Open Bug 1528444 Opened 5 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Session restore opens sidebar in all windows if current window had sidebar open upon session exit


(Firefox :: Session Restore, defect, P3)




Tracking Status
firefox67 --- affected


(Reporter: kkm, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: nightly-community)

  1. Start Nightly with a new profile using the -P command line switch.
  2. Go to Options, and check General/Startup/Restore Session State.
  3. Press Ctrl+N to open new window, then Ctrl+B to open the sidebar (or Ctrl+H, reproduces too). At this point, the active window's sidebar is open, but the original window does not show a sidebar.
  4. Press Shift+Ctrl+Q to close Nightly.
  5. Open the same profile again.

Observed: Both windows show sidebars.

Expected: Sidebar open/close configuration is retained per-window.

This is a regression in Nightly. The problem did not happen just a few days ago. I cannot tell exactly when, but I am using sidebars quite often, and usually have 5-6 windows open and, being a Nightly guinea pig, restart a few times daily, so I have a reason to believe I would have noticed.

Also, this does not reproduce the other way round. A closed sidebar in the active window does not reset per-windows sidebar state of other windows. Non-repro:

  1. Repeat steps 1 and 2.
  2. Open five more windows.
  3. Open the sidebar with Ctrl+B.
  4. Quit Nightly
  5. Restart session. Observe that all six window have sidebars.
  6. Close sidebar in the current window. Select another window and close the sidebar in it too, for a good measure.
  7. Quit Nightly while that window is active, and start it again.

Observe that the sidebar open/closed state has been retained: the active and the other window have their sidebars closed, and four windows have their sidebars open.

Prior art: There was a similar but not quote same bug #1391280, but it has been marked as fixed between 57.0a1 and 57.0b7. #1406824 describes same behavior, but it was deemed a consequence of #1391280, as I understood. So the issue I am reporting is apparently new.

Confirmed with 20190218094427

Has Regression Range: --- → no
Has STR: --- → yes
Ever confirmed: true

Issue was reproduced using the latest Nightly build.
Tried to find a regression using mozregression with no luck, issue doesn't seem to be a regression since it reproduces on older Firefox builds from 2014.

Has Regression Range: no → ---
Keywords: regression

Yeah, we don't preserve unique identifiers per opened window and tie its enabled features to that so that restore goes back in-order.
Perhaps we should treat these feature-restores more like pinned tabs. Something to work on in the future, for sure.

Blocks: ss-feature
Priority: -- → P3
Severity: normal → S3
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