, see above)
I have no problem with full install of  0508 window candidate build running on
WinXP SC . 

Before you renominate, please query bugs marked nsbeta1+ keyword with [ADT# RTM]
in status whiteboard (where # is a number between 1 and 3) and make sure that
this bug is at least as important as those.
Keywords: nsbeta1+nsbeta1-
Heikki/Harish - This was an ADT1 during 1.0 cycle. Is this no longer a high
impact issue? IF not, pls remove the adt1 from the Status Whiteboard. thanks!
Momoi: Is this still a problem for you? My CPU seems to be fine when loading the
above URL.
I was never able to reproduce the problem! Marking WFM.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
harish, do you have Chinese fonts on your system? 
I am going to tentatively re-opening this bug so that we
can get adequate QA coverage from NS IQA. We are currently
reviewing Chinese web sites for CPU consumtion issue and
we need to re-check this site on Chinese Windows. 
ji, ruixu, ylong, please check this site for CPU 
consumption when it is accessible. Currently, it seems to be
be down. 
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
Yes, this web page used has almost 100% CPU for me a few weeks ago, but today
when I tried it again, it really uo to 100% for a short moment, and then down
around average 20% very soon.
Blocks: 154896
No longer blocks: 154896
Blocks: 154896
It seems to be working fine for me, there is a brief pause (which I assume is
when Mozilla is loading the "Chinese Simplified (GB2312)" character set), but
otherwise fine.

Hang on, I see the problem now. It's not the loading of the page that is the
problem, but the CPU usage problem is after the page has finished loading.

On a hunch, I ran this thru the W3C Validator, and got the following message
"Sorry, I am unable to validate this document because on lines 264, 269, 270,
271, 272 it contained some byte(s) that I cannot interpret as gb2312. Please
check both the content of the file and the character encoding indication."

Win98SE build 2002071504-TRUNK.
Blocks: 157673
with m1.0 0729 japanese netscape candidate build on my chinese winxp I saw 29%
cpu usage after about 2 mins after finish loading the page
bstell: is this a dup of the flash cpu usage % issue. if so, could we close this
bug now?
Carine: could you try this on a current branch build?

Kat: could you try this with Flash 6 r47?
Brian, my machine, after loading the Flash movie and two popups remains at
35%-45%. German Win XP Pro machine with Chinese language pack installed, running
Flash 6 r.40.
Using NS 2002-08-06-08-1.0 with Flash 6 r47 when I minimize the window the load 
drops to about 4%. Which the window open the load is bouncing around any where 
from 20-40% to 50-100% CPU depending on which Flash areas are visible. I see very
similar CPU usage patterns for IE.
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.0.1) Gecko/20020823

on my 1GHz W2K system, I'm seeing about ~15% CPU usage with a fairly large window
showing multiple marquee and flash.
I recommend we close this bug now that Flash as of Flash 6 r47 no longer spends
CPU on non-visible Flash areas.
I agree, let's close. On my machine, using the branch of 8/23 with Flash 6r47, I
get a CPU load of 15%-20%
Resolving this as fixed, per Comment #28 From Carine Held.
Closed: 22 years ago22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Depends on: 180372
No longer blocks: 157673
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