Closed Bug 1495430 Opened 6 years ago Closed 6 years ago

mozharness support for Android web-platform-tests


(Testing :: General, enhancement, P1)

Version 3


(firefox64 fixed)

Tracking Status
firefox64 --- fixed


(Reporter: gbrown, Assigned: gbrown)




(5 files, 3 obsolete files)

web-platform-tests run from their own mozharness script currently, which has no notion of Android device setup, etc. We can leverage recent work on AndroidMixin to make Android-aware.
Priority: -- → P1
This is exciting! I think the bug in your try push may be fixed by s/"ca_certificate_path": kwargs["ssl_env"].ca_cert_path()/ "ca_certificate_path": config.ssl_config["ca_cert_path"]/ in
Thanks :jgraham! That gets us just a little bit further. I'll keep debugging...
Looks like missing certutil, perhaps?
Blocks: 1490969
Depends on: 1495863
As you suggested in comment 2 - works great for me.
Attachment #9013823 - Flags: review?(james)
I noticed we can consolidate _query_package_name() between emulator/hardware and also use download_hostutils() from AndroidMixin. (wpt will need to do the same.)
Attachment #9013847 - Flags: review?(bob)
Comment on attachment 9013847 [details] [diff] [review]
2. move some more code into AndroidMixin

Review of attachment 9013847 [details] [diff] [review]:

lgtm. Moar Consolidations! r+
Attachment #9013847 - Flags: review?(bob) → review+

I notice that the harness reports logcat, but it seems to repeat lines sometimes:

[task 2018-10-02T23:27:20.661Z] 23:27:20     INFO - STDOUT: 10-03 00:27:11.240 I/Gecko   ( 8090): Attempting load of
[task 2018-10-02T23:27:20.666Z] 23:27:20     INFO - STDOUT: 10-03 00:27:11.240 I/Gecko   ( 8090): Attempting load of
[task 2018-10-02T23:27:20.667Z] 23:27:20     INFO - STDOUT: 10-03 00:27:11.220 I/Gecko   ( 8090): -*- nsDNSServiceDiscovery.js : nsDNSServiceDiscovery
[task 2018-10-02T23:27:20.673Z] 23:27:20     INFO - STDOUT: 10-03 00:27:11.220 I/Gecko   ( 8090): -*- nsDNSServiceDiscovery.js : nsDNSServiceDiscovery
[task 2018-10-02T23:27:20.673Z] 23:27:20     INFO - STDOUT: 10-03 00:27:11.240 I/Gecko   ( 8090): Attempting load of
[task 2018-10-02T23:27:20.676Z] 23:27:20     INFO - STDOUT: 10-03 00:27:11.240 I/Gecko   ( 8090): Attempting load of
[task 2018-10-02T23:27:20.676Z] 23:27:20     INFO - STDOUT: 10-03 00:27:11.220 I/Gecko   ( 8090): -*- nsDNSServiceDiscovery.js : nsDNSServiceDiscovery
[task 2018-10-02T23:27:20.680Z] 23:27:20     INFO - STDOUT: 10-03 00:27:11.220 I/Gecko   ( 8090): -*- nsDNSServiceDiscovery.js : nsDNSServiceDiscovery
[task 2018-10-02T23:27:20.681Z] 23:27:20     INFO - STDOUT: 10-03 00:27:11.240 I/Gecko   ( 8090): Attempting load of
[task 2018-10-02T23:27:20.683Z] 23:27:20     INFO - STDOUT: 10-03 00:27:11.240 I/Gecko   ( 8090): Attempting load of
[task 2018-10-02T23:27:20.684Z] 23:27:20     INFO - STDOUT: 10-03 00:27:11.240 I/Gecko   ( 8090): Attempting load of
[task 2018-10-02T23:27:20.685Z] 23:27:20     INFO - STDOUT: 10-03 00:27:11.220 I/Gecko   ( 8090): -*- nsDNSServiceDiscovery.js : nsDNSServiceDiscovery
[task 2018-10-02T23:27:20.686Z] 23:27:20     INFO - STDOUT: 10-03 00:27:11.220 I/Gecko   ( 8090): -*- nsDNSServiceDiscovery.js : nsDNSServiceDiscovery
[task 2018-10-02T23:27:20.687Z] 23:27:20     INFO - STDOUT: 10-03 00:27:11.220 I/Gecko   ( 8090): -*- nsDNSServiceDiscovery.js : nsDNSServiceDiscovery
[task 2018-10-02T23:27:20.687Z] 23:27:20     INFO - STDOUT: 10-03 00:27:11.240 I/Gecko   ( 8090): Attempting load of
[task 2018-10-02T23:27:20.687Z] 23:27:20     INFO - STDOUT: 10-03 00:27:11.240 I/Gecko   ( 8090): Attempting load of
[task 2018-10-02T23:27:20.691Z] 23:27:20     INFO - STDOUT: 10-03 00:27:11.220 I/Gecko   ( 8090): -*- nsDNSServiceDiscovery.js : nsDNSServiceDiscovery
[task 2018-10-02T23:27:20.692Z] 23:27:20     INFO - STDOUT: 10-03 00:27:11.220 I/Gecko   ( 8090): -*- nsDNSServiceDiscovery.js : nsDNSServiceDiscovery
[task 2018-10-02T23:27:20.692Z] 23:27:20     INFO - STDOUT: 10-03 00:27:11.240 I/Gecko   ( 8090): Attempting load of
[task 2018-10-02T23:27:20.692Z] 23:27:20     INFO - STDOUT: 10-03 00:27:11.240 I/Gecko   ( 8090): Attempting load of
[task 2018-10-02T23:27:20.696Z] 23:27:20     INFO - STDOUT: 10-03 00:27:11.240 I/Gecko   ( 8090): Attempting load of

(notice the repeating logcat timestamps)
Attachment #9013823 - Flags: review?(james) → review+
(In reply to Geoff Brown [:gbrown] from comment #10)
> I notice that the harness reports logcat, but it seems to repeat lines

I tried suppressing logcat with --no-capture-stdio, but that just changed the formatting, causing "output is not a valid structured log message":
Keywords: leave-open
Pushed by
Fix ca_certificate_path in wpt fennec runner; r=jgraham
Move a little more code into AndroidMixin; r=bc
Yeah, don't pass --no-capture-stdio; the wpt mozharness script is set up to fail if we write random stuff to stdout. That said I have literally no idea what's going on with logcat; if you can reproduce the error locally it may be easier to debug. I suspect that two different things are setting up loggers for some reason?
Created web-platform-tests PR for changes under testing/web-platform/tests
I didn't get very far today, except that I found disabling logcat seemed to improve performance and test results considerably (I put back --no-capture-stdio and removed the logcat code):

Need to test that more...
I tried running wpt-reftests for the first time today and noticed they fail immediately:

  Unsupported test type reftest for product fennec

:kwierso: Do you know if that is expected?
Flags: needinfo?(wkocher)
I think that's expected, since wpt itself isn't really supported on fennec yet.
Flags: needinfo?(wkocher)
Depends on: 1496773
Depends on: 1497566
Attached patch 3. move emulator management into AndroidMixin (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
I was able to simplify a little more too.

In addition to enabling emulator management from other scripts, like wpt, this sets us up for the possibility of re-uniting and even perhaps consolidating it all into!!
Attachment #9015646 - Flags: review?(bob)
Doesn't break desktop wpt:

Enables Android wpt (with taskcluster changes -- not yet proposed):

(Android wpt still runs with many errors -- should be able to clear these up with a manifest update).
Attachment #9015663 - Flags: review?(dburns)
Attachment #9015663 - Flags: review?(bob)
I should also demonstrate that existing android-em and android-hw tests are not broken:
(In reply to Geoff Brown [:gbrown] from comment #22)
> Enables Android wpt (with taskcluster changes -- not yet proposed):
> jobs?repo=try&tier=1%2C2%2C3&revision=2551825129f2032b612a96993054f3832ddc7bf
> 6

Sorry, that failed because it was running in the geckoview TestRunnerActivity, not yet supported.

Here is a try run against Firefox for Android:
Comment on attachment 9015646 [details] [diff] [review]
3. move emulator management into AndroidMixin

Review of attachment 9015646 [details] [diff] [review]:

r+. Looks good with comments you can ignore if you like.

::: testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/
@@ +74,5 @@
> +            c = self.config
> +            installer_url = c.get('installer_url', None)
> +            return self.device_serial is not None or self.is_emulator or \
> +                (installer_url is not None and installer_url.endswith(".apk"))
> +        except AttributeError:

I am a little concerned that we might be hiding important information by not logging this somehow... Not a blocker though.

@@ +82,5 @@
> +    def is_emulator(self):
> +        try:
> +            c = self.config
> +            return True if c.get('emulator_manifest') else False
> +        except AttributeError:


@@ +400,5 @@
> +    def kill_processes(self, process_name):
> +"Killing every process called %s" % process_name)
> +        out = subprocess.check_output(['ps', '-A'])
> +        for line in out.splitlines():
> +            if process_name in line:

I know this is the same as before but I was wondering if we should handle the case where process_name is a substring of another process the way we egao did in Bug 1190701 ?

@@ +464,5 @@
> +                                       output_dir=dirs['abs_work_dir'],
> +                                       cache=cache):
> +                    self.fatal("Unable to download emulator via tooltool!")
> +        else:
> +            self.warning("Cannot get emulator: configure emulator_url or emulator_manifest")

Should we make this fatal?
Attachment #9015646 - Flags: review?(bob) → review+
Comment on attachment 9015663 [details] [diff] [review]
4. use AndroidMixin in

Review of attachment 9015663 [details] [diff] [review]:

I get failures to detect the device when trying to run locally via ./mach wpt with and without --device-serial...

 1:25.05 WARNING Failure during init Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/bclary/mozilla/builds/inbound-taskcluster/mozilla/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/wptrunner/wptrunner/", line 199, in init
    self.browser.start(group_metadata=group_metadata, **self.browser_settings)
  File "/home/bclary/mozilla/builds/inbound-taskcluster/mozilla/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/wptrunner/wptrunner/browsers/", line 217, in start
  File "/home/bclary/mozilla/builds/inbound-taskcluster/mozilla/testing/mozbase/mozrunner/mozrunner/devices/", line 157, in connect
    super(BaseEmulator, self).connect()
  File "/home/bclary/mozilla/builds/inbound-taskcluster/mozilla/testing/mozbase/mozrunner/mozrunner/devices/", line 138, in connect
    raise IOError("No devices connected. Ensure the device is on and "
IOError: No devices connected. Ensure the device is on and remote debugging via adb is enabled in the settings.

Is that something we want to support in this patch?
(In reply to Bob Clary [:bc:] from comment #26)
> ::: testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/
> @@ +74,5 @@
> > +            c = self.config
> > +            installer_url = c.get('installer_url', None)
> > +            return self.device_serial is not None or self.is_emulator or \
> > +                (installer_url is not None and installer_url.endswith(".apk"))
> > +        except AttributeError:
> I am a little concerned that we might be hiding important information by not
> logging this somehow... Not a blocker though.

All of the @property's in AndroidMixin have a similar issue. Recall that they are all called at init time by mozharness, before self.config is available. I think we want to fail silently at that time. I hope we don't fail silently later -- not sure what else to do.

> @@ +400,5 @@
> > +    def kill_processes(self, process_name):
> > +"Killing every process called %s" % process_name)
> > +        out = subprocess.check_output(['ps', '-A'])
> > +        for line in out.splitlines():
> > +            if process_name in line:
> I know this is the same as before but I was wondering if we should handle
> the case where process_name is a substring of another process the way we
> egao did in Bug 1190701 ?

Yes - updated.

> @@ +464,5 @@
> > +                                       output_dir=dirs['abs_work_dir'],
> > +                                       cache=cache):
> > +                    self.fatal("Unable to download emulator via tooltool!")
> > +        else:
> > +            self.warning("Cannot get emulator: configure emulator_url or emulator_manifest")
> Should we make this fatal?

Yes - updated.
(In reply to Bob Clary [:bc:] from comment #27)
> Is that something we want to support in this patch?

I want to make sure I don't break 'mach wpt' with my patches, but I understand that's not the case here. Let's handle mach issues in bug 1496627.
Attached patch 3. move emulator management into AndroidMixin (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
Attachment #9015646 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #9016111 - Flags: review?(bob)
Attached patch 3. move emulator management into AndroidMixin (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
Attachment #9016111 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #9016111 - Flags: review?(bob)
Attachment #9016113 - Flags: review?(bob)
As discussed on irc, this restores the original kill_processes() implementation, since we feel that further reliance on ps column output is fragile. One day we might revisit with pkill instead, but let's go with this for now.
Attachment #9016113 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #9016113 - Flags: review?(bob)
Attachment #9016122 - Flags: review?(bob)
Attachment #9015663 - Flags: review?(dburns) → review+
Comment on attachment 9016122 [details] [diff] [review]
3. move emulator management into AndroidMixin

Review of attachment 9016122 [details] [diff] [review]:

r+ \0/
Attachment #9016122 - Flags: review?(bob) → review+
Comment on attachment 9015663 [details] [diff] [review]
4. use AndroidMixin in

Review of attachment 9015663 [details] [diff] [review]:

looks ok to me. r+
Attachment #9015663 - Flags: review?(bob) → review+
Pushed by
Move most mozharness android emulator support into AndroidMixin; r=bc
Use AndroidMixin in mozharness script; r=bc,automatedtester
Minor change to tc config to make this easy to enable.
Attachment #9016473 - Flags: review+
Keywords: leave-open
Remaining work is:
 - running in TestRunnerActivity (bug 1496773)
 - greening up tests (no point in looking at that until running in TestRunnerActivity)
Pushed by
Add taskcluster config for android wpt, disabled for now; r=me,a=test-only
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla64
Blocks: 1425322
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