Closed Bug 1511636 Opened 6 years ago Closed 6 years ago

enable toggling private browsing in about:addons


(WebExtensions :: General, enhancement, P1)



(relnote-firefox 67+, firefox67 verified)

Tracking Status
relnote-firefox --- 67+
firefox67 --- verified


(Reporter: mixedpuppy, Assigned: mixedpuppy)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: dev-doc-complete)


(6 files, 5 obsolete files)

Bug 1457001 has a lot of conversation going on, this bug is for the actual work effort.
Comment on attachment 9029151 [details]
Bug 1511636 toggle private browsing via about:addons

This is a very rough draft/wip patch where I'm trying to hookup a value from about:addons into the Extension class.  There are a few area's in XPI stuff I'm not super familiar with, some input would be appreciated.
Attachment #9029151 - Flags: feedback?(aswan)
Assignee: nobody → mixedpuppy
Priority: -- → P1
We'll change the text to "Private Browsing  On Off".  Need text for the description line underneath.  That text will be sized/colored as the second line under prefs (see general->performance).
Flags: needinfo?(emanuela)
Flags: needinfo?(emanuela)
aswan for startupData changes.  rpl for everything.
Comment on attachment 9029151 [details]
Bug 1511636 toggle private browsing via about:addons

Switching f? to ni? so I don't lose track of this
Flags: needinfo?(aswan)
Attachment #9029151 - Flags: feedback?(aswan)
Attachment #9031240 - Attachment description: Bug 1511636: update incognito schema and support system addons → Bug 1511636: update incognito support to use pref and permissions
Mark, who do you ping for support urls?  i.e. Learn More links in preferences.
Flags: needinfo?(mstriemer)
Blocks: 1516548
Attached image Screen Shot 2018-12-27 at 12.12.29 PM.png (obsolete) (deleted) —
Banner is being worked on in bug 1516548.  This is a request for alpha on the disabled tag.  I used rgba(128,0,215,.5) for disabled state, rgb(128,0,215) for enabled state.
Attachment #9033423 - Flags: feedback?(emanuela)
Depends on: 1516655
@Shane, (In reply to Shane Caraveo (:mixedpuppy) from comment #8)
> Mark, who do you ping for support urls?  i.e. Learn More links in
> preferences.

We can get the URL from Joni, I believe.
Flags: needinfo?(jsavage)
> We can get the URL from Joni, I believe.

Yes, here's a link you can use:

It will automatically direct to a SUMO article (no content yet).
Flags: needinfo?(jsavage)
Flags: needinfo?(mstriemer)
Flags: needinfo?(aswan)

(In reply to Shane Caraveo (:mixedpuppy) from comment #9)

Created attachment 9033423 [details]
Screen Shot 2018-12-27 at 12.12.29 PM.png

Banner is being worked on in bug 1516548. This is a request for alpha on
the disabled tag. I used rgba(128,0,215,.5) for disabled state,
rgb(128,0,215) for enabled state.

Almost there!

We need to move the tag below the description. Be sure to keep the text all caps.

Regarding the color, it's rgba(98, 0, 164, 1) for the enabled state and rgba(98, 0, 164, 0.4) for the disabled one.

Attachment #9033423 - Flags: feedback?(emanuela) → feedback-
Attached image extensions list view (obsolete) (deleted) —
Attachment #9033423 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #9035923 - Flags: feedback?(emanuela)
Attached image details view (obsolete) (deleted) —
Attachment #9035925 - Flags: feedback?(emanuela)

hrm, I think a change I did in reaction to review feedback resulted in the text getting larger on the details view. will fix.

Attached image details view (obsolete) (deleted) —

There, that's better.

The primary descriptions here are 1.36em (on osx). I've made the second line 1.1rem

Attachment #9035925 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #9035925 - Flags: feedback?(emanuela)
Attachment #9035937 - Flags: feedback?(emanuela)

Comment on attachment 9035923 [details]
extensions list view

The label is perfect, thank you!

Extensions icons and the buttons need to maintain the same positions they have when the label is not present.

Attachment #9035923 - Flags: feedback?(emanuela) → feedback-

Comment on attachment 9035937 [details]
details view


I have some notes.

  1. The color of the description seems very light for such a small font-size. I will suggest using ##4a4a4f (grey-60)

  2. The color of the link seems off. I suggest #0060df (aka blue-60) and to make the link underline. If other links are present on the page, we should make all the links looks like this.

  3. Can I see a screen with a full card? I need to understand if there is enough space around the description.

Attachment #9035937 - Flags: feedback?(emanuela) → feedback-
Attached image full card (obsolete) (deleted) —

I had to use a test extension to get a full card screenshot, let me know if this gives enough visual info for you.

Attachment #9035949 - Flags: feedback?(emanuela)

(In reply to emanuela [ux] [OOO 12/21 - 01/07] from comment #19)

  1. The color of the description seems very light for such a small font-size. I will suggest using ##4a4a4f (grey-60)

  2. The color of the link seems off. I suggest #0060df (aka blue-60) and to make the link underline. If other links are present on the page, we should make all the links looks like this.

The sub-description is new, so changes there would not affect anything else. However, the link color, underline, etc. would either globally affect about:addons, or make this link different than other locations we have "learn more". I think the style is also shared with other links (e.g. author, homepage) as they appear the same, but I haven't verified. Hovering over these links darkens and underlines them.

If we want to make global changes, I'd prefer to have that as a separate bug so I don't have to examine every possibility

Flags: needinfo?(emanuela)
  1. The color of the link seems off. I suggest #0060df (aka blue-60)

All links in about:addons are defined as var(--in-content-link-color) in css, which is 0a8dff. On hover it changes to #0060df.

the link color, underline, etc. would either globally affect about:addons, or make this link different than other locations we have "learn more". I think the style is also shared with other links (e.g. author, homepage) as they appear the same, but I haven't verified. Hovering over these links darkens and underlines them.

If we want to make global changes, I'd prefer to have that as a separate bug so I don't have to examine every possibility

Agree. Let's track it in a separate bug, which should not block this one.

Flags: needinfo?(emanuela)
Attached image extensions list view (deleted) —
Attachment #9035923 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #9035984 - Flags: feedback?(emanuela)
Attached image full details card (deleted) —
Attachment #9035937 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #9035949 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #9035949 - Flags: feedback?(emanuela)
Attachment #9035985 - Flags: feedback?(emanuela)

Comment on attachment 9035984 [details]
extensions list view

Looks good to me.

Attachment #9035984 - Flags: feedback?(emanuela) → feedback-

Comment on attachment 9035985 [details]
full details card

Nice! The contrast is way better now. Thank you

Attachment #9035985 - Flags: feedback?(emanuela) → feedback-
Attachment #9035984 - Flags: feedback- → feedback+
Attachment #9035985 - Flags: feedback- → feedback+
Blocks: 1522918
Pushed by
update ExtensionPermissions to take id instead of extension instance, r=aswan,rpl
update incognito support to use pref and permissions r=rpl,aswan,kmag
toggle private browsing via about:addons r=rpl,mstriemer,flod,kmag
Depends on: 1523632
Attached image Bug1511636.png (deleted) —

This issue is verified as fixed on Firefox 67.0a1 (20190130001444) under Win 7 64-bit and Mac OS X 10.14.1.

The preference ‘extensions.allowPrivateBrowsingByDefault’ is set to true by default.

When the preference is set to true, the extensions are enabled by default in private windows.
When the preference is set to false, the extensions are not enabled by default in private windows.

Please see the attached screenshot.

Depends on: 1538583
Depends on: 1538546
No longer depends on: 1538546

I added a note to the incognito page:

Note: Firefox 67 also adds a new setting in about:config, extensions.allowPrivateBrowsingByDefault, which defaults to false. This means that the default for a newly installed extension would be "not_allowed" meaning that the extension would not be able to run in a private window or tab. See this support article: Extensions in Private Browsing for details from the user's perspective.

I will also add the incognito manifest key to the 67 release notes.

Flags: needinfo?(mixedpuppy)

(In reply to Irene Smith from comment #34)

I added a note to the incognito page:

Note: Firefox 67 also adds a new setting in about:config, extensions.allowPrivateBrowsingByDefault, which defaults to false. This means that the default for a newly installed extension would be "not_allowed" meaning that the extension would not be able to run in a private window or tab. See this support article: Extensions in Private Browsing for details from the user's perspective.

I will also add the incognito manifest key to the 67 release notes.

I don't think we should be documenting preferences that are not visible to the use in about:preferences. This preference was there to be able to turn the feature on or off at an appropriate time, users should not touch it. It will be removed after a version or two.

Flags: needinfo?(mixedpuppy) → needinfo?(ismith)

Made the requested changes to the page and to the release notes.

Flags: needinfo?(ismith)
Regressions: 1553727
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