Open Bug 1468246 Opened 6 years ago Updated 2 years ago

High variability in performance testing with large images


(Core :: Layout, enhancement, P3)




Performance Impact medium


(Reporter: past, Unassigned)


(Depends on 1 open bug)


(Keywords: perf:pageload)

Our partners at Wikimedia discovered that past a certain threshold of image weight on their page (around 1MB), Firefox starts displaying significant randomness in its effective visual progress performance.

When driven by WebPageTest or Browsertime, they see that metrics like "start render" on such web pages vary by as much as 900ms from one run to the next under the same networking conditions:

Chrome doesn't display that behavior and has consistent stability on those metrics between runs regardless of the amount and weight of images on the page.

According to the HTTP archive, having that much image weight on pages isn't that unusual:

Ben Kelly profiled the roman empire url from the phabricator issue.  On a ctrl-shift-r he got:

He said: "AFAICT, we are spending 800ms doing a sync reflow during load because of a MouseMoveEvent.  I don't see a js handler in the stack, though, so I think this is gecko internally triggering the reflow."
Is that 800ms reflow something happens only sometimes, or does it happen consistently, but just triggered at different point which causes the variance in rendering time? I don't see how that is related to images anyway.

It seems to me the majority of time is spent in reflowing column set frame probably because of the long reference list. I guess given its length it probably shouldn't take that long, but I have no idea.
Whiteboard: [qf] → [qf:p1:f64]
(In reply to Xidorn Quan [:xidorn] UTC+10 from comment #1)
> It seems to me the majority of time is spent in reflowing column set frame
> probably because of the long reference list.

This is bug 575614, BTW.  Really, I'm guessing this is all a version of bug 575614, but I'll leave this open in case there's any hackarounds we can come up with.

(I would guess that maybe the "image weight" connection is simply that with more images, it becomes harder to coalesce image-size-available-triggered incremental reflows together (because they're more numerous / spread out over time), and so we end up reflowing more times.  And in light of bug 575614, those reflows can be expensive when there's a long multicol at the bottom of the page, as there is in some wikipedia pages)
Depends on: 575614
FWIW, the Roman Empire url (the one from comment 0's profile) is:

It has 660 citations followed by ~60 Cited sources (in 2 separate multicol elements)
Priority: -- → P3
Whiteboard: [qf:p1:f64] → [qf:p1:pageload]

(In reply to Daniel Holbert [:dholbert] from comment #2)

This is bug 575614, BTW. Really, I'm guessing this is all a version of bug
575614, but I'll leave this open in case there's any hackarounds we can come
up with.

Bug 575614 comment 34 (and surrounding) have some context on ideas we had about fixing this bug. That's probably the most actionable thing here at the moment.

Whiteboard: [qf:p1:pageload] → [qf:p2:pageload]
Performance Impact: --- → P2
Keywords: perf:pageload
Whiteboard: [qf:p2:pageload]
Severity: normal → S3
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