Closed Bug 144421 Opened 22 years ago Closed 18 years ago

mozilla(gtk2) can not work on Solaris(Ultra60) and SunBlade100


(Core :: XUL, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: jay.yan, Assigned: jay.yan)



I am now debuging mozilla(gtk2) on a sparc machine, it is a Ultra60.

But I can not run mozilla(gtk2) on it normally, I can run mozilla(gtk1.2) on the
same machine, and others are using SunBlade100, mozilla(gtk2) can run on all the
SunBlade machines.

When I run mozilla(gtk2), a black window appears. the content of this window is
all black, and this window has no menu bar, it only has borders.

and infinite output is printed on the command-line console:

(<unknown>:25150): Gdk-WARNING **: Attempt to draw a drawable with depth 24 to a
drawable with depth 8

(<unknown>:25150): Gdk-WARNING **: Attempt to draw a drawable with depth 24 to a
drawable with depth 8

(<unknown>:25150): Gdk-WARNING **: Attempt to draw a drawable with depth 24 to a
drawable with depth 8

(<unknown>:25150): Gdk-WARNING **: Attempt to draw a drawable with depth 24 to a
drawable with depth 8
I wrote a demo gtk2 app to test the color depth of my machine, it is the value
of GdkVisual

*rgb_visual = {
    _GdkVisual::parent_instance = {
        _GObject::g_type_instance = {
            _GTypeInstance::g_class = 0x2ead8
        _GObject::ref_count = 1U
        _GObject::qdata = (nil)
    _GdkVisual::type = GDK_VISUAL_TRUE_COLOR
    _GdkVisual::depth = 24
    _GdkVisual::byte_order = GDK_MSB_FIRST
    _GdkVisual::colormap_size = 256
    _GdkVisual::bits_per_rgb = 8
    _GdkVisual::red_mask = 255U
    _GdkVisual::red_shift = 0
    _GdkVisual::red_prec = 8
    _GdkVisual::green_mask = 65280U
    _GdkVisual::green_shift = 8
    _GdkVisual::green_prec = 8
    _GdkVisual::blue_mask = 16711680U
    _GdkVisual::blue_shift = 16
    _GdkVisual::blue_prec = 8
    _GdkVisual::screen = 0x2e880

the depth is 24, but why X keeps on complaining I try to put 24-bit drawable on
8-bit drawable? 

Is it the error of gtk2, or of mozilla?

Any suggestion or comment?


Blocks: gtk2
Summary: mozilla(gtk2) can not work on Solaris(Ultra60) → mozilla(gtk2) can not work on Solaris(Ultra60)
QA Contact: jrgm → nobody
Thanks, Erwann, I tried the workaround for gtk2, it works fine, I am now using
mozilla(gtk2) on my Ultra60 now. 
From now, it seems that we can test mozilla(gtk2) on Solaris.
and after that gtk2 bug is closed, I will close this bug.

I found the same problem in SunBlade100 today.
when the res is 1280x1024x75, same error happen.

I have to set 
/use/sbin/m64config -res 1280x1024x76

I will also comment on 
Summary: mozilla(gtk2) can not work on Solaris(Ultra60) → mozilla(gtk2) can not work on Solaris(Ultra60) and SunBlade100
The unapplied part of the patch in GNOME bugzilla doesn't fix anything; it just 
makes application bugs  produces warnings instead of X errors. There is 
presumably a mozilla bug here that needs to be fixed.
Owen, I want to confirm one thing, is your comment #5 talking about the coredump
bug caused by tooltip bug 140698, or this gdk warning bug?
Becasue Erwann only attached patch for
that gnome is related with mozilla bug 140698, not this mozilla bug.
mass CCed gtk2 related bugs to, remove browser-china- from the CC list.
I tried on SunBlade 100, with resolution 1280x1024x75, it seems ok. 
The gnome bug ( has been fixed.
But It is better we can verify it on Ultra60 also.
Reproduce on Solaris 8, with res 1280x1024x76 and depth=24.
But it ok with res=1280x1024x76 and depth=8
Spam for bug 129472
QA Contact: nobody → nobody
Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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