Open Bug 1568228 Opened 5 years ago Updated 2 years ago

New SPOC Shim Telemetry - "viewable impressions"


(Firefox :: New Tab Page, enhancement, P3)

69 Branch




(Reporter: jdavis, Unassigned)



Expanding the MVP version to send SPOC-specific "viewable impression" event to the Pocket Proxy.

"viewable impressions' = Number of times ad was displayed at least 50% for one second

These events will also need to have the shim appended. For the shim work, see:

Summary: New SPOC Shim Telemetry → New SPOC Shim Telemetry - "viewable impressions"

Right now: we only send impressions if it's been viewed by x time. If it's below the fold, and not viewed, we don't send the impression.

Scott- what's the criteria for the impression showing?

Flags: needinfo?(sdowne)

We currently wait for 50% view on all stories, spocs or otherwise, before sending impression data.

It however does not wait until it has been seen for 1 second, instead firing it if it has been seen 50% for any amount of time.

Flags: needinfo?(sdowne)

Lillian, is this acceptable? Or do we need to figure out how to make it fire after 1 second?

Flags: needinfo?(lbui)

Fine if that's what we've been doing, but will want to add the 1 second part eventually as that is IAB standard.

Flags: needinfo?(lbui)

Thanks Lillian! Marking as P2 for consideration for next release. This is an enhancement from the current behavior that we've been doing - and we've got a full plate for 70.

Priority: -- → P2
Priority: P2 → P1

Hello Jess! Can we get a sense of the priority on this given that it's about a year old? Thanks!

Flags: needinfo?(jdavis)

Tawanda - can you sync with Lillian on this to determine how important it is in context of the roadmap work?

Gavin/Scott - can you chime in on the level of effort (LOE) here? Is this trivial, or a lot of work?

Flags: needinfo?(tkanhema)
Flags: needinfo?(sdowne)
Flags: needinfo?(jdavis)
Flags: needinfo?(gsuntop)

I think it would mean adding some timers that would start when items are scrolled into 50% view and having events fire on completion. There's a possibility this could introduce minor perf regressions (or jank), but I don't expect major issues.

I wouldn't say it's trivial. Not sure exact LOE...

Flags: needinfo?(gsuntop)
Blocks: 1617276
No longer blocks: pocket-adzerk-69

Moving to backlog pending convos with Tawanda/Lillian/Laura/Tushar.

Flags: needinfo?(sdowne)
Priority: P1 → P3

Clear a needinfo that is pending on an inactive user.

Inactive users most likely will not respond; if the missing information is essential and cannot be collected another way, the bug maybe should be closed as INCOMPLETE.

For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(digitalnewslab)
Severity: normal → S3
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