Closed Bug 1433279 Opened 7 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Update hostutils for Android tests


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: Testing, enhancement, P5)



(firefox60 affected)

Tracking Status
firefox60 --- affected


(Reporter: kmag, Assigned: nalexander)




(2 files)

+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #1415242 +++

The last three patches in bug 1431533 require the first two being present in host-utils before they can land. The mochitest server fails to run on an older xpcshell with those patches applied since the ChromeUtils methods it relies on are missing.
Assignee: nobody → gbrown
gbrown: I need to update Autophone as well?
Flags: needinfo?(gbrown)
(In reply to Bob Clary [:bc:] from comment #1)
> gbrown: I need to update Autophone as well?

I think we should keep host-utils consistent between Autophone and the emulator tests -- just for our sanity and avoiding surprises. I do not know if any autophone tests will fail if bug 1431533 lands without a host-utils update. I don't see any Autophone failures in

It looks like the last time I updated host-utils, you updated autophone in bug 1415368.
Flags: needinfo?(gbrown)
I created new host-utils archives based on :kmag's builds from his inbound push. That seems to work fine for the current trunk:

:kmag -- Your patches would not apply cleanly for me, so I could not verify that this host-utils addresses your problem. I'll leave that to you.
Flags: needinfo?(kmaglione+bmo)
Attachment #8945877 - Flags: review?(jmaher)
:nalexander -- Can you help us out with host-utils for mac, just like you did in bug 1415242?
Flags: needinfo?(nalexander)
Comment on attachment 8945877 [details] [diff] [review]
update tooltool manifests for android host-utils

Review of attachment 8945877 [details] [diff] [review]:

Attachment #8945877 - Flags: review?(jmaher) → review+
Blocks: 1425322
Keywords: leave-open
I started a try run with my patches applied on top of yours, and it looks good:

It's not finished yet, but when I landed with the old host-utils, all of the tests had timed out within 15 minutes, and they're past that point now.
Flags: needinfo?(kmaglione+bmo)
Pushed by
Update tooltool manifests for Android host-utils (linux); r=jmaher
(In reply to Kris Maglione [:kmag] (long backlog; ping on IRC if you're blocked) from comment #7)
> I started a try run with my patches applied on top of yours, and it looks
> good:
> jobs?repo=try&revision=73e7aaa682b8a002729d47071ef0cf57d0aa9363
> It's not finished yet, but when I landed with the old host-utils, all of the
> tests had timed out within 15 minutes, and they're past that point now.

Thanks Kris. Hopefully this host-utils update will work for you. Be aware that there were some robocop failures on your try push which I don't normally see.

leave-open for :bc to follow-up for autophone and :nalexander to follow-up for mac host-utils for local testing on mac. (afaik, neither is required to unblock :kmag).
did the autophone update dance using the target.tar.bz2, from the same revision as gbrown's push.
> Thanks Kris. Hopefully this host-utils update will work for you. Be aware
> that there were some robocop failures on your try push which I don't normally
> see.

I noticed, thanks. Those weren't related to the host-utils issues, and I
already fixed them locally.
These will be auto-updated in local test environments as needed:

$ ./mach reftest layout/reftests/reftest-sanity
Your host utilities are out of date!
You have host-utils-58.0a1.en-US-linux-x86_64 installed, but host-utils-60.0a1.en-US-linux-x86_64 is available
Update host utilities? (Y/n) 
Installing host utilities. This may take a while...
Is this intentionally still open?
(In reply to :Gijs from comment #14)
> Is this intentionally still open?

Yes, 'cuz I haven't updated the macOS utilities.  I'm hoping to make a toolchain task to do it instead of doing it manually, but haven't gotten there.  If you want this closed, file follow-up and I'll do the work there.
Flags: needinfo?(nalexander)
(In reply to Nick Alexander :nalexander from comment #15)
> (In reply to :Gijs from comment #14)
> > Is this intentionally still open?
> Yes, 'cuz I haven't updated the macOS utilities.  I'm hoping to make a
> toolchain task to do it instead of doing it manually, but haven't gotten
> there.  If you want this closed, file follow-up and I'll do the work there.

Nope, that's fine. I will note that it seems may be running into the same issue so we might need to rev' these again anyway...
(In reply to :Gijs from comment #16)
> Nope, that's fine. I will note that it seems
> may be running into the
> same issue so we might need to rev' these again anyway...

Heh. I almost commented in that bug that we'd probably run into this issue, but I thought the first parts landed in time to make it into the host-utils update
(In reply to Kris Maglione [:kmag] (long backlog; ping on IRC if you're blocked) from comment #17)
> (In reply to :Gijs from comment #16)
> > Nope, that's fine. I will note that it seems
> > may be running into the
> > same issue so we might need to rev' these again anyway...
> Heh. I almost commented in that bug that we'd probably run into this issue,
> but I thought the first parts landed in time to make it into the host-utils
> update

It's also possible I'm mistaken! I'm just inferring based on the failure descriptions of the trypush from mcrr8.
No, I think you're right. He landed the first part when I finally got the second part of mine to stick. I just got confused about the timing. So we'll need another update for the rest of that to land :(
To be clear here, I need an update that contains the patch in bug 767640 so I can remove Cu, etc. from various server files. I can file a separate bug for that if you want, but of course it would be silly to bump the version on other OSes to some intermediate state, at this point.
In bug 1436183 we are updating linux host-utils again, based on Until there's a similar update for macOS, anyone trying to run Android mochi/reftests locally on a macOS host may have trouble.

I would love to see future updates handled by a toolchain task -- thanks for looking into that Nick.
Assignee: gbrown → nalexander
I dug into the toolchain task part far more than was wise.  The attached review request has WIP on supporting macOS toolchain tasks; it might be useful to somebody (me?) in the future:

Unfortunately, this doesn't succeed; and further, I don't think it really can succeed.  Apple makes it Damn Hard to sign code, but there's a subtle thing happening that isn't really visible in the documentation.  I think the posted instructions only work because I had an Apple Developer profile that links back to trusted Apple root certificates.  (I think I no longer have a valid profile, so I think I can't actually follow the instructions.  I might be incorrect.)  Untangling the snarl of conflicting suggestions about self-signed certificates leads me to believe that even if we can get codesign to accept a self-signed certificate (and I couldn't), nobody would be able to run the signed binaries, 'cuz the self-signed certificate wouldn't chain back to a trusted Apple certificate.

All that means that we probably need to use Mozilla's signing service to sign these test binaries.  Possibly with a certificate even more restricted than the cert that we use for try builds, although that one seems about right.

I would be pleased to be proved wrong.

I didn't do the Linux toolchain task bits: they will be trivial.
(In reply to Nick Alexander :nalexander from comment #23)
> I dug into the toolchain task part far more than was wise.  The attached
> review request has WIP on supporting macOS toolchain tasks; it might be
> useful to somebody (me?) in the future:
> Unfortunately, this doesn't succeed; and further, I don't think it really
> can succeed.  Apple makes it Damn Hard to sign code, but there's a subtle
> thing happening that isn't really visible in the documentation.  I think the
> posted instructions only work because I had an Apple Developer profile that
> links back to trusted Apple root certificates.  (I think I no longer have a
> valid profile, so I think I can't actually follow the instructions.  I might
> be incorrect.)  Untangling the snarl of conflicting suggestions about
> self-signed certificates leads me to believe that even if we can get
> codesign to accept a self-signed certificate (and I couldn't), nobody would
> be able to run the signed binaries, 'cuz the self-signed certificate
> wouldn't chain back to a trusted Apple certificate.
> All that means that we probably need to use Mozilla's signing service to
> sign these test binaries.  Possibly with a certificate even more restricted
> than the cert that we use for try builds, although that one seems about
> right.
> I would be pleased to be proved wrong.
> I didn't do the Linux toolchain task bits: they will be trivial.

This bit Alex Gaynor today, in the form of a "TypeError: ChromeUtils.import is not a function" message _in the mochitest browser window_ (with no stack) on Mac.

I can't produce a new hostutils for Mac since my (Mozilla) signing certificates have expired -- I'm no longer an iOS developer.  We could try to get an iOS developer who can do the signing... or we can solve the real problem by signing in automation.
Today I think :bdahl is hitting a similar issue with:

MochitestServer : launching [u'/Users/bdahl/.mozbuild/android-device/host-utils.37.0a2.en-US.mac/xpcshell', '-g', '/Users/bdahl/.mozbuild/android-device/host-utils.37.0a2.en-US.mac', '-f', '/Users/bdahl/.mozbuild/android-device/host-utils.37.0a2.en-US.mac/components/httpd.js', '-e', "const _PROFILE_PATH = '/var/folders/9r/c_7dd1810vl474__5fss971m0000gn/T/tmpcK76SH.mozrunner'; const _SERVER_PORT = '8888'; const _SERVER_ADDR = ''; const _TEST_PREFIX = undefined; const _DISPLAY_RESULTS = false;", '-f', '/Users/bdahl/projects/gecko-hg-android/obj-arm-linux-androideabi/_tests/testing/mochitest/server.js'] | Server pid: 66427 | Websocket server pid: 66428 | SSL tunnel pid: 66429
Failed to init NSS:
[warn] kq_init: detected broken kqueue; not using.: Undefined error: 0
⋊> ~/M/build-tooltool on master ⨯ tar cfJ host-utils-61.0a1.en-US.mac.tar.xz host-utils-61.0a1.en-US.mac
⋊> ~/M/build-tooltool on master ⨯ python add --visibility public host-utils-61.0a1.en-US.mac.tar.xz
⋊> ~/M/build-tooltool on master ⨯ python upload --authentication-file=auth --message "Bug 1433279 - Update hostutils for Android tests."
INFO - host-utils-61.0a1.en-US.mac.tar.xz: starting upload
INFO - host-utils-61.0a1.en-US.mac.tar.xz: uploaded
INFO - notifying server of upload completion for host-utils-61.0a1.en-US.mac.tar.xz
WARNING - Waiting 36 seconds for upload URLs to expire
⋊> ~/M/build-tooltool on master ⨯ cat                                                                                                                                                                              11:05:40
    "size": 52350220,
    "visibility": "public",
    "digest": "f8f86d8f2b8f754a79404dc38bf1d12419923d3d496cbd896a979658083b676f2eeda3bf03af21c5ea6389e8ec63459bf8e51bb093e99ef4d67b2a92a3160994",
    "algorithm": "sha512",
    "filename": "host-utils-61.0a1.en-US.mac.tar.xz"
Pushed by
Update tooltool manifest for Mac host-utils for Android tests; r=me,a=test-only
Blocks: 1457012
Re-triaging per

Needinfo :susheel if you think this bug should be re-triaged.
Priority: P1 → P5

We've updated host-utils again recently, and I've noted this bug's wip patch in bug 1294256.

Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard
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