Closed Bug 1519456 Opened 5 years ago Closed 3 years ago

Firefox v64 problem with SMS function of the Huawei E5577 LTE Mifi Hotspot when xhr lowercase header is enabled


(Web Compatibility :: Desktop, defect)

Firefox 64
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: amypeleoalampay, Unassigned, NeedInfo)




(1 file)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:64.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/64.0

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open (local address for Huawei E5577 mifi's dashboard).
  2. Open SMS tab. (short messaging services)
  3. Delete a received SMS, or send a new SMS.

Actual results:

Always failed to delete received SMS. And when sending new SMS, it's never completed, forever "waiting", and the SMS is never sent.

Expected results:

SMS received should be able to be deleted, and new SMS sent should be delivered instantly.
Note: It works perfectly in Firefox v63 and older versions, also it works perfectly in Chrome browser. This problem has been tested in a brand new Firefox profile.

There is basically no way for us to test this because you need that device.
Could you use our mozregression tool to find the change in Firefox that caused this ?

Flags: needinfo?(amypeleoalampay)

Here is mozregression:

app_name: firefox
build_date: 2018-09-28
changeset: 684521e3af2ff1029d60bb207ae0d75058c3ce1f
repo_name: mozilla-central

app_name: firefox
build_date: 2018-09-25
changeset: 2e3e89c9c68cd6b09d1853dc5426df3c04971c29
repo_name: mozilla-central

bisecting on mozilla-inbound [da5a32b2 - 4fb20c21]

  1. changeset 8c84bd8283872a6ac2702c6956936a376a23f930
    build_date: 2018-09-27 17:42:22.796000
    tested mozilla-inbound build: 8c84bd82 (verdict: b)
  2. changeset a9a1d4e6193e13aac52503c3b256bbff69e6cf87
    build_date: 2018-09-26 18:05:08.016000
    tested mozilla-inbound build: a9a1d4e6 (verdict: g)
  3. changeset 5393f8c7b26af258b3b15fd7d165b9668a993df8
    build_date: 2018-09-27 02:02:13.246000
    tested mozilla-inbound build: 5393f8c7 (verdict: g)
  4. changeset 541b5d1ac630bc6043223cc95b44b7fbdbc2e86e
    build_date: 2018-09-27 10:49:38.400000
    tested mozilla-inbound build: 541b5d1a (verdict: b)
  5. changeset 03240d33ff44c263e257b53f14aa45f57cc70e6d
    build_date: 2018-09-27 08:28:08.973000
    tested mozilla-inbound build: 03240d33 (verdict: b)
  6. changeset 12f5280f25c862decd0917eebbcf685853575678
    build_date: 2018-09-27 06:10:54.195000
    tested mozilla-inbound build: 12f5280f (verdict: b)
  7. changeset 6ba903554ad4bd275ef36554a8327ba3ed8a7d1d
    build_date: 2018-09-27 04:42:43.263000
    tested mozilla-inbound build: 6ba90355 (verdict: b)
  8. changeset 1d2959b645c9ecd43d5859ba52fe942c0387add0
    build_date: 2018-09-27 04:33:01.179000
    tested mozilla-inbound build: 1d2959b6 (verdict: )

bisecting on mozilla-central [7ac88abc - 024521c5]

  1. changeset fa1831cceeaee74c580a73f85f96b624b407cc72
    build_date: 2018-09-27 04:12:51.170000
    tested mozilla-central build: fa1831cc (verdict: b)

bisecting on autoland [a4c00877 - 72d92155]

  1. changeset 3339b4bf9acd975789d1a16ab8d83a13d056bc21
    build_date: 2018-09-26 22:52:39.843000
    tested autoland build: 3339b4bf (verdict: b)
  2. changeset aceaf58aca5767940caab1246f4097aff4cccd94
    build_date: 2018-09-26 21:49:01.918000
    tested autoland build: aceaf58a (verdict: g)
  3. changeset 073b690ff354d293616e47ee15d399306f358766
    build_date: 2018-09-26 22:22:47.666000
    tested autoland build: 073b690f (verdict: b)
  4. changeset f49f269d4fd0a11b46826b30bce1d9bc9e51fc58
    build_date: 2018-09-26 22:02:33.101000
    tested autoland build: f49f269d (verdict: )

2019-01-13T14:11:04: INFO : Narrowed inbound regression window from [aceaf58a, 073b690f] (3 builds) to [aceaf58a, f49f269d] (2 builds) (~1 steps left)
2019-01-13T14:11:04: DEBUG : Starting merge handling...
2019-01-13T14:11:04: DEBUG : Using url:
2019-01-13T14:11:06: DEBUG : Found commit message:
Bug 1398718 - change default pref to on for lowercase header names in XHR.getAllResponseHeaders; r=hsivonen

change default pref to on for lowercase header names in XHR.getAllResponseHeaders

Differential Revision:
2019-01-13T14:11:06: DEBUG : Did not find a branch, checking all integration branches
2019-01-13T14:11:06: INFO : The bisection is done.
2019-01-13T14:11:06: INFO : Stopped

Thank you.

Flags: needinfo?(amypeleoalampay)

(In reply to AmyPeleo from comment #2)

Sorry some verdict results are missing, blank verdicts are all = BAD.

Thank you very much for doing the work with mozregression !

Does your page work again if you open about:config (enter as URL in Firefox), confirm the warning, enter "xhr" at the top search bar and change "dom.xhr.lowercase_header.enabled" from "true" to "false" ?

Blocks: 1398718
Component: Untriaged → DOM
Ever confirmed: true
Flags: needinfo?(amypeleoalampay)
Product: Firefox → Core
Summary: Problem with 192.168.x.x since Firefox v64 → Firefox v64 problem with SMS function of the Huawei E5577 LTE Mifi Hotspot

(In reply to Matthias Versen [:Matti] from comment #4)

Does your page work again if you open about:config (enter as URL in Firefox), confirm the warning, enter "xhr" at the top search bar and change "dom.xhr.lowercase_header.enabled" from "true" to "false" ?

Yes it works! Now the SMS things works normally as before.
Thank you very much.
Btw, I don't know what should I do then to close this bug report?

Flags: needinfo?(amypeleoalampay)

bug 1398718 changed the Firefox behavior to match the specification as far as I understand bug 1398718.

Firefox sends headers to the server (in this case your LTE mifi hotspot) after the change in lowercase instead of uppercase.
That breaks the SMS page but it should not and it's the fault of the server (your LTE router) and not Firefox !

With flipping the option in Firefox you have restored the old behavior and Firefox sends uppercase headers to the server again.
That pref will most likely removed in the future with bug 1504344 and your SMS page will stop working again.

That it works in Chrome either means that Chrome sends uppercase headers or the Huawei router contains special code for Firefox.

Flags: needinfo?(twisniewski)

Sorry, this one slipped under my radar. I'm not sure what I can confirm or diagnose here, it sounds to me like :Matti's diagnosis is essentially correct.

Chrome now lowercases header names for getAllResponseHeaders as well, so if the SMS function is still working on Chrome, they must either have a special-case for such routers/functions, or the router itself is doing something odd.

However, I just tested an XHR locally on my own router, and Chrome is lowering the response headers, so I can't be 100% sure.

Flags: needinfo?(twisniewski)
Component: DOM → DOM: Networking
Summary: Firefox v64 problem with SMS function of the Huawei E5577 LTE Mifi Hotspot → Firefox v64 problem with SMS function of the Huawei E5577 LTE Mifi Hotspot when xhr lowercase header is enabled

This seems like a web compatibility to me, so I'd like to change the component and see if we can ask Huawei to take a look at this.

Component: DOM: Networking → Desktop
Product: Core → Web Compatibility
Version: 64 Branch → Firefox 64

Note that I'm planning to remove the non-lowercasing workaround here during the current development cycle, as it will overly complicate other standards-compliance fixes like the one for bug 1491010.

Perhaps Bingqing Li could help with contacting Huawei for us?

Flags: needinfo?(bli)

(In reply to Thomas Wisniewski [:twisniewski] from comment #10)

Perhaps Bingqing Li could help with contacting Huawei for us?

We've started to contact Huawei, but MiFi is a different product rather than mobile phone, it might take some time.

Flags: needinfo?(bli)

No problem, thank you!

I just wanted to mention that in bug 1540688, we're also running into a similar issue with Wingle devices, in case we could use another example for outreach.

Flags: needinfo?(bli)

Amy, we recently landed a fix in bug 1540688 which I suspect might also fix this issue. Could you try the SMS interface again with the latest Firefox nightly and let us know if it works again?

Flags: needinfo?(amypeleoalampay)

AmyPeleo could you check the issue on latest Firefox Nightly and see if it still reproduces?

(In reply to Oana Arbuzov [:oanaarbuzov] from comment #15)

AmyPeleo could you check the issue on latest Firefox Nightly and see if it still reproduces?

Sorry for being very late, I didn't see any notification.
I've installed latest nightly, version 88.0a1 (2021-02-27) (64-bit)
Opened the dom.xhr.lowercase_header.enabled in about:config in the nightly version, and see it not in there.
Then opened, the Huawei dashboard.
Deleting SMS and sending SMS working perfectly now.
So I guess the bug is fixed now.
Thank you.

Flags: needinfo?(amypeleoalampay)

Thanks Amy for confirming, I will close the issue.

Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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