[mozprocess] No internet connection with latest version of mozrunner and mozprocess (Python 3)
(Testing :: Mozbase, defect, P3)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: ahutusoru, Unassigned)
Opening Firefox Browser with latest Python 3 supporting versions of Mozrunner 7.4.0 and Mozprocess 1.0.0 causes Firefox Browser to NOT have access to internet, only on WINDOWS OS. (on Ubuntu and MAC OS this works just fine)
Firefox is opened and functional but there is no access to the internet.
This is happening with Python 3.7 and Python 3.6, but not with Python 3.5.3. Everything works fine when using Python 3.5.3 with Mozprocess and Mozrunner.
My hunch is that this has something to do with a Python BUG.
We already have something similar in Python BUG: https://bugs.python.org/issue32745, which already affects Mozprocess on WINDOWS OS. (BUGZILLA BUG: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1531672)
But this is not the same cause that is affecting this bug.
Reproducible in Iris repo: https://github.com/mozilla/iris2
Updated•6 years ago
Mass-removing myself from cc; search for 12b9dfe4-ece3-40dc-8d23-60e179f64ac1 or any reasonable part thereof, to mass-delete these notifications (and sorry!)
Updated•2 years ago