Open Bug 16359 Opened 25 years ago Updated 4 years ago

HTML composer autosave


(SeaMonkey :: Composer, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: BenB, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: helpwanted)

Save document in certain intervall to have something to recover to in case of crash or similar. Given how often Comm. 4.7 crashes, I consider this as important.
Priority: P3 → P2
Summary: Auto Save → [dogfood] Auto Save
yeah, me too. marking as dogfood, waiting for feature approval.
Whiteboard: [PDT-]
Sorry, not need for Dogfood. At least we can Save. Will be Release Noted. Putting on [PDT-] radar.
Blocks: 10770
Summary: [dogfood] Auto Save → (feature) [dogfood] Auto Save
Target Milestone: M15
changing this to a feature bug and tracking in 10770, also setting milestone to M15 -- post beta
*** Bug 21213 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Blocks: 21213
Putting dogfood in the keyword field.
Keywords: dogfood
Summary: (feature) [dogfood] Auto Save → (feature) Auto Save
to sfraser
Assignee: buster → sfraser
I talked to Bijal, we are going to push this off. We'd love to get help from anyone else who can make this work.
Keywords: helpwanted
Priority: P2 → P3
Target Milestone: M15 → M20
changing ownership to me, removing dogffod and whiteboard info
Assignee: sfraser → beppe
Keywords: dogfood
Whiteboard: [PDT-]
No longer blocks: 10770
Target Milestone: M20 → Future
reassigning to sfraser
Assignee: beppe → sfraser
If you don't mind, I'll take this one off sfraser's hands. I've already got half the code implemented, but I just haven't had the chance to assign to myself. It'll be done by the end of the week.
Assignee: sfraser → rcassin
I'm going to work with Ryan on this...
See also bug 19454.
Any progress on this? Have you still got that code and after 18 months does it still work in Mozilla?
removing myself from the cc list
Mozblog autosave post using window.setInterval(), so composer might want to use this?
That's what I was using in my autosave code. I have a foundation of autosave code, just never got around to fixing the C++ stuff to make it all work. Now that there are going to be some big C++ changes in the editor (I think?) I'll just hold off until later on this.
*** Bug 147261 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Blocks: 19454
No longer blocks: 21213
Summary: (feature) Auto Save → HTML composer autosave
Three and a half years after the initial feature request, here's another "me too". I just happened to lose more than an hour's work yet again and the crash wasn't even Mozilla's fault. The functionality is already there, "save as draft". All what's needed is a time trigger to go with it.
Flags: blocking1.6a?
I agree with comment #19. Not having autosave is simply not acceptable for any editor. It doesn't have to be time-based. Keystroke, event-based, anything along those lines would do. Still, basing this on timer is probably simplest, even if not the most elegant. The GUI for it and ability to tweak it can wait. Just put something in fast, so that people can recover their work. In my opinion any other features come secondary to this. This should not be viewed as a request for enhancement, not having autosave is a critical bug IMO.
Hi... an auto save feature would be very useful in Composer. I occasionally have problems with Mozilla locking up ( not sure what causes it... seems to have something to do with removing PCMCIA adaptor ), and I'm really bummed out when I lose what I'm working on. I'm not a "frequent saver" as I've grown accustomed to emacs autosaving every femtosecond. Also, auto save on email composition would be nice, too.
Hi... just lost a lot of work *again* in composer because it crashed and doesn't have an auto save feature. Please implement!
(In reply to comment #22) > Hi... just lost a lot of work *again* in composer because it crashed and doesn't > have an auto save feature. Please implement! Here's another vote for autosave. Even the "stable" versions of Mozilla, at least on Mac OS, regularly spontaneously abort for no apparent reason, sometimes when I'm nearing the end of a lengthy piece of email. This is intolerable!! "Just hit Save occasionally" is not an acceptable answer. Sure, I try to remember do that. But sometimes I forget -- like when I'm in the midst of composing an unusually long and involved email that requires a lot of concentration. Somebody said it earlier: an editor without an autosave feature is simply not acceptable.
*** Bug 252799 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***, is there any reason why you've added the word "HTML" to the summary? Judging from comment 0, the dupes and the component of this bug, it seems to be a bit misleading. Prog.
I would think not just HTML composer, but any field, in the browser and in mailnews, in which a user may enter a large amount of text, should be autosaved. See my almost-dupe bug 254955.
This bug is about the application "Composer", which creates web pages.
Component: Editor: Core → Editor: Composer
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
Need autosave for mail too. Typical problem is compose large email while surfing sites for references. Encounter site with java or some applet that makes mozilla freeze up or crash - then I lose my composed email. Happens to me all the time.
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9pre) Gecko/2008040601 SeaMonkey/2.0a1pre Mail/News SM auto-save works fine in the email client, but is still dysfunctional in the Composer.
Flags: blocking-seamonkey2.0a1?
auto save is non trivial and composer is basically unknowned. if you want this feature, you're going to have to write the patch. :)
Flags: blocking-seamonkey2.0a1? → blocking-seamonkey2.0a1-
Assignee: rcassin → nobody
Priority: P3 → --
QA Contact: sujay → composer
Target Milestone: Future → ---
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