Open Bug 1555643 Opened 5 years ago Updated 2 years ago

[meta] Tests for WS monitor feature


(DevTools :: Netmonitor, task, P2)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: Honza, Unassigned)


(Depends on 1 open bug, Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: meta)

This is tracking bug for all tests covering the WS monitor feature.


Test plan:

  • Test #1 - Basic
    • Create WS connection, send a couple of frames
    • Check that the Messages panel is available
    • Check that there are frames with proper payload and size
  • Test #2 - Filtering using the dropdown menu
    • Create WS connection, send a couple of frames and filter by sent/received/all
    • Check that proper frames are displayed
  • Test #3 - Filtering using free text
    • Create WS connection, send a couple of frames and filter using free text
    • Check that proper frames are displayed
  • Test #4 - Clear button
    • Create WS connection, send a couple of frames and press the clear button
    • Check that there are no frames
  • Test #5 - Limit # of frames
    • Create WS connection, send a bunch of frames to exceed the max limit (modify the limit in prefs to make it smaller).
    • Check that only a limited amount of frames is rendered
    • Check that the notification message is displayed
  • Test #6 - Limit payload size
    • Create WS connection, send a frame with huge payload to exceed the limit (modify the limit in prefs to make it smaller).
    • Check that the payload is truncated
    • Check that the notification message is displayed
  • Test #7 - Autoscroll to bottom
    • Create WS connection, send a bunch of frames so the scrollbar appears.
    • Check that auto-scroll to bottom works
    • Scroll up, send more frames, and check that the auto-scroll is switched off

Will be filing each test bug separately that blocks this meta bug.

Depends on: 1574826
Depends on: 1575254
Depends on: 1575274
Depends on: 1575329
Depends on: 1575341
Depends on: 1575364
Severity: normal → S3
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