Closed Bug 1505729 Opened 6 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Activating Restore session on start allows no possible way to enforce a Quit Warning on CTRL+Q


(Firefox :: Session Restore, defect)

63 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: thomas, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/63.0

Steps to reproduce:

Using Firefox 63 on Linux from mozilla directly (not through any Package manager) on Debian Stretch. This worked on FF 62, AFAICT.

Activate "Restore previous session" in General > Startup settings
Set the following about:config vars:

Actual results:

A miss-hit CTRL-Q (which is immediate neighbour of CTRL+W) closes immediately all windows+tabs without notice. All state is lost, e.g., from half filled out forms, etc.

Expected results:

The explicit, through config variable requested "Save and Quit?" dialog should show up.
So that an user can decide if it was a mistake or he really want's to quit and save/not save.

One does not quit's often, so this is not a "hot path" which should be fast as possible, and as of the implications FF should be more cautious here.

Also the argument that "Save and Quit"  is not necessary when enabling the "Restore on Startup" is void, IMO, as 1. the aforementioned dialog was more than "save session" it was an actual confirm exit Dialog too, so it can make sense on its own just for that purpose. 2. Further I want FF to restore the sessions if I exit otherwise (signal, poweroff, whatever) but sometimes I want to not save the session too.

Please provide a real option to do this, as it was possible in the past. During the last years I had to take more and more experienced steps to bring this functionality back to me and every release which voids older steps is a cause of stress and negative real world implications for me. So by all means, hide the option somewhere deep but please let the people who want this (googlin make me feel not alone) have this... This is my biggest and almost single issue with Firefox.
You can always manually restore the session with menu button-> Restore Previous Session

That the saved dialog is gone is explained in bug 1487547 and a warning for the accidentally closing of Firefox with ctrl+q is implemented in nightly builds with bug 550559

I will dupe this report to bug 550559 because you asked for a "confirm exit" dialog.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Component: Untriaged → Session Restore
OS: Unspecified → All
Hardware: Unspecified → All
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