Closed Bug 14923 Opened 25 years ago Closed 19 years ago

Local components tracking bug


(Core :: XPCOM, defect, P3)






(Reporter: dveditz, Assigned: blizzard)



(Keywords: embed, topembed-, Whiteboard: [T2])

We eventually want to allow users--particularly on unix--to be able to install local components since they may not have rights to install them to the global installation. To some extent this overlaps the requirements to be able to install local skins or chrome. dp says "after 5.0", shaver wants it in 5.0, but I think has an optimistic view of what would be required. This bug will attempt to track all the issues. If we decide to take this on for 5.0 then bugs should be generated for the sub-issues. We need: - a local component registry - installer knowledge when to register in that one, as opposed to the global (or always scan the local components dir, as we do with plugins) - discovery of local .xpt files - discovery of local default/prefs - discovery of local chrome registry fragments (when we have them at all!) - some way for chrome URLs to specify local chrome - a way to install local pref-pane add-ons (probably through XUL overlays specified in chrome registry fragments; once we solve this problem for global components and also use local fragments this is a no-op) Is there anything else that goes with components that would have to be duplicated at a local level? Since I wouldn't want to have to write two installs for each component, one that installs to a global place and one to a local place we have to have some mechanism for the installer to switch it's idea of the "default place" for these various items. How do we do that -- would it be automatic (check dir permissions globally first)? User setting?
More thoughts on this (I'll file bugs to track them, too)... General beliefs: - we need to do _something_ to fix 16600, because people _will_ have clock skew or something else that varies the timestamps on the component registry, and we can't just crash - local should always trump system, which means that we should check in the user's chrome world first, and load prefs from there last, etc. - we _desperately_ need to reduce the number of places in the system that look up files by hand, and funnel them all through something like the file locator onto which we will graft global/local lookup smarts. This might require moving the file locator into XPCOM, but I don't want to do that, so I'll try and find another way - ``system'' vs. ``user'' may not be all we're asked to do, and whatever designs we come up with should try to not _exclude_ such behaviour as system->user->profile or allowing an embedding app to add an additional component repository somewhere in the chain. I doubt anyone on this list will actually do system->user->profile for 5.0, but maybe someone else will? Specific issues: - [16599] the local-component registry problem -- other than the ``into which do I register my component'' part, which is properly an installer issue -- isn't a hard one: after you load the system registry, you load the per-user registry and it gets to add to and/or override the system settings. We might want to add a profile: prefix analogous to rel:/abs:/lib: for specifying paths relative to the currently active profile, or something. - [16602] discovery of local files is a problem that I hope to be mostly solving in pursuit of faster startup: enumerate the components directory but once, handing files (spec/date/size) to the appropriate handler based on suffix. Once that's in place, it's not much harder to walk other component areas and hand those files off as well. - determination of where to install should be left with the user, probably with some sane default. Policies like ``install to system registry if you have permissions, else per-user or per-profile'' should be expressible. In my head, I picture a world where the system components dir and the per-user components dir have identical structure, so the installer would ``only'' have to vary the prefix. (Can you smell the drugs from there?) I might start hacking on this tomorrow, in hopes of fixing 16600, though 16602 might have priority. Or, I might not. =)
I'm bored. I need something to do.
Assignee: shaver → blizzard
Please see bug 45229 (Just root can register all Mozilla modules (Breaks mail/news and themes)). Several distributions (SuSE,Debian,TurboLinux) that I know of for sure are having problems distributing mozilla because of this type of thing. What is the status of this bug? It would be nice if you never had to register the components in the dist directory as root and all the writing could be in ~/mozilla/ as the individual user.
David, this is not related to bug 45299 in any way. This is about the ability for users on a multi-user system to have a component in their local directory that is not installed or visible for other users, somewhat the way Netscape Navigator allows users to install local plugins in addition to the ones the sysadmin has installed globally. Anyone who ships a fixed set of components can certainly pre-generate the troublesome files and ship them too, obviating the problem in 45299.
As part of my RPM generation I regenerate the component.reg. Why are other distributions having this problem?
I think it's the chrome files causing the problems mainly, but maybe those other distros don't know about any of the generated files. In any case it's irrelevant to this bug.
I have managed to run NS PR3 as non-privileged user, after installing and running once as root. However, to install any optional component, such as chatzilla or xmlterm, I need to run as root again to get the component installed in the bin/components directory and then registered in component.reg. This means that for a shared install of mozilla, a non-privileged user will only be able to try out browser add-ons that the sys admin chooses to install. This sort of defeats the purpose of XPCOM in a multi-user system. Hopefully local components will make it to mozilla 1.0 As a stopgap measure, couldn't one (optionally) move the global registry location from bin/component.reg to $HOME/.mozilla/user/component.reg, making it user writable? (see also bug 41057) This wouldn't solve the problem of autoregistration of local components, of course. voting for this bug, which seems to be more appropriate than bug 41057, and cc'ing myself
Here is *a* proposed solution for the local components problem on Unix platforms, using symlinks. This may not be the ideal solution, but I think it can be done without introducing any new interfaces at all. - root installs mozilla as usual, creating $MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME/component.reg, $MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME/components etc. as usual - user creates new registry $HOME/.mozilla/component.reg - user creates new components directory $HOME/.mozilla/components - user creates the symlink ./mozilla/components/system -> $MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME/components - user runs mozilla, which autoregisters components by recursively descending symlinked directories - user installs additional components in .mozilla/components as needed - unnecessary autoregistration can be avoided by comparing the modification dates on the system registry and the user's registry - to ensure that user's components trump system components, one may want to impose a particular autoregistration order for symlinked directories I have checked that component autoregistration handles symlinked directories recursively. The XPT stuff doesn't, but I know how to fix it. Any comments?
dp is no longer changing qa contact to default for this product
QA Contact: dp → kandrot
Depends on: 45703
*** Bug 78465 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 100368 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 57134 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 45703 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Depends on: 45701
Adding topembed keyword. This is not just a problem for OS's that restrict dir access, it's an issue w/ plugin vendors as well. Plugin vendors push plugins to various dirs, and we need to pickup those plugins from those dirs. I agree that until we have a real runtime versioning story, an "override" (local/other) dir makes sense. If we just have an "override" dir, then the extra dir scan could be static, but I'm not sure that's right. Hardcoding an "override" dir is too confining, but I'm not sure how other apps can tell us where to look w/ out having precidence/ordering problems themselves.
Keywords: topembed
Blocks: 64833
As I pointed out in bug 100368 we also need to worry about loading typelibs (.xpt and also zip/jar files containing .xpt files). The typelib loader (xpti) does not currently support multiple directories. My comment in bug 100368 pointed at newsgroup discussions on the topic. xpti builds a manifest of which files contain which interface infos, but does not track the directories of the files - just their leaf names. The way to fix this is to add another level of factoring in xpti to talk about directories. xpti also needs access to an ordered list of search directories it will use at autoreg time. Note that we need to be able to store unambigous stringified directory names in xpti's manifest (did this problem get solved for Mac?)
jband: I just use nsIFile's GetPath method and don't worry about the Mac. Isn't the Mac issue relevant only where volume names are overloaded somehow? I've been ignoring that when it comes to files in the user profile. /be
Depends on: 104191
Blocks: 70229
is this really a tracking bug, or is it *the* bug? pulling "topembed" from this as I think the major issue blocking some embedding folks is a plugins/xpti dir scanning issue.
Keywords: topembed
Brendan, using nsIFile::GetPath() is not good. On the Mac, the user can change the name of their drive at any time, have more than one drive with the same name, as move things around. Any of which makes full paths invalid. nsIFile::GetPersistentDescriptor() is better. On the Mac, it returns a file alias (encoded as text) which can be resolved by SetPersistentDescriptor() no matter how the user moves or renames things. On other platforms, these calls just use a path.
Yuk! It looks like you can't give a string from GetPath to SetPersistentDescriptor. Nor a string from GetPersistentDescriptor to InitWithPath. And there is no PersistentDescriptor version of NS_NewLocalFile. Right? It would be nice if InitWithPath could detect up front whether it was getting an encoded or raw string and just do the right thing.
It is possible to use NS_NewLocalFile, passing nsnull for the path param and then use SetPersistentDescriptor. It would be better just have an NS_NewLocalFile with no params and then InitWithPath, InitWithPersistentDescriptor, etc.
We really should figure out whether we're doing this or not. While it may seem this kind of thing could be silently added later it affects the installer API which we want to freeze.
Keywords: mozilla1.0
Blocks: 29741
Keywords: topembed
edt considering minusing this bug since this would not be needed for the next release.
Conceptually related. A user on a multi-user system might want personal components for the same reasons they'd want their own plugins, either to add features the sysadmin didn't install, or to override older plugins/components with newer ones. Internally the mechanisms are not related.
Keywords: topembedembed, topembed-
Confirming topembed- per EDT triage [Note from dougt -- "...outside the scope of the GRE as I understand it."].
Whiteboard: [T2]
If this is mainly Unix/Linux, why is OS=Win NT? pi
offhand i'd imagine that dveditz filed this bug from windows nt. ok, so value added. Suppose that I'm a mortal ('timeless') on a roaming system where various network paths have: Mozilla1.0, Mozilla1.4, Mozilla1.5, Mozilla1.6, Mozilla1.7, Mozilla1.8, Netscape7.2, Komodo2, Komodo3, Compuserve10 and a few other things. The point of the long futuristic list is that my components which i might want to install as timeless might not be compatible with all of the products available to me. Historically it has been unsafe to leave things like a spellchecker lying around in the components directory between upgrades... So how do we handle this problem? Should the per user place have GRE major-minor based folders for components? should it have Product release based folders? should it have some way of marking whether a specific set of files should be used with a specific product-release? Personally I wouldn't want to have to install a component 10 times just so that I can use it with whichever version of a product is available on my network in a given day (the computer in question is a laptop, and it isn't impossible for it to be configured so that it roams among networks with different versions of mozilla). I think a package based system might be best. it would work something like this: <usermagicdir>\components\<packagename>\<version>\<files> <usermagicdir>\components\<application>\<version>\components.cdb An xpcom app checks to see if it has a component database (cdb) and enumerates the component packages. If it finds new component packages it lists them for the user along with some information about them. The user decides which packages should be made available to the xpcom app. the xpcom app writes them to its cdb with an annotation indicating they were being test flighted (usecount:0). when the app quits successfully it marks the components as somewhat safe (usecount:1), it might actually handle count based on whether any xpcom components from a package were actually used. i suppose we could actually have the database know which components were alive when a process was running... if the xpcom app crashes then the next time it starts it reads through its cdb and lists components which might have been unstable. it prompts the user about those components suggesting that the user consider disabling some of them. this allows the user to tell an xpcom app not to use a component (perhaps they read a release note for the component indicating it's incompatible with a specific xpcom app), or to decide to try a component. it also allows for components to be shared without creating 10 copies of each component. the only cost is a component manager interface. imo we need that interface anyway (not necessarily for normal users, i'd settle for it as an addon/standalone app).
OS: Windows NT → All
This is WFM by addition of the components dirlist key.
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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