Closed Bug 159849 Opened 23 years ago Closed 18 years ago

domthingie.on* (i.e. onclick, n' friends) is undefined and not null if no event handler is set; |with| can't be used to assign to it


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: zbraniecki, Assigned: bzbarsky)



(Keywords: dom1, Whiteboard: parity-ie)


(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

Mozilla has roblems with statment like: with(document.getElementById('foo'))onmouseover=function; It looks like, Mozilla add event to layer and to document.
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.1b) Gecko/20020727 What is that example URL supposed to show? If I move the mouse over the yellow block, I get an event response. What build/OS, etc?
First. Move your mouse outside document window. Then open url. Then move your mouse pointer over doc.window - First event. It's a bug! Second. Move your mouse over yellow box - event - it's ok. Move your mouse outside yellow box, over document - event - It's a bug.
Just checked on Linux - the same. Windows 2k - moz 2002072408 Linux RedHat 7.3 - Moz 2002072204
See it too on Win98 with 1.1beta
CONFIRMED. I know some JS, and this is definitely not the way it's supposed to work. Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en-US; rv:1.1a) Gecko/20020610 Build ID: 2002061014
I'm not sure this is a bug, as much as ambiguous code...
Attached file more self-explanatory testcase (deleted) —
to JS engine. If I understand how "with" should work correctly, "onmouseover" and "foo" should be getting set on the div, not on the window.
Assignee: joki → rogerl
Component: Event Handling → JavaScript Engine
QA Contact: rakeshmishra → pschwartau
As i know with should move root scope from window to object.
Component: JavaScript Engine → Event Handling
If this isn't a javascript engine bug, it may be an events bug. ("onmouseover" in document) is true in IE and false in Mozilla, which is why with(elem){onmouseover=func} adds onmouseover to window rather than elem.
Apparently in JS you cannot use the |with| statement to DEFINE a brand-new property of an object. That is, if |obj1| does not already have a property called |prop|, the following statements are not equivalent: with (obj1) {prop = 99;} obj1.prop = 99; This standalone JS shell test shows the issue: obj1 = {}; with (obj1) {prop = 99;} msg = '\n'; msg += 'this.prop: ' + this.prop + '\n'; msg += 'obj1.prop: ' + obj1.prop + '\n'; print(msg); ------------------------- OUTPUT ------------------------ this.prop: 99 obj1.prop: undefined Notice the new property has been assigned to the global object instead of |obj1|. But as Jesse points out, if |obj1| ALREADY has a property called |prop|, then assignment can be done via the |with| statement without any problem: obj1 = {}; obj1.prop = 0; with (obj1) {prop = 99;} msg = '\n'; msg += 'this.prop: ' + this.prop + '\n'; msg += 'obj1.prop: ' + obj1.prop + '\n'; print(msg); ------------------------- OUTPUT ------------------------ this.prop: undefined obj1.prop: 99
Assignee: rogerl → khanson
Summary: Mozilla has problems with "with(layer)event=reference" statment → Cannot define brand-new properties via |with| statement
From ECMA-262 Edition 3 Final: 10.1.4 Scope Chain and Identifier Resolution Every execution context has associated with it a scope chain. A scope chain is a list of objects that are searched when evaluating an Identifier. When control enters an execution context, a scope chain is created and populated with an initial set of objects, depending on the type of code. During execution within an execution context, the scope chain of the execution context is affected only by with statements (section 12.10) and catch clauses (section 12.14). During execution, the syntactic production PrimaryExpression : Identifier is evaluated using the following algorithm: 1. Get the next object in the scope chain. If there isn't one, go to step 5. 2. Call the [[HasProperty]] method of Result(1), passing the Identifier as the property. 3. If Result(2) is true, return a value of type Reference whose base object is Result(1) and whose property name is the Identifier. 4. Go to step 1. 5. Return a value of type Reference whose base object is null and whose property name is the Identifier. 12.10 The with Statement Syntax WithStatement : with (Expression) Statement Description The with statement adds a computed object to the front of the scope chain of the current execution context, then executes a statement with this augmented scope chain, then restores the scope chain. Semantics The production WithStatement : with (Expression) Statement is evaluated as follows: 1. Evaluate Expression. 2. Call GetValue(Result(1)). 3. Call ToObject(Result(2)). 4. Add Result(3) to the front of the scope chain. 5. Evaluate Statement using the augmented scope chain from step 4. 6. Let C be Result(5). If an exception was thrown in step 5, let C be (throw, V, empty), where V is the exception. (Execution now proceeds as if no exception were thrown.) 7. Remove Result(3) from the front of the scope chain. 8. Return C. NOTE No matter how control leaves the embedded Statement, whether normally or by some form of abrupt completion or exception, the scope chain is always restored to its former state.
So - when JS evaluates |with (obj1) {prop = 99;}|, the scope chain is [obj1, global]. To resolve the identifier |prop|, it must first check the scope of |obj1|. If we have not defined such a property on |obj1|, it cannot find the property there, so it checks the global scope. It doesn't find such a property there, either! But JS is willing to define a new property |prop| on the global object. This is the output of the first test in Comment #11. This is counter-intuitive to me. If JS is willing to define the brand-new property on the global object, why isn't it willing to define it on |obj1|? The identifier lookup failed in both links in the scope chain. Of course! We're trying to define the identifier! I assume this bug is invalid, but I can't make a convincing argument. Looking for one of the developers to explain this better than I can -
Component: Event Handling → JavaScript Engine
Phil. You're right. Boris added property just to check second thing. The main goal is event handler "onmouseover". Handler IS defined for element and SHOULD be used. I never said that with(elem)foo=1 should define with value 1. I said that with(elem)onmouseover=function should attach function to elem.onmouseover rather than to window.onmouseover. Please, focus on Boris attachment. First we're setting value for onmouseover. Layer should has onmouseover so event should be added to element.
Zbigniew: try out this HTML in Mozilla: <html><head><title>"onmouseover" in elem?</title></head> <script language="JavaScript"> function main() { elem = document.getElementById('div1'); msg = ''; msg += '"onmouseover" in elem ? ' + ('onmouseover' in elem) + '<br>'; msg += 'elem.onmouseover = ' + elem.onmouseover; document.write(msg); } </script> <body onLoad="main();"> <div id="div1"</div> </body></html> ------------------------- OUTPUT ------------------------ "onmouseover" in elem ? false elem.onmouseover = undefined I am not a DOM expert, so I will cc jst to make sure this is not a bug. But it shows that after the page has loaded, the element "div1" above does NOT have an |onmouseover| property! As Jesse points out in Comment #10, even the document object does not have an |onmouseover| property in the Mozilla DOM, until you define an onmouseover handler for it. We know we can add |onmouseover| via the dot operator, as in elem.onmouseover = f; but in Mozilla, this will be a brand-new property of the element. Because JS does not allow brand-new properties to be created on elements via the |with| statement, we cannot do it as with (elem) {onmouseover = f;} As Jesse discovered, this is not the same as the IE DOM, where the document object and div objects DO HAVE a pre-defined |onmouseover| property (set to the null object). Here is the output from IE6 on the example above: ------------------------- OUTPUT ------------------------ "onmouseover" in elem ? true elem.onmouseover = null So in IE, the |onmouseover| property is not brand-new, and so can be changed via the |with| statment from the value |null| to a non-null value -
Reassign to DOM, this is an IE non-standard DOM thing, an extension. If no top sites use it, I don't think Mozilla should support it. /be
Assignee: khanson → peterv
Component: JavaScript Engine → DOM Mozilla Extensions
Setting default QA -
QA Contact: pschwartau → lchiang
Right. And i'm investigating if IE or Mozilla's behaviour is better. In a way of banding routines in Mozilla to make them more compatible to IE DOM, and if none specyfication forbid this i would add events handler as predefined. Why? The only change i see is in this statment with(layer)onmouseover=a; and it's logical, that using this i want to add handler to layer rather than to window.
Component: DOM Mozilla Extensions → JavaScript Engine
Zbigniew, please don't change the Component setting on this bug again. /be
Component: JavaScript Engine → DOM Mozilla Extensions
Sorry, i used ctrl+r instead of shift+ctrl+r and component selector was invalid when i sent comment. Standards Information This event is defined in HTML 4.0 Applies To A, ADDRESS, APPLET, AREA, B, BDO, BIG, BLOCKQUOTE, BODY, BUTTON, CAPTION, CENTER, CITE, CODE, CUSTOM, DD, DFN, DIR, DIV, DL, document, DT, EM, EMBED, FIELDSET, FONT, FORM, hn, HR, I, IMG, INPUT type=button, INPUT type=checkbox, INPUT type=file, INPUT type=image, INPUT type=password, INPUT type=radio, INPUT type=reset, INPUT type=submit, INPUT type=text, KBD, LABEL, LEGEND, LI, LISTING, MAP, MARQUEE, MENU, nextID, NOBR, OL, P, PLAINTEXT, PRE, RT, RUBY, S, SAMP, SELECT, SMALL, SPAN, STRIKE, STRONG, SUB, SUP, TABLE, TBODY, TD, TEXTAREA, TFOOT, TH, THEAD, TR, TT, U, UL, VAR, XMP See Also onmousewheel, onmousedown, onmousemove, onmouseout, onmouseup Specification Not part of specification. Note that the old summary is interesting but doesn't really relate to anything. proof: javascript:a={};with(a){b=1;}a.b+="";[a.b,this.b] result (mozilla, ie5): undefined,1 since we've bounced this bug to dom based on the reporter's intent i'm munging the summary towards something which i hope resembles the issue. I expect someone else will have to munge it some more - sorry. onmouseover = script [CT] The onmouseover event occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element. This attribute may be used with most elements. Offhand, i suspect this is *not* an extension issue and that we're just perhaps broken (both in implementation and dom). but I don't speak for microsoft,, standards, or the trees.
Assignee: peterv → joki
Blocks: 93108
Component: DOM Mozilla Extensions → DOM Events
QA Contact: lchiang → vladimire
Summary: Cannot define brand-new properties via |with| statement → onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmousewheel not present in various dom elements
Whiteboard: IE-Parity
HTML 4.x specs do not define the DOM. Giving this to joki and the DOM Events component is not a smart move, given that it's not a bug in event delivery, and joki has a pile of bugs ahead of this one. Stop playing word-match games, think about what the component means after reading Can we please let the DOM experts sort out component? I'm bouncing to DOM level 0 for now. /be
Assignee: joki → peterv
Component: DOM Events → DOM Level 0
Assignee: peterv → jst
Component: DOM Level 0 → DOM HTML
Keywords: dom1
QA Contact: vladimire → stummala
Summary: onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmousewheel not present in various dom elements → onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onmousedown, onmouseup are not present in various dom htmlelement's
Timeless, I see no mention of those event handlers in the cited spec. Your google search appears over-broad. Don't flail harder, flail smarter! /be
Ok, so we should make resolving any event property (i.e. any on* property) on any DOM thing that supports those properties actually resolve to null if there's no event handler set in stead of leaving it undefined. That way the JS engine would do what's expected here. Back to peterv.
Assignee: jst → peterv
Oh, and this is IMO not a high priority problem, we have far more serious problems to fix unless someone can show that this breaks a lot of real sites out there.
Summary: onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onmousedown, onmouseup are not present in various dom htmlelement's → domthingie.on* (i.e. onclick, n' friends) is undefined and not null if no event handler is set
No, of course it's not a big issue. I hoped it's easy to patch, and wanted to mention the problem. It would be nice to have it fixed as fast as possible, to make shure that most people using Mozilla will work with with(layer){onmouseover=a;onmousout=b} and such. I'm removing URL, because it doesnt show the problem.
-> Doron
Assignee: peterv → doronr
Component: DOM HTML → Web Developer
Product: Browser → Documentation
Version: Trunk → unspecified
sorry, mistake when mass assigning bugs... back to DOM
Assignee: doronr → peterv
Component: Web Developer → DOM HTML
Product: Documentation → Browser
Version: unspecified → Trunk
Fixing status whiteboard to be consistant with other parity-ie bugs for easier searches. Sorry for the bugspam.
Whiteboard: IE-Parity → parity-ie
*** Bug 275306 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Why is this blocking bug 93018?
I meant bug 93108. sorry for bugspam
*** Bug 337966 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Depends on: 354119
Blocks: 354119
No longer depends on: 354119
Attached patch This should fix it, I think (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
Brendan, are the flags right here? I _think_ they are, but... Should I toss in a JSPROP_ENUMERATE? Or no?
Attachment #240164 - Flags: superreview?(brendan)
Attachment #240164 - Flags: review?(peterv)
(Adding back the bit about assigning to the property using |with| to avoid confusion.)
Summary: domthingie.on* (i.e. onclick, n' friends) is undefined and not null if no event handler is set → domthingie.on* (i.e. onclick, n' friends) is undefined and not null if no event handler is set; |with| can't be used to assign to it
(In reply to comment #35) > Created an attachment (id=240164) [edit] > This should fix it, I think > > Brendan, are the flags right here? I _think_ they are, but... Should I toss > in a JSPROP_ENUMERATE? Or no? To answer that, chase down what attributes are used when SetProperty binds an event handler. You'll end up here: and see JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_PERMANENT. /be
Ah, ok. Good catch. I'll make that change before checking in.
Comment on attachment 240164 [details] [diff] [review] This should fix it, I think With the right flags, r=peterv.
Attachment #240164 - Flags: review?(peterv) → review+
Assignee: peterv → bzbarsky
Comment on attachment 240164 [details] [diff] [review] This should fix it, I think Sorry, was waiting for a patch with the right attributes! sr=me with those. /be
Attachment #240164 - Flags: superreview?(brendan) → superreview+
Attachment #240164 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.9alpha
Added the test to mochitest.
Flags: in-testsuite+
Component: DOM: HTML → DOM: Core & HTML
QA Contact: stummala → general
See also bug 522401, which wants the objects to actually exist, not just catch with-assignment.
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