Closed Bug 1576894 Opened 5 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Outlook live - skype dropdown widget lacking padding-right


(Web Compatibility :: Desktop, defect, P3)



(firefox-esr78 affected, firefox69 wontfix, firefox70 fix-optional, firefox79 fix-optional, firefox80 fix-optional, firefox81 fix-optional)

Tracking Status
firefox-esr78 --- affected
firefox69 --- wontfix
firefox70 --- fix-optional
firefox79 --- fix-optional
firefox80 --- fix-optional
firefox81 --- fix-optional


(Reporter: cfogel, Unassigned)


(Regression, )


(Keywords: regression, webcompat:site-wait)


(1 file)

Attached image outLookSypke_noPadding.png (deleted) —

Affected versions

  • 69.0, 69.0b16, 70.0a1 (2019-08-25)

Affected platforms

  • Windows 10, macOS 10.13, Ubuntu 18.04;

Steps to reproduce

  1. Launch Firefox;
  2. access and login with a valid account:
  3. Click on the skype widtget to expand the chat pane;

Expected result

  • Chat pane is displayed "properly";

Actual result

  • padding (to right) is missing for the dropdown;
  • the time is right on the edge of the dropdown, scroll bar overlaps it;

Regression range

  • First bad: changeset: 9ed4cd3adbbb5eea2033abc78b583c6c12d3a28a build_date: 2018-09-26 04:21:16.514000
  • Last good: build_date: 2018-09-26 01:54:15.718000 changeset: 5d624ee1b23d29116055ca149d24e8b95b086d91
  • Pushlog: URL
  • Potential regressor: 1492012

Additional notes

  • attached screenshot with the issue;
  • in the right side - after the add there is the layout with other browsers / unaffected builds;

Adding Xidorn in the loop for confirmation.

Has Regression Range: --- → yes
Has STR: --- → yes
Component: Widget → CSS Parsing and Computation
Flags: needinfo?(xidorn+moz)

My first guess would be maybe webcompat addon incorrectly hide the scrollbar. The second guess is that the website does something wrong.

I don't have time to check until maybe this weekend, so if you can have a look at the style panel and see where the scrollbar-width use comes from, that would probably be very helpful. Otherwise I will check later. Keep ni? for now.

I might be wrong, but starting with the div bellow the conntent starts to get truncated so it might be around there?
Not sure if it helps with that much.
"swc-scroll-viewport swc-scroll-hide" data-test-id="swc-recentlist-scrollable" style="--ah-list:no-current; --ah-focus-deloser:inactive,snapshot-0;"

So, I think this is a problem of the website.

This happens when scrollbar-width is enabled (i.e. unrelated to scrollbar-color).

Basically, there is a rule .swc-scroll-viewport.swc-scroll-hide which sets margin-right: -17px to try hiding the scrollbar via counter its width, however, in another rule .swc-scroll-viewport it also sets scrollbar-width: none which hides the scrollbar. When scrollbar-width is enabled, the scrollbar is hidden via scrollbar-width, and the extra margin-right eats up the padding.

Component: CSS Parsing and Computation → Desktop
Flags: needinfo?(xidorn+moz)
Product: Core → Web Compatibility

I don't think there is anything we can do from the engine side.

Mike, can we reach out to Microsoft on this?

Flags: needinfo?(miket)

Yep, I sent an email on our partner list.

Flags: needinfo?(miket)
Priority: -- → P3

I recommend we don't track this as a regression, since Microsoft should be able to fix this via a site update.

Still an issue on 80.0, 81.0a1 (2020-08-17).

I guess I should send a follow-up email.

Re-pinged our contacts on our partner list.

Flags: needinfo?(miket)

Reproduced on Firefox 78.11.0 esr on Win 10x64.

Currently clicking the Skype widget no longer opens a chat pane while in Outlook, it opens Skype in a new tab.

Tested with:
Browser / Version: Firefox Nightly 103.0a1 (2022-06-22)
Operating System: Windows 10 Pro

Cristian are you getting the same behavior as you described in the report?

Flags: needinfo?(cristian.fogel)
Severity: normal normal → S3 S3

It appears that no longer supports Skype, but has Teams instead. This issue is no longer reproducible.

Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Flags: needinfo?(cristian.fogel)
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