Closed Bug 1432978 Opened 7 years ago Closed 6 years ago

NortonPowerEraser against Firefox x64 (Win10)


(External Software Affecting Firefox :: Other, enhancement)

Windows 10
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: stefano2404, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [specification][type:change])

What feature should be changed? Please provide the URL of the feature if possible.

What problems would this solve?
Norton Power Eraser detects these 2 registry keys as dangerous and corrects them apparently without any problem, but these registry keys are set up again at each update. I don't have this problem with 32-bit Firefox.

Who would use this?
Don't know, maybe it is a false positive...

What would users see?

What would users do? What would happen as a result?
If I "correct" them with NPE nothing happen.

Is there anything else we should know?
It started from the 1st release of Firefox x64, and it's strange that Norton team hasn't corrected it yet, if is a false positive...
Component: Security → Untriaged
OS: Other → Windows 10
Product: Mozilla Developer Network → Firefox
Hardware: All → x86
Version: unspecified → 58 Branch
Hardware: x86 → x86_64
Component: Untriaged → Other
Product: Firefox → External Software Affecting Firefox
Version: 58 Branch → unspecified
Note that this annoying problem affect only Firefox x64 (on Windows, and until now each 64-bit Firefox release), and the problem does NOT exist in 32-bit versions of Firefox (alwais on Win10 64-bit OS).
I reported this to but they reply that mine was an "Invalid submission", "Because Power Eraser analysis is aggressive". Ok, I already known that, but it is still very annoying.
Flags: needinfo?(mcastelluccio)
Me again, I'm so sorry, but I cannot find the way to edit my comments, so a Moderator can censore the e-mail address I just posted by replacing "@" with "[at]" or something else to prevent spambots, and delete this message? Thanks and sorry again!
Stefano, can you check what is the value of those two keys in the registry?
Flags: needinfo?(mcastelluccio) → needinfo?(stefano2404)
You're lucky, just today came the update 58.0.2 (x64) that restored the two regkey deleted by NPE.
They're both REG_SZ with these values:
"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -safe-mode
And yes, Norton Power Eraser still detect them as dangerous ("Pericoloso" it says, in Italian).
P.S.: are you able to edit my previous posts as I asked?
Flags: needinfo?(stefano2404)
Also, now, after the (bad) correction, NPE set those keys to identical values but with the path "Program Files (x86)" instead of "Program Files" (the correct one, considering the 64-bit version of Firefox in use), a path that doesn't exist anymore after the Firefox upgrade from x86 to x64!
(In reply to Stefano from comment #5)
> You're lucky, just today came the update 58.0.2 (x64) that restored the two
> regkey deleted by NPE.
> They're both REG_SZ with these values:
> "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
> "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -safe-mode
> And yes, Norton Power Eraser still detect them as dangerous ("Pericoloso" it
> says, in Italian).

Is your default browser still Firefox after Norton Power Eraser "corrects" those "pericolose" keys?

> P.S.: are you able to edit my previous posts as I asked?

Unfortunately not, we can only hide them. Don't worry about the email address, it's public anyway.

(In reply to Stefano from comment #6)
> Also, now, after the (bad) correction, NPE set those keys to identical
> values but with the path "Program Files (x86)" instead of "Program Files"
> (the correct one, considering the 64-bit version of Firefox in use), a path
> that doesn't exist anymore after the Firefox upgrade from x86 to x64!

Have you double-checked if "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox" and "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox" exist?
IIRC for some people we still used the (x86) directory even after the upgrade to x64.
Flags: needinfo?(stefano2404)
(In reply to Marco Castelluccio [:marco] from comment #7)
> Is your default browser still Firefox after Norton Power Eraser "corrects"
> those "pericolose" keys?
Yes, but if I type "firefox" or "firefox.exe" on CMD, it return that Firefox is not recognized as a program...

> Have you double-checked if "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox" and
> "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox" exist?
> IIRC for some people we still used the (x86) directory even after the
> upgrade to x64.
The x86 dir does NOT exist anymore, perhaps because - but I don't remember well - I did a new installation of Firefox x64 after uninstalling (maybe deleting personal data) the x86 version... Probably this could be the problem, the use, in some cases as you said, of "Program Files (x86)" directory for the 64-bit edition, confusing Norton cloud-based engine.
Flags: needinfo?(stefano2404)
Thanks for all the info, Stefano. I've contacted Symantec about this.
Ever confirmed: true
Symantec found the root cause and will update Norton Power Eraser to fix the issue.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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