Open Bug 1431335 Opened 6 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Show if a tab is bookmarked in about:sessionrestore


(Firefox :: Session Restore, enhancement, P5)

57 Branch




(Reporter: combettaworld, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


Show if a tab is bookmarked in "Restore session"
Dear In, thanks for filing a bug. Which screen do you want us to add this information? In the about:sessionrestore page? In the 'Recently Closed Tabs' menu?

And do you have an idea how to visualize that? Can you perhaps provide some screenshots and/ or mockups of what kind of feature you have in mind? The information you're providing right here is a bit scarce, so more details would be much appreciated!
Flags: needinfo?(combettaworld)
about:sessionrestore page
Show stars if bookmarked, next to tick sign
Where is 'Recently Closed Tabs' menu?
Flags: needinfo?(combettaworld)
OK, I understand what you're asking for. I'll keep this idea around for a short while, to see if there are more people who'd like to have this.
For further decision making: what is you use case for requesting this feature? What does it help you accomplish what you are unable to do today?
Blocks: ss-feature
Severity: normal → enhancement
Ever confirmed: true
Priority: -- → P5
Summary: Show if a tab is bookmarked in "Restore session" → Show if a tab is bookmarked in about:sessionrestore 
Answers to "What is you use case for requesting this feature?",
to not create duplicatebookmarks
Severity: normal → S3
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