Closed Bug 1612124 Opened 5 years ago Closed 3 years ago

Header on does not stick to top of page.


(Core :: Layout, defect, P3)

74 Branch



Tracking Status
firefox74 --- affected


(Reporter: ktaeleman, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug, )



(1 obsolete file)



  • Navigation header sticks to top of page


  • Header lags behind causing it to jump around.

Tested in chrome where issue does not occur.

I can sometime see some flickers, but the sticky element doesn't jump at all. Is it a problem?

Component: Layout → Layout: Positioned
Priority: -- → P3

(In reply to Hiroyuki Ikezoe (:hiro) from comment #1)

I can sometime see some flickers, but the sticky element doesn't jump at all. Is it a problem?

Yes. Though they're not using position: sticky (they probably should!), it's a top: <something>px value kept with javascript.

Botond, opening the devtools (which IIRC disables paint skipping) makes this example just work... Do you know whether we should move this to the APZ component? I suspect you're way more familiar with this kinds of bugs...

Component: Layout: Positioned → Layout
Flags: needinfo?(botond)

Oh? That's not position sticky? I was blindly thinking it's position sticky. Thank you Emilio.

Issues that go away with paint skipping are usually invalidation bugs. If the page is changing top via Javascript, that change should be propagated through the style system and ultimately cause a call to SchedulePaint(). Then, even though scrolling doesn't cause paints to be scheduled (i.e. paint skipping), the style changes should.

Flags: needinfo?(botond)

Well, yeah, the problem is that the top value gets set as a response to a scroll event, so after scrolling, thus the flicker.

That causes a small amount of flicker - the header is moved to the correct position on the very next paint after the top value is changed. There's not much we can do about this part other than educate web developers to avoid scroll-linked effects. (The APZ frame delay mitigates this, but it's controversial and I expect the performance team will insist we remove it any day now.)

However, the fact that the header gets so far away from the top before being restored (and that opening devtools fixes this) suggests that there is an additional issue where several refresh driver ticks elapse where we could have repainted but didn't, because SchedulePaint() was not called for some reason.

Another possibility is that there is an invalidation bug later in the pipeline. For example, a paint is being scheduled, but it incorrectly reuses the previously built display list.

Setting apz.paint_skipping.enabled=false does not resolve the issue, so whatever effect opening devtools has, it's not that.

Oh, opening devtools doesn't disable paint skipping, it disables APZ altogether.

So, please ignore what I said before about this being an invalidation problem (that was predicated on the assumption that the problem is solved by disabling paint skipping). It's just an instance of the usual problem with scroll-linked effects.

(In reply to Botond Ballo [:botond] [spotty responses until Feb 19] from comment #10)

Oh, opening devtools doesn't disable paint skipping, it disables APZ altogether.

(More specifically, it disables APZ for subframes, and on this page, the thing that's scrolling is a subframe (that happens to take up the entire viewport).)

Bug 1367770 tracks possible further efforts to mitigate the impact of scroll-linked effects on async scrolling behaviour.

The other thing we could do here is reach out the website authors and encourage them to use position: sticky instead.

Blocks: 1367770

The component has been changed since the backlog priority was decided, so we're resetting it.
For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.

Priority: P3 → --

The priority flag is not set for this bug.
:alaskanemily, could you have a look please?

For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(emcdonough)

Re-setting the priority to P3, and clearing :alaskanemily's NI.

Flags: needinfo?(emcdonough)
Priority: -- → P3
Assignee: nobody → gaurijove

Wrong bug?

Flags: needinfo?(gaurijove)

Comment on attachment 9156981 [details]
Bug 1612124 - Add close button and delay for milestone message. r=ewright

Revision D71068 was moved to bug 1612125. Setting attachment 9156981 [details] to obsolete.

Attachment #9156981 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Assignee: gaurijove → nobody
Flags: needinfo?(gaurijove)

Now the site in question hides the top navi bar when scrolling down with a CSS transition.

Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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