Open Bug 1473661 Opened 6 years ago Updated 2 years ago

if you run test-verify-backfill on a test-verify job it fails


(Testing :: General, enhancement, P3)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: jmaher, Unassigned)



(Keywords: good-first-bug) this isn't a normal use case, so the priority isn't high, but nevertheless we should fix this since it will be easy. Basically test-verify doesn't have a group in treeherder, so when we try to copy the groupSymbol from the original job we fail :( Lets check for that before accessing it, in fact all fields.
this would be a fixed in [task 2018-07-05T17:06:01.872Z] Traceback (most recent call last): [task 2018-07-05T17:06:01.872Z] File "/builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/taskcluster/", line 250, in action_callback [task 2018-07-05T17:06:01.872Z] test=False) [task 2018-07-05T17:06:01.872Z] File "/builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/taskcluster/taskgraph/actions/", line 314, in trigger_action_callback [task 2018-07-05T17:06:01.872Z] cb(Parameters(**parameters), graph_config, input, task_group_id, task_id, task) [task 2018-07-05T17:06:01.872Z] File "/builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/taskcluster/taskgraph/actions/", line 182, in backfill_action [task 2018-07-05T17:06:01.872Z] push_params, push_decision_task_id, push, modifier=modifier) [task 2018-07-05T17:06:01.872Z] File "/builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/taskcluster/taskgraph/actions/", line 139, in create_tasks [task 2018-07-05T17:06:01.872Z] {l: modifier(full_task_graph[l]) for l in target_graph.nodes}, [task 2018-07-05T17:06:01.873Z] File "/builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/taskcluster/taskgraph/actions/", line 139, in <dictcomp> [task 2018-07-05T17:06:01.873Z] {l: modifier(full_task_graph[l]) for l in target_graph.nodes}, [task 2018-07-05T17:06:01.873Z] File "/builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/taskcluster/taskgraph/actions/", line 178, in modifier [task 2018-07-05T17:06:01.873Z] del task.task['extra']['treeherder']['groupSymbol'] [task 2018-07-05T17:06:01.873Z] KeyError: u'groupSymbol'
Keywords: good-first-bug
Priority: -- → P3
Blocks: 1483292
Blocks: 1499208
No longer blocks: 1499208
Severity: normal → S3
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