Closed Bug 1591560 Opened 5 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Intermittent Browsertime warm page loads failing on raptor-tp6-facebook


(Testing :: Raptor, defect, P3)

Version 3


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sparky, Assigned: sparky)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: regression)

Currently browsertime warm page load tests are failing because of a failure in the facebook test:

[task 2019-10-25T18:36:28.005Z] 18:36:28     INFO -    "xvfb-params": {
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:28.005Z] 18:36:28     INFO -      "display": 99
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:28.005Z] 18:36:28     INFO -    },
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:28.005Z] 18:36:28     INFO -    "preURLDelay": 1500,
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:28.006Z] 18:36:28     INFO -    "pre-url-delay": 1500,
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:28.006Z] 18:36:28     INFO -    "silent": 0,
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:28.006Z] 18:36:28     INFO -    "q": 0,
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:28.006Z] 18:36:28     INFO -    "$0": "..\\fetches\\browsertime\\node_modules\\browsertime\\bin\\browsertime.js"
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:28.006Z] 18:36:28     INFO -  }
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:28.011Z] 18:36:28     INFO -  [2019-10-25 18:36:28] INFO: [browsertime] appConstants is a new-style script object.
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:28.029Z] 18:36:28     INFO -  [2019-10-25 18:36:28] INFO: [browsertime] Running tests using Firefox - 1 iteration(s)
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:28.100Z] 18:36:28     INFO -  1572028588094	webdriver::command	WARN	You are using deprecated legacy session negotiation patterns (desiredCapabilities/requiredCapabilities), see
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:28.109Z] 18:36:28     INFO -  1572028588102	mozrunner::runner	INFO	Running command: "C:\\Users\\task_1572026697\\build\\application\\firefox\\firefox.exe" "-marionette" "-no-remote" "-foreground" "-profile" "C:\\Users\\task_1572026697\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rust_mozprofilee4Ac2z"
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:28.559Z] 18:36:28     INFO -  1572028588555	WARN	Loading extension '': Reading manifest: Invalid extension permission: mozillaAddons
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:28.559Z] 18:36:28     INFO -  1572028588555	WARN	Loading extension '': Reading manifest: Invalid extension permission: telemetry
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:28.559Z] 18:36:28     INFO -  1572028588555	WARN	Loading extension '': Reading manifest: Invalid extension permission: resource://pdf.js/
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:28.559Z] 18:36:28     INFO -  1572028588555	WARN	Loading extension '': Reading manifest: Invalid extension permission: about:reader*
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:29.832Z] 18:36:29     INFO -  1572028589829	Marionette	INFO	Listening on port 58675
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:30.353Z] 18:36:30     INFO -  [2019-10-25 18:36:30] INFO: [browsertime] Starting a browsertime pageload
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:30.353Z] 18:36:30     INFO -  [2019-10-25 18:36:30] INFO: [browsertime] Waiting for 5000 ms (foreground_delay)
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:35.354Z] 18:36:35     INFO -  [2019-10-25 18:36:35] INFO: [browsertime] Navigating to about:blank
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:35.354Z] 18:36:35     INFO -  [2019-10-25 18:36:35] INFO: [browsertime.command.measure] Navigating to url about:blank iteration 1
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:35.873Z] 18:36:35     INFO -  [2019-10-25 18:36:35] DEBUG: [browsertime] Waiting for script pageCompleteCheck at most 300000 ms
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:35.873Z] 18:36:35     INFO -  [2019-10-25 18:36:35] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Waiting for script
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:35.873Z] 18:36:35     INFO -  return (function(waitTime) {
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:35.874Z] 18:36:35     INFO -      try {
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:35.874Z] 18:36:35     INFO -          var end = window.performance.timing.loadEventEnd;
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:35.874Z] 18:36:35     INFO -          return (end > 0) && ( > end + waitTime);
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:35.874Z] 18:36:35     INFO -      } catch(e) {
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:35.874Z] 18:36:35     INFO -          return true;
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:35.874Z] 18:36:35     INFO -      }
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:35.874Z] 18:36:35     INFO -  })(arguments[arguments.length - 1]);
[task 2019-10-25T18:36:40.378Z] 18:36:40     INFO -  [2019-10-25 18:36:40] INFO: [browsertime] Waiting for 30000 ms (post_startup_delay)
[task 2019-10-25T18:37:10.369Z] 18:37:10     INFO -  [2019-10-25 18:37:10] INFO: [browsertime] Cycle 0, waiting for 1000 ms
[task 2019-10-25T18:37:11.370Z] 18:37:11     INFO -  [2019-10-25 18:37:11] INFO: [browsertime] Cycle 0, starting the measure
[task 2019-10-25T18:37:11.370Z] 18:37:11     INFO -  [2019-10-25 18:37:11] INFO: [browsertime.command.measure] Testing url iteration 1
[task 2019-10-25T18:37:11.554Z] 18:37:11     INFO -  console.timeStamp: "t_start"
[task 2019-10-25T18:37:11.999Z] 18:37:11     INFO -  [2019-10-25 18:37:11] DEBUG: [browsertime] Waiting for script pageCompleteCheck at most 300000 ms
[task 2019-10-25T18:37:11.999Z] 18:37:11     INFO -  [2019-10-25 18:37:11] VERBOSE: [browsertime] Waiting for script
[task 2019-10-25T18:37:11.999Z] 18:37:11     INFO -  return (function(waitTime) {
[task 2019-10-25T18:37:11.999Z] 18:37:11     INFO -      try {
[task 2019-10-25T18:37:11.999Z] 18:37:11     INFO -          var end = window.performance.timing.loadEventEnd;
[task 2019-10-25T18:37:11.999Z] 18:37:11     INFO -          return (end > 0) && ( > end + waitTime);
[task 2019-10-25T18:37:11.999Z] 18:37:11     INFO -      } catch(e) {
[task 2019-10-25T18:37:11.999Z] 18:37:11     INFO -          return true;
[task 2019-10-25T18:37:11.999Z] 18:37:11     INFO -      }
[task 2019-10-25T18:37:12.000Z] 18:37:12     INFO -  })(arguments[arguments.length - 1]);
[task 2019-10-25T18:37:12.342Z] 18:37:12     INFO -  console.timeStamp: "t_domcontent"
[task 2019-10-25T18:37:12.342Z] 18:37:12     INFO -  console.timeStamp: "t_tti"
[task 2019-10-25T18:37:12.524Z] 18:37:12     INFO -  console.timeStamp: "t_prehooks"
[task 2019-10-25T18:37:12.524Z] 18:37:12     INFO -  console.timeStamp: "t_hooks"
[task 2019-10-25T18:37:12.630Z] 18:37:12     INFO -  console.error: "ErrorUtils caught an error: \"Tried to listen to element of type click from Error: Cannot listen to an unde...\". Subsequent errors won't be logged; see"
[task 2019-10-25T18:37:12.883Z] 18:37:12     INFO -  console.log: "\n\n\n                                            \n .d8888b.  888                       888    \nd88P  Y88b 888                       888    \nY88b.      888                       888    This is a browser feature intended for \n \"Y888b.   888888  .d88b.  88888b.   888    developers. If someone told you to copy-paste \n    \"Y88b. 888    d88\"\"88b 888 \"88b  888    something here to enable a Facebook feature \n      \"888 888    888  888 888  888  Y8P    or \"hack\" someone's account, it is a \nY88b  d88P Y88b.  Y88..88P 888 d88P         scam and will give them access to your \n \"Y8888P\"   \"Y888  \"Y88P\"  88888P\"   888    Facebook account.\n                           888              \n                           888              \n                           888              \n\nSee for more information.\n"
[task 2019-10-25T18:37:13.205Z] 18:37:13     INFO -  console.timeStamp: "t_layout"
[task 2019-10-25T18:37:13.207Z] 18:37:13     INFO -  console.timeStamp: "perf_trace {\"name\": \"e2e\", \"parent\": \"PageEvents.BIGPIPE_ONLOAD\"}"
[task 2019-10-25T18:37:13.245Z] 18:37:13     INFO -  console.timeStamp: "t_paint"

In the end, no results are produced:

[task 2019-10-25T20:15:32.050Z] 20:15:32     INFO -  perftest-results-handler Info: found browsertime results at C:\Users\task_1572031676\build\blobber_upload_dir\browsertime-results\raptor-tp6-facebook-firefox\browsertime.json
[task 2019-10-25T20:15:32.050Z] 20:15:32     INFO -  perftest-results-handler Info: parsing results from browsertime json
[task 2019-10-25T20:15:32.055Z] 20:15:32    ERROR -  Traceback (most recent call last):
[task 2019-10-25T20:15:32.055Z] 20:15:32     INFO -    File "C:\Users\task_1572031676\build\tests\raptor\raptor\", line 1530, in <module>
[task 2019-10-25T20:15:32.055Z] 20:15:32     INFO -      main()
[task 2019-10-25T20:15:32.055Z] 20:15:32     INFO -    File "C:\Users\task_1572031676\build\tests\raptor\raptor\", line 1498, in main
[task 2019-10-25T20:15:32.055Z] 20:15:32     INFO -      success = raptor.run_tests(raptor_test_list, raptor_test_names)
[task 2019-10-25T20:15:32.055Z] 20:15:32     INFO -    File "C:\Users\task_1572031676\build\tests\raptor\raptor\", line 214, in run_tests
[task 2019-10-25T20:15:32.055Z] 20:15:32     INFO -      return self.process_results(tests, test_names)
[task 2019-10-25T20:15:32.055Z] 20:15:32     INFO -    File "C:\Users\task_1572031676\build\tests\raptor\raptor\", line 241, in process_results
[task 2019-10-25T20:15:32.056Z] 20:15:32     INFO -      return self.results_handler.summarize_and_output(self.config, tests, test_names)
[task 2019-10-25T20:15:32.056Z] 20:15:32     INFO -    File "C:\Users\task_1572031676\build\tests\raptor\raptor\", line 386, in summarize_and_output
[task 2019-10-25T20:15:32.056Z] 20:15:32     INFO -      for new_result in self.parse_browsertime_json(raw_btresults):
[task 2019-10-25T20:15:32.056Z] 20:15:32     INFO -    File "C:\Users\task_1572031676\build\tests\raptor\raptor\", line 320, in parse_browsertime_json
[task 2019-10-25T20:15:32.056Z] 20:15:32     INFO -      raise ValueError("Browsertime produced no measurements.")
[task 2019-10-25T20:15:32.056Z] 20:15:32     INFO -  ValueError: Browsertime produced no measurements.
[task 2019-10-25T20:15:32.082Z] 20:15:32    ERROR - Return code: 1

This failure shows two issues: (i) facebook pages are failing, and (ii) that we need to fail after parsing all available data not while we're parsing it so that we can still get data from the other tests when one of them fails.

Summary: Browsertime warm page loads failing on raptor-tp6-facebook → Intermittent Browsertime warm page loads failing on raptor-tp6-facebook
Priority: -- → P1
Priority: P1 → P2
Priority: P2 → P1

Hey :sparky would you mind checking to see if this intermittent still exists? Thanks!

Flags: needinfo?(gmierz2)

I don't see it on mozilla-central but I'll make a try push for this bug and check it out to be sure it's gone. (Leaving the ni? open for myself).

Assignee: nobody → gmierz2

Hey :sparky, setting this to P2 since no activity for a few weeks but please reset as P1 when you resume this, thanks!

Priority: P1 → P2

This failure still exists, but it's a permafail on mac:

The same failure is also occurring here:

[task 2020-01-07T16:19:37.112Z] 16:19:37     INFO -  console.error: "ErrorUtils caught an error: \"Tried to listen to element of type click from Error: Cannot listen to an unde...\". Subsequent errors won't be logged; see"
[task 2020-01-07T16:19:37.292Z] 16:19:37     INFO -  console.log: "\n\n\n                                            \n .d8888b.  888                       888    \nd88P  Y88b 888                       888    \nY88b.      888                       888    This is a browser feature intended for \n \"Y888b.   888888  .d88b.  88888b.   888    developers. If someone told you to copy-paste \n    \"Y88b. 888    d88\"\"88b 888 \"88b  888    something here to enable a Facebook feature \n      \"888 888    888  888 888  888  Y8P    or \"hack\" someone's account, it is a \nY88b  d88P Y88b.  Y88..88P 888 d88P         scam and will give them access to your \n \"Y8888P\"   \"Y888  \"Y88P\"  88888P\"   888    Facebook account.\n                           888              \n                           888              \n                           888              \n\nSee for more information.\n"
Flags: needinfo?(gmierz2)

Greg, are you still working on this bug? Does it have to be P2?

Flags: needinfo?(gmierz2)

No, and I haven't seen this failure in a while so I'm going to mark this as resolved. Thanks for the ping!

Closed: 5 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(gmierz2)
Priority: P2 → P3
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME

Bugbug thinks this bug is a regression, but please revert this change in case of error.

Keywords: regression
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