Closed Bug 1427432 Opened 7 years ago Closed 6 years ago

High MAC Book Pro CPU when watching videos


(Core :: Audio/Video: Playback, defect, P2)

57 Branch





(Reporter: scamarda, Unassigned)



(Keywords: power)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:57.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/57.0
Build ID: 20171226083017

Steps to reproduce:

Watch any embedded video with FF 57.  See accompanying video of behavior.

Actual results:

High CPU, high fan speed, excessive power draw

Expected results:

Routing behavior.  Does not happen with Chrome
Summary: High CPU when watching videos → High MAC Book Pro CPU when watching videos
OS: Unspecified → Mac OS X
Component: Untriaged → Audio/Video: Playback
Keywords: power
Product: Firefox → Core
Hi scamarda,
Thanks for reporting this bug. 
I guess your machine may use software decoder for video decoding. 
Can you install our dev tool [1] and follow the instructions in "About this extension" on[1]?
Please also help paste the debugInfo like the following. 
Thank you.  

        "debugInfo": {
          "Container Type": "MediaSource",
          "Audio Decoder(audio/mp4a-latm)": "shutdown",
          "Audio Frames Decoded": "2",
          "Audio State": "ni=0 no=0 wp=0 demuxr=0 demuxq=0 decoder=0 tt=-1.0 tths=-1 in=0 out=0 qs=0 pending=0 wfd=0 eos=0 ds=0 wfk=0 sid=165",
          "Video Decoder(video/avc, 1056x1584 @ 29.96)": "shutdown",
          "Hardware Video Decoding": "enabled",
          "Video Frames Decoded": "2 (skipped=0)",

I've been having very similar issues on MacOS. Here's the output from the media dev tools:

Auto Refresh Rate:
Media Info : [

    0 : {
        url : ""
        mediaElements : [...] 1 item


    "url": "",
    "mediaElements": [
        "currentSrc": "blob:",
        "currentTime": 197.962666,
        "readyState": 4,
        "videoPlaybackQuality": {
          "ratio": "100%",
          "droppedVideoFrames": 10,
          "corruptedVideoFrames": 0
        "bufferedRanges": [
            "start": 0,
            "end": 277.610666
        "mozMediaSourceObject": [
            "sourceBuffers": [
                "start": 0,
                "end": 280.001
            "sourceBuffers": [
                "start": 0,
                "end": 277.610666
        "debugInfo": {
          "Container Type": "MediaSource",
          "Audio Decoder(audio/opus)": "opus audio decoder",
          "Audio Frames Decoded": "10000",
          "Audio State": "ni=0 no=0 wp=0 demuxr=0 demuxq=0 decoder=0 tt=-1.0 tths=-1 in=10000 out=10000 qs=0 pending=0 wfd=0 eos=0 ds=0 wfk=0 sid=2",
          "Video Decoder(video/avc, 1280x720 @ 29.97)": "apple hardware VT decoder",
          "Hardware Video Decoding": "enabled",
          "Video Frames Decoded": "5981 (skipped=0)",
          "Video State": "ni=0 no=1 wp=0 demuxr=0 demuxq=0 decoder=1 tt=-1.0 tths=-1 in=148 out=143 qs=5 pending:0 wfd=0 eos=0 ds=0 wfk=0 sid=3",
          "Dumping Data for Demuxer": "18a35a000",
          "Dumping Audio Track Buffer(audio/webm)": "mLastAudioTime=200.001000",
          "Audio Track Buffer Details": "NumSamples=14000 Size=8444886 Evictable=6147271 NextGetSampleIndex=10000 NextInsertionIndex=14000",
          "Audio Track Buffered": "ranges=[(0.000000, 280.001000)]",
          "Dumping Video Track Buffer(video/mp4)": "mLastVideoTime=198.531666",
          "Video Track Buffer Details": "NumSamples=8320 Size=35529658 Evictable=25080128 NextGetSampleIndex=5948 NextInsertionIndex=8320",
          "Video Track Buffered": "ranges=[(0.000000, 277.610666)]",
          "MediaDecoder State": "channels=2 rate=48000 hasAudio=1 hasVideo=1 mPlayState=PLAYING mdsm=18b66f000",
          "MediaDecoderStateMachine State": "GetMediaTime=197962666 GetClock=197994666 mMediaSink=12ebf5b60 state=DECODING mPlayState=3 mSentFirstFrameLoadedEvent=1 IsPlaying=1 mAudioStatus=idle mVideoStatus=pending mDecodedAudioEndTime=199994500 mDecodedVideoEndTime=198298100mAudioCompleted=0 mVideoCompleted=0mIsPrerolling=0",
          "VideoSink Status": "IsStarted=1 IsPlaying=1 VideoQueue(finished=0 size=10) mVideoFrameEndTime=197997800 mHasVideo=1 mVideoSinkEndRequest.Exists()=0 mEndPromiseHolder.IsEmpty()=0"
This sounds like the known performance issue.
Closed: 6 years ago
Priority: -- → P2
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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