Open Bug 1425758 Opened 7 years ago Updated 2 years ago

There is no method for escaping fullscreen html5 video when in Windows 10 tablet mode


(Core :: Audio/Video: Playback, defect, P3)

Windows 10



Tracking Status
firefox59 --- affected


(Reporter: jimm, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



1) open Firefox 57 on a win10 device that doesn't have a keyboard attached
2) enable tablet mode
3) visit you tube and play a html5 video
4) select the in-video fullscreen option

Independent of the in-video fullscreen option, I am unable to find a way to exit from full screen mode.
Ni myself to remember to check this bug when I am back to the office.
Flags: needinfo?(bwu)
Component: Audio/Video → Audio/Video: Playback
I cannot see this bug on my Surface book with the tablet mode. 
Can you take a picture of what you see?
Flags: needinfo?(bwu)
(In reply to Blake Wu [:bwu][:blakewu] from comment #2)
> I cannot see this bug on my Surface book with the tablet mode. 
> Jim, 
> Can you take a picture of what you see?

Did you fine a way to exit fullscreen without using the youtube button? I haven't found a way to do this via browser commands.
Jim, is the issue that you don't trust the exit-fullscreen button on the youtube controls and want something attached to browser chrome?
Flags: needinfo?(jmathies)
Priority: -- → P3
Or a gesture, I guess?
Assignee: nobody → giles
(In reply to Ralph Giles (:rillian) | needinfo me from comment #4)
> Jim, is the issue that you don't trust the exit-fullscreen button on the
> youtube controls and want something attached to browser chrome?

Trusting youtube is probably pretty safe. I don't trust all web content to act responsibly though. For example, might inject something into an ad network that gets loaded in my system. This content could throw up this window and that'd be it, your stuck with whatever they want to display in front of you until they let you go or you log out of your device.
Flags: needinfo?(jmathies)
Ok. I don't have a windows tablet and have only tried this on a laptop. There's no 'home' button or swipe-down menu like on a real tablet? The problem with us offering something that isn't a hardware button is that any fullscreen page could emulate that as well.

What about the long-swipe to set up split-screen multitasking? Is that sufficient as an os-level interaction?
Flags: needinfo?(jmathies)
Assignee: giles → nobody
Flags: needinfo?(jmathies)
Severity: normal → S3
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