Closed Bug 1516126 Opened 6 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Unable to disable Ctrl-q


(Core :: DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling, defect)

63 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: tucekt, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/63.0

Steps to reproduce:

Replaced previous Firefox to quantum 

Actual results:

Like many other users I had Ctrl-q disabled.
I am happy with system-wide short-cut Alt-F4 closing Firefox and as such in mine 15 years of using Firefox I have newer used or even considered using Ctrl-q intentionally
On the other side I press Ctrl-q instead of Ctrl+W several times an hour.
this is a common problem which resulted in BUG:550559 and 1492598
I have reported this as a spare bug, because I consider lack of this setting function an issue, and while 1492598 would reduce nuisance, but not solve it.the renewing of bug:550559 is likely to confuse people making them attempt old irrelevant patches for pre-quantum.
I am aware of people changing to older versions of Firefox to keep this Disabled

Expected results:

there should be a choice in about:config  to disable this shortcut without externally remapping it system-wide.
Maybe voting it to be disabled by default
Before somebody complains about 15 years, I h ave used the NETSCAPE before
(In reply to Zlodej from comment #0)
> BUG:550559 and 1492598

Bug 550559 is fixed in Firefox 65, and bug 1492598, comment 3 says it's not reproducible in Firefox 65 (it was filed from Firefox 64).

> there should be a choice in about:config  to disable this shortcut

This will likely be marked as a duplicate of bug 52821.
Bug 52821, comment 303 has a workaround.
Bug 1325692 is about letting add-ons override shortcuts. There's also an add-on that apparently already works on Mac OS:
Component: Untriaged → Keyboard: Navigation
OS: Unspecified → Linux
Product: Firefox → Core
I agree to connection with  bugs 52821 and, but as stated, as I agree with keeping Ctrl-W. I am attempting to remove/disable annoying feature, as such it deals with related problem and not same.

While comment 303 is cool, its not something I can recommend to a customer and stay looking professional..., so for now I am forced to recommend and install Chromium to customers. (this is not meant as a pressure point, or being a smart-ass, rather a professional looking workaround).
Note 303 is a temporary work-around and in long-term it should be fixed anyway...

the add-on does not seem to work for me on linux.
this is a dupe of bug 52821 as already suggested by comment#2 and the main problem should be gone with bug 550559 fixed.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
OK, I will make one last attempt to explain: BUG 550559 is a homoeopathic approach and while it reduces damage (reduces by a lot, but doesn't solve it), many users don't even want a message, but want to disable obsolete combination (from MS-Dos ages) and as such solve the problem rather then patching the effect of it. (Homeopathy)

I guess with P5 (and 19 years of users saying that they don't want it), this will never be sorted. I will watch these bugs for another month and then will leave firefox after over 15 years of usage as many other did. I can not effectively work with Ctrl-q enabled.
I have stopped installing firefox on client computers because of this already...
Component: Keyboard: Navigation → User events and focus handling
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