Closed Bug 1631900 Opened 5 years ago Closed 5 years ago

[wpt-sync] Sync PR 23150 - Update interfaces/html.idl


(Testing :: web-platform-tests, task, P4)



(firefox77 fixed)

Tracking Status
firefox77 --- fixed


(Reporter:, Unassigned)




(Whiteboard: [wptsync downstream])


(3 files)

Sync web-platform-tests PR 23150 into mozilla-central (this bug is closed when the sync is complete).

Details from upstream follow.

Stephen McGruer <> wrote:

Update interfaces/html.idl

Includes necessary idlharness.js updates for


Blocks: 1631464
Attached file Notable wpt changes (deleted) —
# CI Results Ran 13 Firefox configurations based on mozilla-central, and Firefox, Chrome, and Safari on GitHub CI Total 312 tests and 138 subtests ## Status Summary ### Firefox OK : 223[Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-opt-geckoview] 225[Gecko-windows10-64-opt, Gecko-windows10-64-qr-opt, Gecko-windows7-32-opt] 226[Gecko-windows10-64-debug, Gecko-windows10-64-qr-debug, Gecko-windows7-32-debug] 227[Gecko-linux1804-64-asan-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt] 245[GitHub] PASS : 22569[Gecko-windows7-32-opt] 22571[Gecko-windows10-64-opt, Gecko-windows10-64-qr-opt] 22599[Gecko-windows7-32-debug] 22601[Gecko-windows10-64-debug, Gecko-windows10-64-qr-debug] 22661[Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-opt-geckoview] 22705[Gecko-linux1804-64-asan-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt] 24610[GitHub] FAIL : 3751[Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-opt-geckoview] 4066[Gecko-windows10-64-opt, Gecko-windows10-64-qr-opt] 4068[Gecko-windows7-32-opt] 4085[Gecko-linux1804-64-asan-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt, Gecko-windows10-64-debug, Gecko-windows10-64-qr-debug] 4087[Gecko-windows7-32-debug] 7059[GitHub] TIMEOUT: 2 ### Chrome OK : 244 PASS : 30018 FAIL : 1689 ERROR : 1 ### Safari OK : 223 PASS : 18545 FAIL : 9525 ERROR : 22 ## Links [Gecko CI (Treeherder)]( [GitHub PR Head]( [GitHub PR Base]( ## Details ### Firefox-only Failures /fetch/api/idlharness.any.worker.html Request interface: attribute keepalive: FAIL Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "keepalive" with the proper type: FAIL /webrtc/idlharness.https.window.html RTCRtpTransceiver interface: operation setCodecPreferences(sequence<RTCRtpCodecCapability>): FAIL RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "setConfiguration(optional RTCConfiguration)" with the proper type: FAIL RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute candidate: FAIL RTCDTMFSender interface: attribute canInsertDTMF: FAIL RTCRtpReceiver interface: calling getCapabilities(DOMString) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute onconnectionstatechange: FAIL RTCIceTransport interface object length: FAIL RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute connectionState: FAIL RTCIceTransport interface: attribute gatheringState: FAIL RTCRtpReceiver interface: operation getCapabilities(DOMString): FAIL RTCRtpSender interface: calling getCapabilities(DOMString) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').sender with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL RTCRtpSender interface: operation getCapabilities(DOMString): FAIL RTCIceTransport interface: attribute state: FAIL RTCIceTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL RTCCertificate interface: idlTestObjects.certificate must inherit property "getFingerprints()" with the proper type: FAIL RTCIceTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL RTCRtpTransceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio') must inherit property "setCodecPreferences(sequence<RTCRtpCodecCapability>)" with the proper type: FAIL RTCCertificate interface: operation getFingerprints(): FAIL RTCRtpReceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver must inherit property "getParameters()" with the proper type: FAIL RTCRtpReceiver interface: operation getParameters(): FAIL RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "onconnectionstatechange" with the proper type: FAIL RTCRtpTransceiver interface: calling setCodecPreferences(sequence<RTCRtpCodecCapability>) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio') with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL RTCRtpSender interface: calling setParameters(RTCRtpSendParameters) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').sender with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL RTCIceTransport interface object name: FAIL RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute sdpMLineIndex: FAIL RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute sdpMid: FAIL RTCPeerConnection interface: calling setConfiguration(optional RTCConfiguration) on new RTCPeerConnection() with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "connectionState" with the proper type: FAIL /mediacapture-streams/idlharness.https.window.html MediaStreamTrack interface: operation getCapabilities(): FAIL MediaStreamTrack interface: track must inherit property "getCapabilities()" with the proper type: FAIL /picture-in-picture/idlharness.window.html Document interface: attribute pictureInPictureEnabled: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: video must inherit property "onenterpictureinpicture" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: attribute autoPictureInPicture: FAIL Document interface: document must inherit property "pictureInPictureElement" with the proper type: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow must be primary interface of pipw: FAIL Document interface: operation exitPictureInPicture(): FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: attribute onleavepictureinpicture: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: operation requestPictureInPicture(): FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: video must inherit property "autoPictureInPicture" with the proper type: FAIL Document interface: document must inherit property "pictureInPictureEnabled" with the proper type: FAIL ShadowRoot interface: attribute pictureInPictureElement: FAIL EnterPictureInPictureEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: pipw must inherit property "height" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: video must inherit property "requestPictureInPicture()" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: attribute onenterpictureinpicture: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: attribute onresize: FAIL EnterPictureInPictureEvent interface object name: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: attribute width: FAIL EnterPictureInPictureEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL Document interface: attribute pictureInPictureElement: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface object name: FAIL DocumentOrShadowRoot interface: document must inherit property "pictureInPictureElement" with the proper type: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: video must inherit property "onleavepictureinpicture" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: attribute disablePictureInPicture: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: pipw must inherit property "onresize" with the proper type: FAIL Document interface: document must inherit property "exitPictureInPicture()" with the proper type: FAIL Stringification of pipw: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface object length: FAIL EnterPictureInPictureEvent interface object length: FAIL EnterPictureInPictureEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: pipw must inherit property "width" with the proper type: FAIL idl_test setup: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: video must inherit property "disablePictureInPicture" with the proper type: FAIL EnterPictureInPictureEvent interface: attribute pictureInPictureWindow: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: attribute height: FAIL EnterPictureInPictureEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL /service-workers/service-worker/idlharness-window.https.html CacheStorage interface object length: FAIL /mediacapture-fromelement/idlharness.window.html CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface: track must inherit property "requestFrame()" with the proper type: FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface: track must inherit property "canvas" with the proper type: FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface: operation requestFrame(): FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack must be primary interface of track: FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface: attribute canvas: FAIL Stringification of track: FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface object name: FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface object length: FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL /fetch/api/idlharness.any.serviceworker.html Request interface: attribute keepalive: FAIL Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "keepalive" with the proper type: FAIL /fetch/api/idlharness.any.html Request interface: attribute keepalive: FAIL Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "keepalive" with the proper type: FAIL /mst-content-hint/idlharness.window.html MediaStreamTrack interface: videoTrack must inherit property "contentHint" with the proper type: FAIL MediaStreamTrack interface: attribute contentHint: FAIL MediaStreamTrack interface: audioTrack must inherit property "contentHint" with the proper type: FAIL /wai-aria/idlharness.window.html Element interface: attribute ariaMultiSelectable: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaMultiSelectable" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaRowIndex" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaRowCount" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaCurrent" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaBusy" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaExpanded: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaKeyShortcuts: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaModal: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaMultiLine: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaRowSpan: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaPlaceholder: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaValueMin" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute role: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaColIndex: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaOrientation" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaLevel" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaSelected: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaLevel: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaRoleDescription" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaRequired" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaHidden" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaReadOnly: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaRelevant" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaRoleDescription: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaModal" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaAtomic: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaHidden: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaRequired: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaBusy: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaColSpan" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaLabel" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaValueNow: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaRowIndex: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaRowSpan" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaColSpan: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaPressed: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaLive" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaColCount: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaExpanded" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaDisabled" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaOrientation: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaSort" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaLabel: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaPosInSet" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaSort: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaChecked: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaColIndex" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaValueMin: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaValueMax: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaChecked" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaPressed" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaAtomic" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaCurrent: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaRowCount: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaHasPopup: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaReadOnly" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaValueMax" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaRelevant: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaValueNow" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaKeyShortcuts" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "role" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaLive: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaColCount" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaMultiLine" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaValueText: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaPlaceholder" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaAutoComplete: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaHasPopup" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaAutoComplete" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaValueText" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaDisabled: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaSelected" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaPosInSet: FAIL /css/cssom/idlharness.html Stringification of getComputedStyle(svg_element): FAIL Stringification of FAIL CSSStyleDeclaration must be primary interface of sheet.cssRules[4].style: FAIL Stringification of sheet.cssRules[4].style: FAIL Stringification of sheet.cssRules[2].style: FAIL CSSStyleDeclaration must be primary interface of FAIL CSSStyleDeclaration must be primary interface of FAIL CSSStyleDeclaration interface: attribute cssFloat: FAIL CSSStyleDeclaration must be primary interface of sheet.cssRules[2].style: FAIL CSSPageRule interface: attribute selectorText: FAIL CSSPageRule interface: sheet.cssRules[2] must inherit property "selectorText" with the proper type: FAIL Stringification of FAIL CSSStyleDeclaration must be primary interface of getComputedStyle(svg_element): FAIL /payment-request/idlharness.https.window.html PaymentAddress interface: attribute phone: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: attribute methodName: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: attribute payerName: FAIL PaymentAddress interface object name: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: attribute recipient: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: attribute organization: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: new MerchantValidationEvent("merchantvalidation") must inherit property "methodName" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: calling updateWith(Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>) on new PaymentMethodChangeEvent("paymentmethodchange") with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: attribute dependentLocality: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: attribute payerEmail: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface object length: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: attribute methodName: FAIL PaymentRequest must be primary interface of paymentRequest: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: attribute region: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: attribute onshippingoptionchange: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: operation toJSON(): FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "id" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: attribute addressLine: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "onshippingoptionchange" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: new PaymentRequestUpdateEvent("paymentrequestupdate") must inherit property "updateWith(Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>)" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "shippingAddress" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: attribute shippingOption: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent must be primary interface of new MerchantValidationEvent("merchantvalidation"): FAIL PaymentRequest interface: attribute onshippingaddresschange: FAIL PaymentRequest interface object name: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: attribute sortingCode: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "abort()" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: new PaymentMethodChangeEvent("paymentmethodchange") must inherit property "methodName" with the proper type: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "shippingOption" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: attribute id: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: attribute methodDetails: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: attribute shippingOption: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "onpaymentmethodchange" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: attribute shippingAddress: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "shippingType" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface object name: FAIL Stringification of new PaymentMethodChangeEvent("paymentmethodchange"): FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent must be primary interface of new PaymentMethodChangeEvent("paymentmethodchange"): FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "onshippingaddresschange" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface object name: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: operation canMakePayment(): FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface object name: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: attribute validationURL: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: new MerchantValidationEvent("merchantvalidation") must inherit property "complete(Promise<any>)" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: attribute country: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: attribute postalCode: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL PaymentResponse interface object length: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: calling updateWith(Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>) on new PaymentRequestUpdateEvent("paymentrequestupdate") with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: operation show(optional Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>): FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: operation complete(Promise<any>): FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: attribute city: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: operation retry(optional PaymentValidationErrors): FAIL PaymentResponse interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: attribute shippingType: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "show(optional Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>)" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: operation abort(): FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: operation updateWith(Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>): FAIL Stringification of new MerchantValidationEvent("merchantvalidation"): FAIL Stringification of paymentRequest: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent must be primary interface of new PaymentRequestUpdateEvent("paymentrequestupdate"): FAIL PaymentResponse interface object name: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: attribute requestId: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: calling complete(Promise<any>) on new MerchantValidationEvent("merchantvalidation") with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface object length: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: new PaymentMethodChangeEvent("paymentmethodchange") must inherit property "methodDetails" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: attribute shippingAddress: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface object length: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: attribute onpayerdetailchange: FAIL PaymentAddress interface object length: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: operation toJSON(): FAIL PaymentRequest interface object length: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: new MerchantValidationEvent("merchantvalidation") must inherit property "validationURL" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: attribute methodName: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: attribute payerPhone: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: attribute onpaymentmethodchange: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL Stringification of new PaymentRequestUpdateEvent("paymentrequestupdate"): FAIL PaymentResponse interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: operation complete(optional PaymentComplete): FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "canMakePayment()" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: new PaymentMethodChangeEvent("paymentmethodchange") must inherit property "updateWith(Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>)" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: calling show(optional Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>) on paymentRequest with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: attribute details: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL /html/dom/idlharness.worker.html CanvasGradient interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL Path2D interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL CanvasGradient interface: operation addColorStop(double, DOMString): FAIL Path2D interface: operation moveTo(unrestricted double, unrestricted double): FAIL CanvasPattern interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL Path2D interface object name: FAIL Path2D interface object length: FAIL CanvasGradient interface object length: FAIL Path2D interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL Path2D interface: operation quadraticCurveTo(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double): FAIL CanvasPattern interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL Path2D interface: operation rect(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double): FAIL CanvasPattern interface object name: FAIL CanvasGradient interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL CanvasGradient interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL Path2D interface: operation lineTo(unrestricted double, unrestricted double): FAIL CanvasPattern interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL Path2D interface: operation arc(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, optional boolean): FAIL Path2D interface: operation closePath(): FAIL Path2D interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL CanvasPattern interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL CanvasPattern interface: operation setTransform(optional DOMMatrix2DInit): FAIL Path2D interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL CanvasGradient interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL Path2D interface: operation ellipse(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, optional boolean): FAIL Path2D interface: operation arcTo(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double): FAIL Path2D interface: operation bezierCurveTo(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double): FAIL Path2D interface: operation addPath(Path2D, optional DOMMatrix2DInit): FAIL CanvasPattern interface object length: FAIL CanvasGradient interface object name: FAIL /html/dom/idlharness.https.html?include=HTML.* HTMLInputElement interface: attribute dirName: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: attribute playsInline: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("range") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("audio") must inherit property "audioTracks" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("audio") must inherit property "videoTracks" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("url") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("reset") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLTextAreaElement interface: attribute dirName: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("time") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "translate" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("number") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLMediaElement interface: new Audio() must inherit property "audioTracks" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("submit") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("file") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("text") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("month") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("search") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLElement interface: attribute enterKeyHint: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("checkbox") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("color") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("hidden") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("week") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: document.createElement("video") must inherit property "playsInline" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("date") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("datetime-local") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("tel") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("password") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: document.createElement("input") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLMediaElement interface: new Audio() must inherit property "videoTracks" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLMediaElement interface: attribute videoTracks: FAIL HTMLElement interface: attribute translate: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("image") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLMediaElement interface: attribute audioTracks: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("email") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("radio") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLTextAreaElement interface: document.createElement("textarea") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("button") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("video") must inherit property "audioTracks" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("video") must inherit property "videoTracks" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "enterKeyHint" with the proper type: FAIL /clipboard-apis/async-idlharness.https.html Clipboard interface: operation readText(): FAIL Clipboard interface: navigator.clipboard must inherit property "readText()" with the proper type: FAIL Clipboard interface: navigator.clipboard must inherit property "read()" with the proper type: FAIL ClipboardItem interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL Clipboard interface: calling write(ClipboardItems) on navigator.clipboard with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL ClipboardItem interface: operation getType(DOMString): FAIL ClipboardItem interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL ClipboardItem interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL Clipboard interface: navigator.clipboard must inherit property "write(ClipboardItems)" with the proper type: FAIL ClipboardItem interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL ClipboardItem interface object length: FAIL Clipboard interface: operation write(ClipboardItems): FAIL Clipboard interface: operation read(): FAIL ClipboardItem interface: attribute types: FAIL ClipboardItem interface object name: FAIL /media-playback-quality/idlharness.window.html VideoPlaybackQuality interface: videoPlaybackQuality must inherit property "corruptedVideoFrames" with the proper type: FAIL /WebCryptoAPI/idlharness.https.any.worker.html CryptoKey interface: attribute usages: FAIL CryptoKey interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL CryptoKey interface object length: FAIL CryptoKey interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL CryptoKey interface: attribute algorithm: FAIL CryptoKey interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL CryptoKey interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL CryptoKey interface: attribute extractable: FAIL CryptoKey interface object name: FAIL CryptoKey interface: attribute type: FAIL /svg/idlharness.window.html SVGSVGElement interface: calling getEnclosureList(DOMRectReadOnly, SVGElement?) on objects.svg with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: operation getEnclosureList(DOMRectReadOnly, SVGElement?): FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "checkIntersection(SVGElement, DOMRectReadOnly)" with the proper type: FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: operation getIntersectionList(DOMRectReadOnly, SVGElement?): FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: calling getIntersectionList(DOMRectReadOnly, SVGElement?) on objects.svg with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: operation checkIntersection(SVGElement, DOMRectReadOnly): FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "checkEnclosure(SVGElement, DOMRectReadOnly)" with the proper type: FAIL SVGUnitTypes interface: constant SVG_UNIT_TYPE_USERSPACEONUSE on interface prototype object: FAIL SVGUnitTypes interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "getEnclosureList(DOMRectReadOnly, SVGElement?)" with the proper type: FAIL SVGUnitTypes interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL SVGUnitTypes interface: constant SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX on interface prototype object: FAIL SVGUnitTypes interface: constant SVG_UNIT_TYPE_UNKNOWN on interface prototype object: FAIL SVGUnitTypes interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: operation checkEnclosure(SVGElement, DOMRectReadOnly): FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: calling checkIntersection(SVGElement, DOMRectReadOnly) on objects.svg with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "getIntersectionList(DOMRectReadOnly, SVGElement?)" with the proper type: FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: calling checkEnclosure(SVGElement, DOMRectReadOnly) on objects.svg with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL /media-source/idlharness.window.html MediaSource interface: attribute onsourceclose: FAIL SourceBuffer interface: attribute videoTracks: FAIL SourceBuffer interface: attribute audioTracks: FAIL VideoTrack interface: attribute sourceBuffer: FAIL MediaSource interface: mediaSource must inherit property "onsourceclose" with the proper type: FAIL AudioTrack interface: attribute sourceBuffer: FAIL /css/cssom-view/idlharness.html Screen interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL Screen interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL /web-share/idlharness.https.window.html Navigator interface: operation share(optional ShareData): FAIL [`Gecko-windows10-64-debug`, `Gecko-windows10-64-opt`, `Gecko-windows10-64-qr-debug`, `Gecko-windows10-64-qr-opt`, `Gecko-windows7-32-debug`, `Gecko-windows7-32-opt`, `GitHub`], PASS [`Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-debug-geckoview`, `Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-opt-geckoview`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-asan-opt`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-debug`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-opt`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt`] Navigator interface: navigator must inherit property "share(optional ShareData)" with the proper type: FAIL [`Gecko-windows10-64-debug`, `Gecko-windows10-64-opt`, `Gecko-windows10-64-qr-debug`, `Gecko-windows10-64-qr-opt`, `Gecko-windows7-32-debug`, `Gecko-windows7-32-opt`, `GitHub`], PASS [`Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-debug-geckoview`, `Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-opt-geckoview`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-asan-opt`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-debug`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-opt`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt`] Navigator interface: calling share(optional ShareData) on navigator with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL [`Gecko-windows10-64-debug`, `Gecko-windows10-64-opt`, `Gecko-windows10-64-qr-debug`, `Gecko-windows10-64-qr-opt`, `Gecko-windows7-32-debug`, `Gecko-windows7-32-opt`, `GitHub`], PASS [`Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-debug-geckoview`, `Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-opt-geckoview`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-asan-opt`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-debug`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-opt`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt`] /remote-playback/idlharness.window.html HTMLMediaElement interface: attribute remote: FAIL RemotePlayback interface object length: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: calling cancelWatchAvailability(optional long) on media.remote with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: operation watchAvailability(RemotePlaybackAvailabilityCallback): FAIL RemotePlayback interface: media.remote must inherit property "state" with the proper type: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: attribute onconnecting: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: media.remote must inherit property "prompt()" with the proper type: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: operation cancelWatchAvailability(optional long): FAIL RemotePlayback interface: media.remote must inherit property "onconnect" with the proper type: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: calling watchAvailability(RemotePlaybackAvailabilityCallback) on media.remote with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: media.remote must inherit property "cancelWatchAvailability(optional long)" with the proper type: FAIL RemotePlayback interface object name: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: operation prompt(): FAIL Stringification of media.remote: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: attribute onconnect: FAIL RemotePlayback must be primary interface of media.remote: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: media.remote must inherit property "onconnecting" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLMediaElement interface: attribute disableRemotePlayback: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: media.remote must inherit property "ondisconnect" with the proper type: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: attribute state: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: media.remote must inherit property "watchAvailability(RemotePlaybackAvailabilityCallback)" with the proper type: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: attribute ondisconnect: FAIL (See attachment for full changes)
Attached file Notable wpt changes (deleted) —
# CI Results Ran 13 Firefox configurations based on mozilla-central, and Firefox, Chrome, and Safari on GitHub CI Total 312 tests and 138 subtests ## Status Summary ### Firefox OK : 223[Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-opt-geckoview] 225[Gecko-windows10-64-opt, Gecko-windows10-64-qr-opt, Gecko-windows7-32-opt] 226[Gecko-windows10-64-debug, Gecko-windows10-64-qr-debug, Gecko-windows7-32-debug] 227[Gecko-linux1804-64-asan-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt] 245[GitHub] PASS : 22569[Gecko-windows7-32-opt] 22571[Gecko-windows10-64-opt, Gecko-windows10-64-qr-opt] 22599[Gecko-windows7-32-debug] 22601[Gecko-windows10-64-debug, Gecko-windows10-64-qr-debug] 22661[Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-opt-geckoview] 22705[Gecko-linux1804-64-asan-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt] 24610[GitHub] FAIL : 3751[Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-opt-geckoview] 4066[Gecko-windows10-64-opt, Gecko-windows10-64-qr-opt] 4068[Gecko-windows7-32-opt] 4085[Gecko-linux1804-64-asan-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt, Gecko-windows10-64-debug, Gecko-windows10-64-qr-debug] 4087[Gecko-windows7-32-debug] 7059[GitHub] TIMEOUT: 2 ### Chrome OK : 244 PASS : 30018 FAIL : 1689 ERROR : 1 ### Safari OK : 223 PASS : 18545 FAIL : 9525 ERROR : 22 ## Links [Gecko CI (Treeherder)]( [GitHub PR Head]( [GitHub PR Base]( ## Details ### Firefox-only Failures /fetch/api/idlharness.any.worker.html Request interface: attribute keepalive: FAIL Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "keepalive" with the proper type: FAIL /webrtc/idlharness.https.window.html RTCRtpTransceiver interface: operation setCodecPreferences(sequence<RTCRtpCodecCapability>): FAIL RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "setConfiguration(optional RTCConfiguration)" with the proper type: FAIL RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute candidate: FAIL RTCDTMFSender interface: attribute canInsertDTMF: FAIL RTCRtpReceiver interface: calling getCapabilities(DOMString) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute onconnectionstatechange: FAIL RTCIceTransport interface object length: FAIL RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute connectionState: FAIL RTCIceTransport interface: attribute gatheringState: FAIL RTCRtpReceiver interface: operation getCapabilities(DOMString): FAIL RTCRtpSender interface: calling getCapabilities(DOMString) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').sender with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL RTCRtpSender interface: operation getCapabilities(DOMString): FAIL RTCIceTransport interface: attribute state: FAIL RTCIceTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL RTCCertificate interface: idlTestObjects.certificate must inherit property "getFingerprints()" with the proper type: FAIL RTCIceTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL RTCRtpTransceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio') must inherit property "setCodecPreferences(sequence<RTCRtpCodecCapability>)" with the proper type: FAIL RTCCertificate interface: operation getFingerprints(): FAIL RTCRtpReceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver must inherit property "getParameters()" with the proper type: FAIL RTCRtpReceiver interface: operation getParameters(): FAIL RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "onconnectionstatechange" with the proper type: FAIL RTCRtpTransceiver interface: calling setCodecPreferences(sequence<RTCRtpCodecCapability>) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio') with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL RTCRtpSender interface: calling setParameters(RTCRtpSendParameters) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').sender with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL RTCIceTransport interface object name: FAIL RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute sdpMLineIndex: FAIL RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute sdpMid: FAIL RTCPeerConnection interface: calling setConfiguration(optional RTCConfiguration) on new RTCPeerConnection() with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "connectionState" with the proper type: FAIL /mediacapture-streams/idlharness.https.window.html MediaStreamTrack interface: operation getCapabilities(): FAIL MediaStreamTrack interface: track must inherit property "getCapabilities()" with the proper type: FAIL /picture-in-picture/idlharness.window.html Document interface: attribute pictureInPictureEnabled: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: video must inherit property "onenterpictureinpicture" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: attribute autoPictureInPicture: FAIL Document interface: document must inherit property "pictureInPictureElement" with the proper type: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow must be primary interface of pipw: FAIL Document interface: operation exitPictureInPicture(): FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: attribute onleavepictureinpicture: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: operation requestPictureInPicture(): FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: video must inherit property "autoPictureInPicture" with the proper type: FAIL Document interface: document must inherit property "pictureInPictureEnabled" with the proper type: FAIL ShadowRoot interface: attribute pictureInPictureElement: FAIL EnterPictureInPictureEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: pipw must inherit property "height" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: video must inherit property "requestPictureInPicture()" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: attribute onenterpictureinpicture: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: attribute onresize: FAIL EnterPictureInPictureEvent interface object name: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: attribute width: FAIL EnterPictureInPictureEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL Document interface: attribute pictureInPictureElement: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface object name: FAIL DocumentOrShadowRoot interface: document must inherit property "pictureInPictureElement" with the proper type: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: video must inherit property "onleavepictureinpicture" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: attribute disablePictureInPicture: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: pipw must inherit property "onresize" with the proper type: FAIL Document interface: document must inherit property "exitPictureInPicture()" with the proper type: FAIL Stringification of pipw: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface object length: FAIL EnterPictureInPictureEvent interface object length: FAIL EnterPictureInPictureEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: pipw must inherit property "width" with the proper type: FAIL idl_test setup: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: video must inherit property "disablePictureInPicture" with the proper type: FAIL EnterPictureInPictureEvent interface: attribute pictureInPictureWindow: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: attribute height: FAIL EnterPictureInPictureEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL /service-workers/service-worker/idlharness-window.https.html CacheStorage interface object length: FAIL /mediacapture-fromelement/idlharness.window.html CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface: track must inherit property "requestFrame()" with the proper type: FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface: track must inherit property "canvas" with the proper type: FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface: operation requestFrame(): FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack must be primary interface of track: FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface: attribute canvas: FAIL Stringification of track: FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface object name: FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface object length: FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL /fetch/api/idlharness.any.serviceworker.html Request interface: attribute keepalive: FAIL Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "keepalive" with the proper type: FAIL /fetch/api/idlharness.any.html Request interface: attribute keepalive: FAIL Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "keepalive" with the proper type: FAIL /mst-content-hint/idlharness.window.html MediaStreamTrack interface: videoTrack must inherit property "contentHint" with the proper type: FAIL MediaStreamTrack interface: attribute contentHint: FAIL MediaStreamTrack interface: audioTrack must inherit property "contentHint" with the proper type: FAIL /wai-aria/idlharness.window.html Element interface: attribute ariaMultiSelectable: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaMultiSelectable" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaRowIndex" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaRowCount" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaCurrent" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaBusy" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaExpanded: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaKeyShortcuts: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaModal: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaMultiLine: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaRowSpan: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaPlaceholder: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaValueMin" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute role: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaColIndex: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaOrientation" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaLevel" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaSelected: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaLevel: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaRoleDescription" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaRequired" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaHidden" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaReadOnly: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaRelevant" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaRoleDescription: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaModal" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaAtomic: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaHidden: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaRequired: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaBusy: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaColSpan" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaLabel" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaValueNow: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaRowIndex: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaRowSpan" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaColSpan: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaPressed: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaLive" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaColCount: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaExpanded" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaDisabled" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaOrientation: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaSort" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaLabel: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaPosInSet" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaSort: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaChecked: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaColIndex" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaValueMin: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaValueMax: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaChecked" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaPressed" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaAtomic" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaCurrent: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaRowCount: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaHasPopup: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaReadOnly" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaValueMax" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaRelevant: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaValueNow" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaKeyShortcuts" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "role" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaLive: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaColCount" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaMultiLine" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaValueText: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaPlaceholder" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaAutoComplete: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaHasPopup" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaAutoComplete" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaValueText" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaDisabled: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaSelected" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaPosInSet: FAIL /css/cssom/idlharness.html Stringification of getComputedStyle(svg_element): FAIL Stringification of FAIL CSSStyleDeclaration must be primary interface of sheet.cssRules[4].style: FAIL Stringification of sheet.cssRules[4].style: FAIL Stringification of sheet.cssRules[2].style: FAIL CSSStyleDeclaration must be primary interface of FAIL CSSStyleDeclaration must be primary interface of FAIL CSSStyleDeclaration interface: attribute cssFloat: FAIL CSSStyleDeclaration must be primary interface of sheet.cssRules[2].style: FAIL CSSPageRule interface: attribute selectorText: FAIL CSSPageRule interface: sheet.cssRules[2] must inherit property "selectorText" with the proper type: FAIL Stringification of FAIL CSSStyleDeclaration must be primary interface of getComputedStyle(svg_element): FAIL /payment-request/idlharness.https.window.html PaymentAddress interface: attribute phone: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: attribute methodName: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: attribute payerName: FAIL PaymentAddress interface object name: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: attribute recipient: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: attribute organization: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: new MerchantValidationEvent("merchantvalidation") must inherit property "methodName" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: calling updateWith(Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>) on new PaymentMethodChangeEvent("paymentmethodchange") with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: attribute dependentLocality: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: attribute payerEmail: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface object length: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: attribute methodName: FAIL PaymentRequest must be primary interface of paymentRequest: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: attribute region: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: attribute onshippingoptionchange: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: operation toJSON(): FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "id" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: attribute addressLine: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "onshippingoptionchange" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: new PaymentRequestUpdateEvent("paymentrequestupdate") must inherit property "updateWith(Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>)" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "shippingAddress" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: attribute shippingOption: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent must be primary interface of new MerchantValidationEvent("merchantvalidation"): FAIL PaymentRequest interface: attribute onshippingaddresschange: FAIL PaymentRequest interface object name: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: attribute sortingCode: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "abort()" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: new PaymentMethodChangeEvent("paymentmethodchange") must inherit property "methodName" with the proper type: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "shippingOption" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: attribute id: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: attribute methodDetails: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: attribute shippingOption: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "onpaymentmethodchange" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: attribute shippingAddress: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "shippingType" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface object name: FAIL Stringification of new PaymentMethodChangeEvent("paymentmethodchange"): FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent must be primary interface of new PaymentMethodChangeEvent("paymentmethodchange"): FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "onshippingaddresschange" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface object name: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: operation canMakePayment(): FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface object name: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: attribute validationURL: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: new MerchantValidationEvent("merchantvalidation") must inherit property "complete(Promise<any>)" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: attribute country: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: attribute postalCode: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL PaymentResponse interface object length: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: calling updateWith(Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>) on new PaymentRequestUpdateEvent("paymentrequestupdate") with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: operation show(optional Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>): FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: operation complete(Promise<any>): FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: attribute city: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: operation retry(optional PaymentValidationErrors): FAIL PaymentResponse interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: attribute shippingType: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "show(optional Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>)" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: operation abort(): FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: operation updateWith(Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>): FAIL Stringification of new MerchantValidationEvent("merchantvalidation"): FAIL Stringification of paymentRequest: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent must be primary interface of new PaymentRequestUpdateEvent("paymentrequestupdate"): FAIL PaymentResponse interface object name: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: attribute requestId: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: calling complete(Promise<any>) on new MerchantValidationEvent("merchantvalidation") with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface object length: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: new PaymentMethodChangeEvent("paymentmethodchange") must inherit property "methodDetails" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: attribute shippingAddress: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface object length: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: attribute onpayerdetailchange: FAIL PaymentAddress interface object length: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: operation toJSON(): FAIL PaymentRequest interface object length: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: new MerchantValidationEvent("merchantvalidation") must inherit property "validationURL" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: attribute methodName: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: attribute payerPhone: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: attribute onpaymentmethodchange: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL Stringification of new PaymentRequestUpdateEvent("paymentrequestupdate"): FAIL PaymentResponse interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: operation complete(optional PaymentComplete): FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "canMakePayment()" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: new PaymentMethodChangeEvent("paymentmethodchange") must inherit property "updateWith(Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>)" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: calling show(optional Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>) on paymentRequest with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: attribute details: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL /html/dom/idlharness.worker.html CanvasGradient interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL Path2D interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL CanvasGradient interface: operation addColorStop(double, DOMString): FAIL Path2D interface: operation moveTo(unrestricted double, unrestricted double): FAIL CanvasPattern interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL Path2D interface object name: FAIL Path2D interface object length: FAIL CanvasGradient interface object length: FAIL Path2D interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL Path2D interface: operation quadraticCurveTo(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double): FAIL CanvasPattern interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL Path2D interface: operation rect(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double): FAIL CanvasPattern interface object name: FAIL CanvasGradient interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL CanvasGradient interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL Path2D interface: operation lineTo(unrestricted double, unrestricted double): FAIL CanvasPattern interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL Path2D interface: operation arc(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, optional boolean): FAIL Path2D interface: operation closePath(): FAIL Path2D interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL CanvasPattern interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL CanvasPattern interface: operation setTransform(optional DOMMatrix2DInit): FAIL Path2D interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL CanvasGradient interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL Path2D interface: operation ellipse(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, optional boolean): FAIL Path2D interface: operation arcTo(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double): FAIL Path2D interface: operation bezierCurveTo(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double): FAIL Path2D interface: operation addPath(Path2D, optional DOMMatrix2DInit): FAIL CanvasPattern interface object length: FAIL CanvasGradient interface object name: FAIL /html/dom/idlharness.https.html?include=HTML.* HTMLInputElement interface: attribute dirName: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: attribute playsInline: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("range") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("audio") must inherit property "audioTracks" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("audio") must inherit property "videoTracks" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("url") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("reset") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLTextAreaElement interface: attribute dirName: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("time") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "translate" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("number") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLMediaElement interface: new Audio() must inherit property "audioTracks" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("submit") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("file") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("text") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("month") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("search") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLElement interface: attribute enterKeyHint: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("checkbox") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("color") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("hidden") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("week") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: document.createElement("video") must inherit property "playsInline" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("date") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("datetime-local") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("tel") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("password") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: document.createElement("input") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLMediaElement interface: new Audio() must inherit property "videoTracks" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLMediaElement interface: attribute videoTracks: FAIL HTMLElement interface: attribute translate: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("image") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLMediaElement interface: attribute audioTracks: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("email") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("radio") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLTextAreaElement interface: document.createElement("textarea") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("button") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("video") must inherit property "audioTracks" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("video") must inherit property "videoTracks" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "enterKeyHint" with the proper type: FAIL /clipboard-apis/async-idlharness.https.html Clipboard interface: operation readText(): FAIL Clipboard interface: navigator.clipboard must inherit property "readText()" with the proper type: FAIL Clipboard interface: navigator.clipboard must inherit property "read()" with the proper type: FAIL ClipboardItem interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL Clipboard interface: calling write(ClipboardItems) on navigator.clipboard with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL ClipboardItem interface: operation getType(DOMString): FAIL ClipboardItem interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL ClipboardItem interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL Clipboard interface: navigator.clipboard must inherit property "write(ClipboardItems)" with the proper type: FAIL ClipboardItem interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL ClipboardItem interface object length: FAIL Clipboard interface: operation write(ClipboardItems): FAIL Clipboard interface: operation read(): FAIL ClipboardItem interface: attribute types: FAIL ClipboardItem interface object name: FAIL /media-playback-quality/idlharness.window.html VideoPlaybackQuality interface: videoPlaybackQuality must inherit property "corruptedVideoFrames" with the proper type: FAIL /WebCryptoAPI/idlharness.https.any.worker.html CryptoKey interface: attribute usages: FAIL CryptoKey interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL CryptoKey interface object length: FAIL CryptoKey interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL CryptoKey interface: attribute algorithm: FAIL CryptoKey interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL CryptoKey interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL CryptoKey interface: attribute extractable: FAIL CryptoKey interface object name: FAIL CryptoKey interface: attribute type: FAIL /svg/idlharness.window.html SVGSVGElement interface: calling getEnclosureList(DOMRectReadOnly, SVGElement?) on objects.svg with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: operation getEnclosureList(DOMRectReadOnly, SVGElement?): FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "checkIntersection(SVGElement, DOMRectReadOnly)" with the proper type: FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: operation getIntersectionList(DOMRectReadOnly, SVGElement?): FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: calling getIntersectionList(DOMRectReadOnly, SVGElement?) on objects.svg with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: operation checkIntersection(SVGElement, DOMRectReadOnly): FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "checkEnclosure(SVGElement, DOMRectReadOnly)" with the proper type: FAIL SVGUnitTypes interface: constant SVG_UNIT_TYPE_USERSPACEONUSE on interface prototype object: FAIL SVGUnitTypes interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "getEnclosureList(DOMRectReadOnly, SVGElement?)" with the proper type: FAIL SVGUnitTypes interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL SVGUnitTypes interface: constant SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX on interface prototype object: FAIL SVGUnitTypes interface: constant SVG_UNIT_TYPE_UNKNOWN on interface prototype object: FAIL SVGUnitTypes interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: operation checkEnclosure(SVGElement, DOMRectReadOnly): FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: calling checkIntersection(SVGElement, DOMRectReadOnly) on objects.svg with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "getIntersectionList(DOMRectReadOnly, SVGElement?)" with the proper type: FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: calling checkEnclosure(SVGElement, DOMRectReadOnly) on objects.svg with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL /media-source/idlharness.window.html MediaSource interface: attribute onsourceclose: FAIL SourceBuffer interface: attribute videoTracks: FAIL SourceBuffer interface: attribute audioTracks: FAIL VideoTrack interface: attribute sourceBuffer: FAIL MediaSource interface: mediaSource must inherit property "onsourceclose" with the proper type: FAIL AudioTrack interface: attribute sourceBuffer: FAIL /css/cssom-view/idlharness.html Screen interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL linked bug:Bug 1634112 Screen interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL linked bug:Bug 1634112 /web-share/idlharness.https.window.html Navigator interface: operation share(optional ShareData): FAIL [`Gecko-windows10-64-debug`, `Gecko-windows10-64-opt`, `Gecko-windows10-64-qr-debug`, `Gecko-windows10-64-qr-opt`, `Gecko-windows7-32-debug`, `Gecko-windows7-32-opt`, `GitHub`], PASS [`Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-debug-geckoview`, `Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-opt-geckoview`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-asan-opt`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-debug`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-opt`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt`] Navigator interface: navigator must inherit property "share(optional ShareData)" with the proper type: FAIL [`Gecko-windows10-64-debug`, `Gecko-windows10-64-opt`, `Gecko-windows10-64-qr-debug`, `Gecko-windows10-64-qr-opt`, `Gecko-windows7-32-debug`, `Gecko-windows7-32-opt`, `GitHub`], PASS [`Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-debug-geckoview`, `Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-opt-geckoview`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-asan-opt`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-debug`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-opt`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt`] Navigator interface: calling share(optional ShareData) on navigator with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL [`Gecko-windows10-64-debug`, `Gecko-windows10-64-opt`, `Gecko-windows10-64-qr-debug`, `Gecko-windows10-64-qr-opt`, `Gecko-windows7-32-debug`, `Gecko-windows7-32-opt`, `GitHub`], PASS [`Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-debug-geckoview`, `Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-opt-geckoview`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-asan-opt`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-debug`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-opt`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt`] /remote-playback/idlharness.window.html HTMLMediaElement interface: attribute remote: FAIL RemotePlayback interface object length: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: calling cancelWatchAvailability(optional long) on media.remote with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: operation watchAvailability(RemotePlaybackAvailabilityCallback): FAIL RemotePlayback interface: media.remote must inherit property "state" with the proper type: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: attribute onconnecting: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: media.remote must inherit property "prompt()" with the proper type: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: operation cancelWatchAvailability(optional long): FAIL RemotePlayback interface: media.remote must inherit property "onconnect" with the proper type: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: calling watchAvailability(RemotePlaybackAvailabilityCallback) on media.remote with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: media.remote must inherit property "cancelWatchAvailability(optional long)" with the proper type: FAIL RemotePlayback interface object name: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: operation prompt(): FAIL Stringification of media.remote: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: attribute onconnect: FAIL RemotePlayback must be primary interface of media.remote: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: media.remote must inherit property "onconnecting" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLMediaElement interface: attribute disableRemotePlayback: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: media.remote must inherit property "ondisconnect" with the proper type: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: attribute state: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: media.remote must inherit property "watchAvailability(RemotePlaybackAvailabilityCallback)" with the proper type: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: attribute ondisconnect: FAIL (See attachment for full changes)
Pushed by [wpt PR 23150] - Update interfaces/html.idl, a=testonly [wpt PR 23150] - Update wpt metadata, a=testonly
Attached file Notable wpt changes (deleted) —
# CI Results Ran 13 Firefox configurations based on mozilla-central, and Firefox, Chrome, and Safari on GitHub CI Total 312 tests and 138 subtests ## Status Summary ### Firefox OK : 223[Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-opt-geckoview] 225[Gecko-windows10-64-opt, Gecko-windows10-64-qr-opt, Gecko-windows7-32-opt] 226[Gecko-windows10-64-debug, Gecko-windows10-64-qr-debug, Gecko-windows7-32-debug] 227[Gecko-linux1804-64-asan-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt] 245[GitHub] PASS : 22569[Gecko-windows7-32-opt] 22571[Gecko-windows10-64-opt, Gecko-windows10-64-qr-opt] 22599[Gecko-windows7-32-debug] 22601[Gecko-windows10-64-debug, Gecko-windows10-64-qr-debug] 22661[Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-opt-geckoview] 22705[Gecko-linux1804-64-asan-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt] 24610[GitHub] FAIL : 3751[Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-opt-geckoview] 4066[Gecko-windows10-64-opt, Gecko-windows10-64-qr-opt] 4068[Gecko-windows7-32-opt] 4085[Gecko-linux1804-64-asan-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt, Gecko-windows10-64-debug, Gecko-windows10-64-qr-debug] 4087[Gecko-windows7-32-debug] 7059[GitHub] TIMEOUT: 2 ### Chrome OK : 244 PASS : 30018 FAIL : 1689 ERROR : 1 ### Safari OK : 223 PASS : 18545 FAIL : 9525 ERROR : 22 ## Links [Gecko CI (Treeherder)]( [GitHub PR Head]( [GitHub PR Base]( ## Details ### Firefox-only Failures /fetch/api/idlharness.any.worker.html Request interface: attribute keepalive: FAIL Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "keepalive" with the proper type: FAIL /webrtc/idlharness.https.window.html RTCRtpTransceiver interface: operation setCodecPreferences(sequence<RTCRtpCodecCapability>): FAIL RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "setConfiguration(optional RTCConfiguration)" with the proper type: FAIL RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute candidate: FAIL RTCDTMFSender interface: attribute canInsertDTMF: FAIL RTCRtpReceiver interface: calling getCapabilities(DOMString) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute onconnectionstatechange: FAIL RTCIceTransport interface object length: FAIL RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute connectionState: FAIL RTCIceTransport interface: attribute gatheringState: FAIL RTCRtpReceiver interface: operation getCapabilities(DOMString): FAIL RTCRtpSender interface: calling getCapabilities(DOMString) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').sender with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL RTCRtpSender interface: operation getCapabilities(DOMString): FAIL RTCIceTransport interface: attribute state: FAIL RTCIceTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL RTCCertificate interface: idlTestObjects.certificate must inherit property "getFingerprints()" with the proper type: FAIL RTCIceTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL RTCRtpTransceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio') must inherit property "setCodecPreferences(sequence<RTCRtpCodecCapability>)" with the proper type: FAIL RTCCertificate interface: operation getFingerprints(): FAIL RTCRtpReceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver must inherit property "getParameters()" with the proper type: FAIL RTCRtpReceiver interface: operation getParameters(): FAIL RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "onconnectionstatechange" with the proper type: FAIL RTCRtpTransceiver interface: calling setCodecPreferences(sequence<RTCRtpCodecCapability>) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio') with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL RTCRtpSender interface: calling setParameters(RTCRtpSendParameters) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').sender with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL RTCIceTransport interface object name: FAIL RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute sdpMLineIndex: FAIL RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute sdpMid: FAIL RTCPeerConnection interface: calling setConfiguration(optional RTCConfiguration) on new RTCPeerConnection() with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "connectionState" with the proper type: FAIL /mediacapture-streams/idlharness.https.window.html MediaStreamTrack interface: operation getCapabilities(): FAIL MediaStreamTrack interface: track must inherit property "getCapabilities()" with the proper type: FAIL /picture-in-picture/idlharness.window.html Document interface: attribute pictureInPictureEnabled: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: video must inherit property "onenterpictureinpicture" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: attribute autoPictureInPicture: FAIL Document interface: document must inherit property "pictureInPictureElement" with the proper type: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow must be primary interface of pipw: FAIL Document interface: operation exitPictureInPicture(): FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: attribute onleavepictureinpicture: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: operation requestPictureInPicture(): FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: video must inherit property "autoPictureInPicture" with the proper type: FAIL Document interface: document must inherit property "pictureInPictureEnabled" with the proper type: FAIL ShadowRoot interface: attribute pictureInPictureElement: FAIL EnterPictureInPictureEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: pipw must inherit property "height" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: video must inherit property "requestPictureInPicture()" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: attribute onenterpictureinpicture: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: attribute onresize: FAIL EnterPictureInPictureEvent interface object name: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: attribute width: FAIL EnterPictureInPictureEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL Document interface: attribute pictureInPictureElement: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface object name: FAIL DocumentOrShadowRoot interface: document must inherit property "pictureInPictureElement" with the proper type: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: video must inherit property "onleavepictureinpicture" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: attribute disablePictureInPicture: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: pipw must inherit property "onresize" with the proper type: FAIL Document interface: document must inherit property "exitPictureInPicture()" with the proper type: FAIL Stringification of pipw: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface object length: FAIL EnterPictureInPictureEvent interface object length: FAIL EnterPictureInPictureEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: pipw must inherit property "width" with the proper type: FAIL idl_test setup: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: video must inherit property "disablePictureInPicture" with the proper type: FAIL EnterPictureInPictureEvent interface: attribute pictureInPictureWindow: FAIL PictureInPictureWindow interface: attribute height: FAIL EnterPictureInPictureEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL /service-workers/service-worker/idlharness-window.https.html CacheStorage interface object length: FAIL /mediacapture-fromelement/idlharness.window.html CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface: track must inherit property "requestFrame()" with the proper type: FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface: track must inherit property "canvas" with the proper type: FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface: operation requestFrame(): FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack must be primary interface of track: FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface: attribute canvas: FAIL Stringification of track: FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface object name: FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface object length: FAIL CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL /fetch/api/idlharness.any.serviceworker.html Request interface: attribute keepalive: FAIL Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "keepalive" with the proper type: FAIL /fetch/api/idlharness.any.html Request interface: attribute keepalive: FAIL Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "keepalive" with the proper type: FAIL /mst-content-hint/idlharness.window.html MediaStreamTrack interface: videoTrack must inherit property "contentHint" with the proper type: FAIL MediaStreamTrack interface: attribute contentHint: FAIL MediaStreamTrack interface: audioTrack must inherit property "contentHint" with the proper type: FAIL /wai-aria/idlharness.window.html Element interface: attribute ariaMultiSelectable: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaMultiSelectable" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaRowIndex" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaRowCount" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaCurrent" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaBusy" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaExpanded: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaKeyShortcuts: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaModal: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaMultiLine: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaRowSpan: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaPlaceholder: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaValueMin" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute role: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaColIndex: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaOrientation" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaLevel" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaSelected: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaLevel: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaRoleDescription" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaRequired" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaHidden" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaReadOnly: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaRelevant" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaRoleDescription: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaModal" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaAtomic: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaHidden: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaRequired: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaBusy: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaColSpan" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaLabel" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaValueNow: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaRowIndex: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaRowSpan" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaColSpan: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaPressed: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaLive" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaColCount: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaExpanded" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaDisabled" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaOrientation: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaSort" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaLabel: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaPosInSet" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaSort: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaChecked: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaColIndex" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaValueMin: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaValueMax: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaChecked" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaPressed" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaAtomic" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaCurrent: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaRowCount: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaHasPopup: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaReadOnly" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaValueMax" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaRelevant: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaValueNow" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaKeyShortcuts" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "role" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaLive: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaColCount" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaMultiLine" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaValueText: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaPlaceholder" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaAutoComplete: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaHasPopup" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaAutoComplete" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaValueText" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaDisabled: FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaSelected" with the proper type: FAIL Element interface: attribute ariaPosInSet: FAIL /css/cssom/idlharness.html Stringification of getComputedStyle(svg_element): FAIL Stringification of FAIL CSSStyleDeclaration must be primary interface of sheet.cssRules[4].style: FAIL Stringification of sheet.cssRules[4].style: FAIL Stringification of sheet.cssRules[2].style: FAIL CSSStyleDeclaration must be primary interface of FAIL CSSStyleDeclaration must be primary interface of FAIL CSSStyleDeclaration interface: attribute cssFloat: FAIL CSSStyleDeclaration must be primary interface of sheet.cssRules[2].style: FAIL CSSPageRule interface: attribute selectorText: FAIL CSSPageRule interface: sheet.cssRules[2] must inherit property "selectorText" with the proper type: FAIL Stringification of FAIL CSSStyleDeclaration must be primary interface of getComputedStyle(svg_element): FAIL /payment-request/idlharness.https.window.html PaymentAddress interface: attribute phone: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: attribute methodName: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: attribute payerName: FAIL PaymentAddress interface object name: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: attribute recipient: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: attribute organization: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: new MerchantValidationEvent("merchantvalidation") must inherit property "methodName" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: calling updateWith(Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>) on new PaymentMethodChangeEvent("paymentmethodchange") with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: attribute dependentLocality: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: attribute payerEmail: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface object length: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: attribute methodName: FAIL PaymentRequest must be primary interface of paymentRequest: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: attribute region: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: attribute onshippingoptionchange: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: operation toJSON(): FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "id" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: attribute addressLine: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "onshippingoptionchange" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: new PaymentRequestUpdateEvent("paymentrequestupdate") must inherit property "updateWith(Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>)" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "shippingAddress" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: attribute shippingOption: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent must be primary interface of new MerchantValidationEvent("merchantvalidation"): FAIL PaymentRequest interface: attribute onshippingaddresschange: FAIL PaymentRequest interface object name: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: attribute sortingCode: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "abort()" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: new PaymentMethodChangeEvent("paymentmethodchange") must inherit property "methodName" with the proper type: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "shippingOption" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: attribute id: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: attribute methodDetails: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: attribute shippingOption: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "onpaymentmethodchange" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: attribute shippingAddress: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "shippingType" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface object name: FAIL Stringification of new PaymentMethodChangeEvent("paymentmethodchange"): FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent must be primary interface of new PaymentMethodChangeEvent("paymentmethodchange"): FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "onshippingaddresschange" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface object name: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: operation canMakePayment(): FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface object name: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: attribute validationURL: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: new MerchantValidationEvent("merchantvalidation") must inherit property "complete(Promise<any>)" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: attribute country: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: attribute postalCode: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL PaymentResponse interface object length: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: calling updateWith(Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>) on new PaymentRequestUpdateEvent("paymentrequestupdate") with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: operation show(optional Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>): FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: operation complete(Promise<any>): FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: attribute city: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: operation retry(optional PaymentValidationErrors): FAIL PaymentResponse interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL PaymentAddress interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: attribute shippingType: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "show(optional Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>)" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: operation abort(): FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: operation updateWith(Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>): FAIL Stringification of new MerchantValidationEvent("merchantvalidation"): FAIL Stringification of paymentRequest: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent must be primary interface of new PaymentRequestUpdateEvent("paymentrequestupdate"): FAIL PaymentResponse interface object name: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: attribute requestId: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: calling complete(Promise<any>) on new MerchantValidationEvent("merchantvalidation") with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface object length: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: new PaymentMethodChangeEvent("paymentmethodchange") must inherit property "methodDetails" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: attribute shippingAddress: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface object length: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: attribute onpayerdetailchange: FAIL PaymentAddress interface object length: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: operation toJSON(): FAIL PaymentRequest interface object length: FAIL MerchantValidationEvent interface: new MerchantValidationEvent("merchantvalidation") must inherit property "validationURL" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: attribute methodName: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: attribute payerPhone: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: attribute onpaymentmethodchange: FAIL PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL Stringification of new PaymentRequestUpdateEvent("paymentrequestupdate"): FAIL PaymentResponse interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: operation complete(optional PaymentComplete): FAIL PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "canMakePayment()" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: new PaymentMethodChangeEvent("paymentmethodchange") must inherit property "updateWith(Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>)" with the proper type: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: calling show(optional Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>) on paymentRequest with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL PaymentRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL PaymentResponse interface: attribute details: FAIL PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL /html/dom/idlharness.worker.html CanvasGradient interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL Path2D interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL CanvasGradient interface: operation addColorStop(double, DOMString): FAIL Path2D interface: operation moveTo(unrestricted double, unrestricted double): FAIL CanvasPattern interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL Path2D interface object name: FAIL Path2D interface object length: FAIL CanvasGradient interface object length: FAIL Path2D interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL Path2D interface: operation quadraticCurveTo(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double): FAIL CanvasPattern interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL Path2D interface: operation rect(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double): FAIL CanvasPattern interface object name: FAIL CanvasGradient interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL CanvasGradient interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL Path2D interface: operation lineTo(unrestricted double, unrestricted double): FAIL CanvasPattern interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL Path2D interface: operation arc(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, optional boolean): FAIL Path2D interface: operation closePath(): FAIL Path2D interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL CanvasPattern interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL CanvasPattern interface: operation setTransform(optional DOMMatrix2DInit): FAIL Path2D interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL CanvasGradient interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL Path2D interface: operation ellipse(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, optional boolean): FAIL Path2D interface: operation arcTo(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double): FAIL Path2D interface: operation bezierCurveTo(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double): FAIL Path2D interface: operation addPath(Path2D, optional DOMMatrix2DInit): FAIL CanvasPattern interface object length: FAIL CanvasGradient interface object name: FAIL /html/dom/idlharness.https.html?include=HTML.* HTMLInputElement interface: attribute dirName: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: attribute playsInline: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("range") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("audio") must inherit property "audioTracks" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("audio") must inherit property "videoTracks" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("url") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("reset") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLTextAreaElement interface: attribute dirName: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("time") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "translate" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("number") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLMediaElement interface: new Audio() must inherit property "audioTracks" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("submit") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("file") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("text") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("month") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("search") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLElement interface: attribute enterKeyHint: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("checkbox") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("color") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("hidden") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("week") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLVideoElement interface: document.createElement("video") must inherit property "playsInline" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("date") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("datetime-local") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("tel") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("password") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: document.createElement("input") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLMediaElement interface: new Audio() must inherit property "videoTracks" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLMediaElement interface: attribute videoTracks: FAIL HTMLElement interface: attribute translate: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("image") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLMediaElement interface: attribute audioTracks: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("email") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("radio") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLTextAreaElement interface: document.createElement("textarea") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("button") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("video") must inherit property "audioTracks" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("video") must inherit property "videoTracks" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "enterKeyHint" with the proper type: FAIL /clipboard-apis/async-idlharness.https.html Clipboard interface: operation readText(): FAIL Clipboard interface: navigator.clipboard must inherit property "readText()" with the proper type: FAIL Clipboard interface: navigator.clipboard must inherit property "read()" with the proper type: FAIL ClipboardItem interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL Clipboard interface: calling write(ClipboardItems) on navigator.clipboard with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL ClipboardItem interface: operation getType(DOMString): FAIL ClipboardItem interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL ClipboardItem interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL Clipboard interface: navigator.clipboard must inherit property "write(ClipboardItems)" with the proper type: FAIL ClipboardItem interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL ClipboardItem interface object length: FAIL Clipboard interface: operation write(ClipboardItems): FAIL Clipboard interface: operation read(): FAIL ClipboardItem interface: attribute types: FAIL ClipboardItem interface object name: FAIL /media-playback-quality/idlharness.window.html VideoPlaybackQuality interface: videoPlaybackQuality must inherit property "corruptedVideoFrames" with the proper type: FAIL /WebCryptoAPI/idlharness.https.any.worker.html CryptoKey interface: attribute usages: FAIL CryptoKey interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL CryptoKey interface object length: FAIL CryptoKey interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL CryptoKey interface: attribute algorithm: FAIL CryptoKey interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL CryptoKey interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL CryptoKey interface: attribute extractable: FAIL CryptoKey interface object name: FAIL CryptoKey interface: attribute type: FAIL /svg/idlharness.window.html SVGSVGElement interface: calling getEnclosureList(DOMRectReadOnly, SVGElement?) on objects.svg with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: operation getEnclosureList(DOMRectReadOnly, SVGElement?): FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "checkIntersection(SVGElement, DOMRectReadOnly)" with the proper type: FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: operation getIntersectionList(DOMRectReadOnly, SVGElement?): FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: calling getIntersectionList(DOMRectReadOnly, SVGElement?) on objects.svg with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: operation checkIntersection(SVGElement, DOMRectReadOnly): FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "checkEnclosure(SVGElement, DOMRectReadOnly)" with the proper type: FAIL SVGUnitTypes interface: constant SVG_UNIT_TYPE_USERSPACEONUSE on interface prototype object: FAIL SVGUnitTypes interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "getEnclosureList(DOMRectReadOnly, SVGElement?)" with the proper type: FAIL SVGUnitTypes interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL SVGUnitTypes interface: constant SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX on interface prototype object: FAIL SVGUnitTypes interface: constant SVG_UNIT_TYPE_UNKNOWN on interface prototype object: FAIL SVGUnitTypes interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: operation checkEnclosure(SVGElement, DOMRectReadOnly): FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: calling checkIntersection(SVGElement, DOMRectReadOnly) on objects.svg with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "getIntersectionList(DOMRectReadOnly, SVGElement?)" with the proper type: FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: calling checkEnclosure(SVGElement, DOMRectReadOnly) on objects.svg with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL /media-source/idlharness.window.html MediaSource interface: attribute onsourceclose: FAIL SourceBuffer interface: attribute videoTracks: FAIL SourceBuffer interface: attribute audioTracks: FAIL VideoTrack interface: attribute sourceBuffer: FAIL MediaSource interface: mediaSource must inherit property "onsourceclose" with the proper type: FAIL AudioTrack interface: attribute sourceBuffer: FAIL /css/cssom-view/idlharness.html Screen interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL linked bug:Bug 1634112 Screen interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL linked bug:Bug 1634112 /web-share/idlharness.https.window.html Navigator interface: operation share(optional ShareData): FAIL [`Gecko-windows10-64-debug`, `Gecko-windows10-64-opt`, `Gecko-windows10-64-qr-debug`, `Gecko-windows10-64-qr-opt`, `Gecko-windows7-32-debug`, `Gecko-windows7-32-opt`, `GitHub`], PASS [`Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-debug-geckoview`, `Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-opt-geckoview`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-asan-opt`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-debug`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-opt`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt`] Navigator interface: navigator must inherit property "share(optional ShareData)" with the proper type: FAIL [`Gecko-windows10-64-debug`, `Gecko-windows10-64-opt`, `Gecko-windows10-64-qr-debug`, `Gecko-windows10-64-qr-opt`, `Gecko-windows7-32-debug`, `Gecko-windows7-32-opt`, `GitHub`], PASS [`Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-debug-geckoview`, `Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-opt-geckoview`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-asan-opt`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-debug`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-opt`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt`] Navigator interface: calling share(optional ShareData) on navigator with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL [`Gecko-windows10-64-debug`, `Gecko-windows10-64-opt`, `Gecko-windows10-64-qr-debug`, `Gecko-windows10-64-qr-opt`, `Gecko-windows7-32-debug`, `Gecko-windows7-32-opt`, `GitHub`], PASS [`Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-debug-geckoview`, `Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-opt-geckoview`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-asan-opt`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-debug`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-opt`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug`, `Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt`] /remote-playback/idlharness.window.html HTMLMediaElement interface: attribute remote: FAIL RemotePlayback interface object length: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: calling cancelWatchAvailability(optional long) on media.remote with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: operation watchAvailability(RemotePlaybackAvailabilityCallback): FAIL RemotePlayback interface: media.remote must inherit property "state" with the proper type: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: attribute onconnecting: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: media.remote must inherit property "prompt()" with the proper type: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: operation cancelWatchAvailability(optional long): FAIL RemotePlayback interface: media.remote must inherit property "onconnect" with the proper type: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: calling watchAvailability(RemotePlaybackAvailabilityCallback) on media.remote with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: media.remote must inherit property "cancelWatchAvailability(optional long)" with the proper type: FAIL RemotePlayback interface object name: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: operation prompt(): FAIL Stringification of media.remote: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: attribute onconnect: FAIL RemotePlayback must be primary interface of media.remote: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: media.remote must inherit property "onconnecting" with the proper type: FAIL HTMLMediaElement interface: attribute disableRemotePlayback: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: media.remote must inherit property "ondisconnect" with the proper type: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: attribute state: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: media.remote must inherit property "watchAvailability(RemotePlaybackAvailabilityCallback)" with the proper type: FAIL RemotePlayback interface: attribute ondisconnect: FAIL (See attachment for full changes)
Test result changes from PR not available.
Pushed by [wpt PR 23150] - Update interfaces/html.idl, a=testonly [wpt PR 23150] - Update wpt metadata, a=testonly
Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla77
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