Closed Bug 1520239 Opened 6 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Intermittent Tier 2 Android /css/css-device-adapt/documentElement-clientWidth-on-minimum-scale-size.tentative.html | documentElement clientWidth should be equal to device-width even if overflow:hidden region is visible - assert_equals: documentElement cli


(Core :: CSS Parsing and Computation, defect, P5)






(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)



(Keywords: intermittent-failure, Whiteboard: [retriggered][stockwell fixed:other])

Filed by: btara [at]

[task 2019-01-15T17:31:03.036Z] 17:31:03 INFO - TEST-START | /css/css-backgrounds/parsing/box-shadow-valid.html
[task 2019-01-15T17:31:03.036Z] 17:31:03 INFO - Closing window 140
[task 2019-01-15T17:31:03.397Z] 17:31:03 INFO - ....................................
[task 2019-01-15T17:31:03.397Z] 17:31:03 INFO - TEST-OK | /css/css-backgrounds/parsing/box-shadow-valid.html | took 369ms
[task 2019-01-15T17:31:04.389Z] 17:31:04 INFO - Closing logging queue
[task 2019-01-15T17:31:04.389Z] 17:31:04 INFO - queue closed
[task 2019-01-15T17:31:04.399Z] 17:31:04 INFO - Setting up ssl
[task 2019-01-15T17:31:04.427Z] 17:31:04 INFO - certutil |
[task 2019-01-15T17:31:04.450Z] 17:31:04 INFO - certutil |
[task 2019-01-15T17:31:04.471Z] 17:31:04 INFO - certutil |
[task 2019-01-15T17:31:04.471Z] 17:31:04 INFO - Certificate Nickname Trust Attributes
[task 2019-01-15T17:31:04.471Z] 17:31:04 INFO - SSL,S/MIME,JAR/XPI
[task 2019-01-15T17:31:04.471Z] 17:31:04 INFO -
[task 2019-01-15T17:31:04.471Z] 17:31:04 INFO - web-platform-tests CT,,
[task 2019-01-15T17:31:04.471Z] 17:31:04 INFO -
[task 2019-01-15T17:31:05.733Z] 17:31:05 INFO - STDOUT: timed out waiting for profiles.ini
[task 2019-01-15T17:31:06.172Z] 17:31:06 INFO - adb Granting important runtime permissions to org.mozilla.fennec_aurora
[task 2019-01-15T17:31:07.535Z] 17:31:07 INFO - adb launch_application: am start -W -n org.mozilla.fennec_aurora/org.mozilla.gecko.BrowserApp -a android.intent.action.VIEW --es env9 MOZ_PROCESS_LOG=/tmp/tmpkJ8ZXMpidlog --es env8 MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT=1 --es args "-no-remote -profile /sdcard/tests/profile --marionette about:blank" --es env3 STYLO_THREADS=4 --es env2 MOZ_HIDE_RESULTS_TABLE=1 --es env1 R_LOG_VERBOSE=1 --es env0 MOZ_CRASHREPORTER=1 --es env7 MOZ_DISABLE_NONLOCAL_CONNECTIONS=1 --es env6 R_LOG_DESTINATION=stderr --es env5 MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_SHUTDOWN=1 --es env4 MOZ_LOG=signaling:3,mtransport:4,DataChannel:4,jsep:4,MediaPipelineFactory:4 --es env10 R_LOG_LEVEL=6
[task 2019-01-15T17:31:08.783Z] 17:31:08 INFO - Starting runner
[task 2019-01-15T17:31:09.532Z] 17:31:09 INFO - TEST-START | /css/css-device-adapt/documentElement-clientWidth-on-minimum-scale-size.tentative.html
[task 2019-01-15T17:31:09.756Z] 17:31:09 INFO -
[task 2019-01-15T17:31:09.756Z] 17:31:09 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /css/css-device-adapt/documentElement-clientWidth-on-minimum-scale-size.tentative.html | documentElement clientWidth should be equal to device-width even if overflow:hidden region is visible - assert_equals: documentElement clientWidth should be 100% expected 400 but got 800
[task 2019-01-15T17:31:09.756Z] 17:31:09 INFO - @http://web-platform.test:8000/css/css-device-adapt/documentElement-clientWidth-on-minimum-scale-size.tentative.html:25:3
[task 2019-01-15T17:31:09.757Z] 17:31:09 INFO - Test.prototype.step@http://web-platform.test:8000/resources/testharness.js:1566:20
[task 2019-01-15T17:31:09.757Z] 17:31:09 INFO - test@http://web-platform.test:8000/resources/testharness.js:544:21
[task 2019-01-15T17:31:09.757Z] 17:31:09 INFO - @http://web-platform.test:8000/css/css-device-adapt/documentElement-clientWidth-on-minimum-scale-size.tentative.html:24:1
[task 2019-01-15T17:31:09.757Z] 17:31:09 INFO - TEST-OK | /css/css-device-adapt/documentElement-clientWidth-on-minimum-scale-size.tentative.html | took 224ms
[task 2019-01-15T17:31:10.414Z] 17:31:10 INFO - Closing logging queue
[task 2019-01-15T17:31:10.415Z] 17:31:10 INFO - queue closed

This is caused by bug 1423013 and the high occurrence rate so far is due to retriggers (14/19 failures). We'll continue to monitor it.

Whiteboard: [retriggered]
Flags: needinfo?(hikezoe)

This should be fixed by bug 1525075, I believe.

Depends on: 1525075

There are no occurrences here since the 23rd of January, we'll continue to monitor it after bug 1525075 lands.

Thanks :hiro

Andreea, the test was disabled on Android in bug 1515043 and I did re-enable it with proper fix in bug 1525075. Hope no failure will appear here.

Flags: needinfo?(hikezoe)

:hiro, seems about right, no failures since you re-enabled it with the fix.
Thanks for fixing!

Whiteboard: [retriggered] → [retriggered][stockwell fixed:other]

Thank you, Andreea! I am going to close this now.

Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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