ubuntu1804 - devtools/client/responsive/test/browser/browser_tooltip.js | Test timed out -
(DevTools :: Responsive Design Mode, defect, P5)
(firefox73 fixed)
Tracking | Status | |
firefox73 | --- | fixed |
(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Assigned: daisuke)
(2 files)
Filed by: egao [at] mozilla.com
Parsed log: https://treeherder.mozilla.org/logviewer.html#?job_id=278675867&repo=try
Full log: https://firefox-ci-tc.services.mozilla.com/api/queue/v1/task/ZCZuvE_qTL-x_uyk4I-CYg/runs/0/artifacts/public/logs/live_backing.log
suite: mochiest-devtools-chrome
chunk: 3
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.100Z] 21:25:26 INFO - TEST-START | devtools/client/responsive/test/browser/browser_tooltip.js
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.116Z] 21:25:26 INFO - Entering test bound
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.118Z] 21:25:26 INFO - Adding a new tab with URL: data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<h1 title="test title">test h1</h1>
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.213Z] 21:25:26 INFO - Tab added and finished loading
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.214Z] 21:25:26 INFO - Opening responsive design mode
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.361Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "CHANGE_DISPLAY_PIXEL_RATIO"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.362Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_VIEWPORT"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.523Z] 21:25:26 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "[Exception... "Not implemented" nsresult: "0x80004001 (NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)" location: "JS frame :: resource://gre/modules/RemoteWebNavigation.jsm :: get sessionHistory :: line 147" data: no]"]
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.525Z] 21:25:26 INFO - get sessionHistory@resource://gre/modules/RemoteWebNavigation.jsm:147:11
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.526Z] 21:25:26 INFO - construct@chrome://global/content/elements/browser-custom-element.js:1328:13
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.527Z] 21:25:26 INFO - attributeChangedCallback@chrome://global/content/elements/browser-custom-element.js:72:14
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.528Z] 21:25:26 INFO - start@resource://devtools/client/responsive/browser/tunnel.js:210:13
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.528Z] 21:25:26 INFO - start@resource://devtools/client/responsive/browser/swap.js:279:20
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.529Z] 21:25:26 INFO - asyncinit@resource://devtools/client/responsive/ui.js:164:23
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.530Z] 21:25:26 INFO - ResponsiveUI@resource://devtools/client/responsive/ui.js:102:24
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.531Z] 21:25:26 INFO - openIfNeeded@resource://devtools/client/responsive/manager.js:126:18
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.532Z] 21:25:26 INFO - openRDM@chrome://mochitests/content/browser/devtools/client/responsive/test/browser/head.js:114:28
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.533Z] 21:25:26 INFO - addRDMTask/taskSetup/<@chrome://mochitests/content/browser/devtools/client/responsive/test/browser/head.js:153:37
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.534Z] 21:25:26 INFO - AsyncTester_execTest/<@chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:1069:34
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.535Z] 21:25:26 INFO - Tester_execTest@chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:1104:11
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.535Z] 21:25:26 INFO - nextTest/<@chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:932:14
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.536Z] 21:25:26 INFO - SimpleTest.waitForFocus/waitForFocusInner/focusedOrLoaded/<@chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:805:67
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.537Z] 21:25:26 INFO -
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.538Z] 21:25:26 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "[Exception... "Not implemented" nsresult: "0x80004001 (NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)" location: "JS frame :: resource://gre/modules/RemoteWebNavigation.jsm :: get sessionHistory :: line 147" data: no]"]
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.539Z] 21:25:26 INFO - get sessionHistory@resource://gre/modules/RemoteWebNavigation.jsm:147:11
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.540Z] 21:25:26 INFO - construct@chrome://global/content/elements/browser-custom-element.js:1328:13
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.540Z] 21:25:26 INFO - start@resource://devtools/client/responsive/browser/tunnel.js:211:13
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.541Z] 21:25:26 INFO - start@resource://devtools/client/responsive/browser/swap.js:279:20
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.542Z] 21:25:26 INFO - asyncinit@resource://devtools/client/responsive/ui.js:164:23
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.543Z] 21:25:26 INFO - ResponsiveUI@resource://devtools/client/responsive/ui.js:102:24
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.544Z] 21:25:26 INFO - openIfNeeded@resource://devtools/client/responsive/manager.js:126:18
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.544Z] 21:25:26 INFO - openRDM@chrome://mochitests/content/browser/devtools/client/responsive/test/browser/head.js:114:28
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.545Z] 21:25:26 INFO - addRDMTask/taskSetup/<@chrome://mochitests/content/browser/devtools/client/responsive/test/browser/head.js:153:37
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.547Z] 21:25:26 INFO - AsyncTester_execTest/<@chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:1069:34
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.549Z] 21:25:26 INFO - Tester_execTest@chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:1104:11
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.550Z] 21:25:26 INFO - nextTest/<@chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:932:14
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.550Z] 21:25:26 INFO - SimpleTest.waitForFocus/waitForFocusInner/focusedOrLoaded/<@chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:805:67
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.551Z] 21:25:26 INFO -
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.609Z] 21:25:26 INFO - Responsive design mode opened
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.611Z] 21:25:26 INFO - Show a tooltip
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.612Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "LOAD_DEVICE_LIST_START"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.616Z] 21:25:26 INFO - Wait for showing the tooltip
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.618Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE_TYPE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.634Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.635Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.636Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.637Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.638Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.643Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.644Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.645Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.649Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.650Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.651Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.654Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.655Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.657Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.659Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.660Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.662Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.664Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.667Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.669Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.670Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.672Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.673Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.676Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE_TYPE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.677Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.683Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.684Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.685Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.686Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.694Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.697Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.697Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.698Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.698Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.700Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.700Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.703Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE_TYPE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.707Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.708Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.709Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.710Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE_TYPE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.711Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.712Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.713Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.717Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE_TYPE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.718Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.719Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.720Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.721Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE_TYPE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.725Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.726Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.726Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.728Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.730Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE_TYPE"
[task 2019-11-28T21:25:26.731Z] 21:25:26 INFO - GECKO(4686) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "LOAD_DEVICE_LIST_END"
[task 2019-11-28T21:26:11.140Z] 21:26:11 INFO - Longer timeout required, waiting longer... Remaining timeouts: 1
[task 2019-11-28T21:26:56.141Z] 21:26:56 INFO - TEST-INFO | started process screentopng
[task 2019-11-28T21:26:56.453Z] 21:26:56 INFO - TEST-INFO | screentopng: exit 0
[task 2019-11-28T21:26:56.454Z] 21:26:56 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | devtools/client/responsive/test/browser/browser_tooltip.js | Test timed out -
[task 2019-11-28T21:26:56.455Z] 21:26:56 INFO - Removing tab.
[task 2019-11-28T21:26:56.457Z] 21:26:56 INFO - Waiting for event: 'TabClose' on [object XULElement].
[task 2019-11-28T21:26:56.458Z] 21:26:56 INFO - Got event: 'TabClose' on [object XULElement].
[task 2019-11-28T21:26:56.461Z] 21:26:56 INFO - Tab removed and finished closing
[task 2019-11-28T21:26:56.461Z] 21:26:56 INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/responsive/test/browser/browser_tooltip.js | The main process DebuggerServer has no pending connection when the test ends -
[task 2019-11-28T21:26:56.462Z] 21:26:56 INFO - GECKO(4686) | MEMORY STAT | vsize 3541MB | residentFast 373MB | heapAllocated 122MB
[task 2019-11-28T21:26:56.463Z] 21:26:56 INFO - TEST-OK | devtools/client/responsive/test/browser/browser_tooltip.js | took 90252ms
[task 2019-11-28T21:26:56.464Z] 21:26:56 INFO - checking window state
Comment 1•5 years ago
:daisuke - I am seeing this test case fail in a consistent manner when run inside the work in progress ubuntu1804 test image. Could you please take a look as to why this may be the case please?
Something that may be relevant is that ubuntu1804 is now running GNOME3 window management system instead of Unity. It appears this has caused issues in other tests, and this one may also be the case?
Assignee | ||
Comment 2•5 years ago
Thank you very much for letting me know.
I'll take a look.
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Assignee | ||
Comment 4•5 years ago
Updated•5 years ago
Assignee | ||
Updated•5 years ago
Comment 6•5 years ago
bugherder |
Comment 7•5 years ago
Sorry to reopen this bug. This issue is still reproducible on ubuntu1804 as of mozilla-central revision d1001fea6e4c66b98bb4983df49c6e47d2db5ceb
which should contain the patch attached above.
Try push: https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=try&group_state=expanded&revision=cd3d6269f905c3a241006f5ea5b260a4553abc86&searchStr=devtools
Log: https://firefoxci.taskcluster-artifacts.net/QZgZLQXlSqirolEVFpHgkA/0/public/logs/live_backing.log
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.074Z] 19:16:23 INFO - TEST-START | devtools/client/responsive/test/browser/browser_tooltip.js
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.090Z] 19:16:23 INFO - Entering test bound
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.091Z] 19:16:23 INFO - Adding a new tab with URL: data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<h1 title="test title">test h1</h1>
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.186Z] 19:16:23 INFO - Tab added and finished loading
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.186Z] 19:16:23 INFO - Opening responsive design mode
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.283Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "CHANGE_DISPLAY_PIXEL_RATIO"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.284Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_VIEWPORT"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.412Z] 19:16:23 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "[Exception... "Not implemented" nsresult: "0x80004001 (NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)" location: "JS frame :: resource://gre/modules/RemoteWebNavigation.jsm :: get sessionHistory :: line 147" data: no]"]
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.413Z] 19:16:23 INFO - get sessionHistory@resource://gre/modules/RemoteWebNavigation.jsm:147:11
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.414Z] 19:16:23 INFO - construct@chrome://global/content/elements/browser-custom-element.js:1328:13
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.416Z] 19:16:23 INFO - start@resource://devtools/client/responsive/browser/tunnel.js:207:13
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.417Z] 19:16:23 INFO - start@resource://devtools/client/responsive/browser/swap.js:279:20
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.417Z] 19:16:23 INFO - async*init@resource://devtools/client/responsive/ui.js:164:23
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.418Z] 19:16:23 INFO - ResponsiveUI@resource://devtools/client/responsive/ui.js:102:24
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.418Z] 19:16:23 INFO - openIfNeeded@resource://devtools/client/responsive/manager.js:126:18
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.418Z] 19:16:23 INFO - openRDM@chrome://mochitests/content/browser/devtools/client/responsive/test/browser/head.js:114:28
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.419Z] 19:16:23 INFO - addRDMTask/taskSetup/<@chrome://mochitests/content/browser/devtools/client/responsive/test/browser/head.js:153:37
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.419Z] 19:16:23 INFO - Async*Tester_execTest/<@chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:1069:34
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.420Z] 19:16:23 INFO - Tester_execTest@chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:1104:11
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.420Z] 19:16:23 INFO - nextTest/<@chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:932:14
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.420Z] 19:16:23 INFO - SimpleTest.waitForFocus/waitForFocusInner/focusedOrLoaded/<@chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:805:67
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.420Z] 19:16:23 INFO -
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.474Z] 19:16:23 INFO - Responsive design mode opened
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.475Z] 19:16:23 INFO - Create a promise which waits until the tooltip will be shown
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.475Z] 19:16:23 INFO - Show a tooltip
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.476Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "LOAD_DEVICE_LIST_START"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.477Z] 19:16:23 INFO - Wait for showing the tooltip
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.485Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE_TYPE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.486Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.490Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.497Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.497Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.501Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.502Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.505Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.514Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.515Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.516Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.519Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.520Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.523Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.524Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.528Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.528Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.532Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.535Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.537Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.538Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.541Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.542Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.546Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.547Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE_TYPE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.551Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.551Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.554Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.558Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.559Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.563Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.566Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.574Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.574Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.590Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.590Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.591Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.591Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE_TYPE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.591Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.592Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.596Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.597Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE_TYPE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.598Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.599Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.601Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.602Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE_TYPE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.603Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.605Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.608Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.609Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE_TYPE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.610Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.611Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.612Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.617Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.617Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "ADD_DEVICE_TYPE"
[task 2019-12-03T19:16:23.621Z] 19:16:23 INFO - GECKO(7885) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "LOAD_DEVICE_LIST_END"
[task 2019-12-03T19:17:08.118Z] 19:17:08 INFO - Longer timeout required, waiting longer... Remaining timeouts: 1
[task 2019-12-03T19:17:53.121Z] 19:17:53 INFO - TEST-INFO | started process screentopng
[task 2019-12-03T19:17:53.560Z] 19:17:53 INFO - TEST-INFO | screentopng: exit 0
[task 2019-12-03T19:17:53.560Z] 19:17:53 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | devtools/client/responsive/test/browser/browser_tooltip.js | Test timed out -
[task 2019-12-03T19:17:53.561Z] 19:17:53 INFO - Removing tab.
[task 2019-12-03T19:17:53.561Z] 19:17:53 INFO - Waiting for event: 'TabClose' on [object XULElement].
[task 2019-12-03T19:17:53.562Z] 19:17:53 INFO - Got event: 'TabClose' on [object XULElement].
[task 2019-12-03T19:17:53.562Z] 19:17:53 INFO - Tab removed and finished closing
[task 2019-12-03T19:17:53.562Z] 19:17:53 INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/responsive/test/browser/browser_tooltip.js | The main process DebuggerServer has no pending connection when the test ends -
[task 2019-12-03T19:17:53.564Z] 19:17:53 INFO - GECKO(7885) | MEMORY STAT | vsize 3523MB | residentFast 377MB | heapAllocated 125MB
[task 2019-12-03T19:17:53.564Z] 19:17:53 INFO - TEST-OK | devtools/client/responsive/test/browser/browser_tooltip.js | took 90213ms
[task 2019-12-03T19:17:53.564Z] 19:17:53 INFO - checking window state
In order to run tests against the ubuntu1804 image, please use ./mach try fuzzy --ubuntu-bionic
argument, and select the test-linux64/opt-mochitest-devtools-chrome-e10s
jobs as normal.
Updated•5 years ago
Assignee | ||
Comment 8•5 years ago
Oh no.. I'll take a look again.
Also, thank you very much for the useful information to test on ubuntu1804, Edwin!
Comment 9•5 years ago
I was looking at this test while testing other ubuntu1804 things. While I can't make the test fail locally, I notice something weird with the feature itself.
On my ubuntu 1804 VM:
- open a tab on data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<h1 title="test title">test h1</h1>
- enable RDM
- mouseover the h1
ER: the title should show and remain displayed until I mouseout
AR: the title shows up, but disappears immediately (it "blinks")
I think it might be because the mouse cursor is just on top of the title tooltip. It triggers a mouseout and hides the tooltip.
Daisuke, I suggest to add some padding at https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/8bc24752246aeac8a9aed566cf1caccf88d97d11/browser/base/content/browser.js#5182-5183 to see if it fixes the issue on try.
If the workaround "works", for the real fix I am not sure what we should do. When I test this feature on ubuntu1804 + RDM, the tootlip is displayed right over the mouse cursor. Without RDM but still in ubuntu1804, the tooltip is clearly displayed below the mouse cursor (20px below?). On macos, the tooltip is always displayed clearly below the cursor, with or without RDM. I think understanding why the tooltip is positioned differently on ubuntu1804+RDM will help.
Comment 10•5 years ago
Daisuke, I suggest to add some padding at https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/8bc24752246aeac8a9aed566cf1caccf88d97d11/browser/base/content/browser.js#5182-5183 to see if it fixes the issue on try.
I just tried and it doesn't change anything on try. Might be unrelated.
Assignee | ||
Comment 11•5 years ago
Thank you very much, Julian!
I changed the way to wait until the tooltip will be shown, it looked that it worked fine.
Now, I threw a new patch I removed debugging codes to try-server.
If the try has no failures, I'll request reviewing.
Assignee | ||
Comment 12•5 years ago
No, the above patch did not resolve the failure..
Need to investigate more,,
Assignee | ||
Comment 13•5 years ago
Finally, it looks that we could resolve it!
Assignee | ||
Comment 14•5 years ago
Comment 15•5 years ago
Comment 16•5 years ago
bugherder |